Chapter One Hundred & Thirteen | Fourth World

Start from the beginning

So Hawk moved further into the hut and went over to his bed where he could rest his leg. It gave Finch the privacy to clamber to his feet and grab a dry piece of fabric which he wrapped around his waist. He hugged his arms at the lingering cool temperature and moved closer to the fire.

"The slave said you refused help."

"From a woman who woke me up by dragging me across the ground before throwing me in freezing cold water? Yes."

Hawk raised a brow, "I'll have her punished."

Finch suspected as much and reluctantly shook his head as he warmed up his hands. "There's no need. I was just surprised— I didn't realise I smelt that badly?"

On the stacked furs, Hawk chuckled as he examined his leg. Though he had been adamant he was strong enough to walk without the crutches, Finch had out-right refused to allow it. As it was recovering, there was going to be a lot of blood which would inevitably swell and galavanting around would not improve its condition.

"It's tradition to bathe the person taking part in the ceremony both the day before and on the day. Though it's supposed to be something done with a lot of thought and care. I suspect the slave was jealous."

"Then she can take my place," Finch grumbled.

Rolling his eyes, "Not about the offering. But because you receive special treatment." Hawk reminded him. He then gestured for the young man to join him, "Come here. I'll comb your hair."

"Is that part of the ritual?"

"Do I look like a person who goes around offering to comb people's hair?" Hawk wondered before sighing shortly afterwards, "Since I'm the one responsible for you, then I might as well take part in prepping you."

Finch handed him the comb and dropped down to the ground in front of the man. "What does combing my hair have to do with anything?"

After Finch turned around so his back was to the man, Hawk began to sort out the mess that was his hair. He divided the nest and pushed parts over Finch's bare shoulders. It made the younger man shiver as his body was still recovering from the shock of the water.

So before Hawk proceeded, he fetched a particular fur and laid it over the boy's shoulders. "For the same reason the Chief allowed you to keep your long hair. Only a few slaves are allowed to grow their hair out, aside from the women, because it's a sign of your position within our clan. Only those with access to regular bathing and have it attended to by slaves, can maintain nice hair. But you have come from a different clan, where your long hair is because of your position as your father's son. So not only is the token around your neck symbolic, but your hair as well."

"So my hair is going to be.. offered to the benevolent god?"

Hawk playfully tugged Finch's hair, making his head fall backwards so their eyes met. One feigned an innocent expression while the other squinted. "Are you playing dim?"

"No, master." Finch blinked quickly.

The master in question ignored the troublemaker slave and lightly pushed his head towards so he could continue combing. As the process continued for some time, Hawk got to feel Finch's soft hair as it gradually dried. "Naturally you need to look your best for the offering ceremony, but it is only your necklace that will be taken from you as a symbol of you leaving your old clan and joining our new one. It's after the ceremony when normally.."

"I lose my hair because I'm nothing but a slave?" Finch didn't sound emotional; neither angry nor sad. His tone was flat, and that's because that's exactly how he felt. Perhaps it was because Fahren had already accepted his position, and was in the process of planning different ways to escape certain fates. There was no point in changing the inevitable, in his mind, it was about manipulating the situation henceforth.

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