Start from the beginning

Kian: Dad come here! I think I found it!

Me and Zariah make our way to Kian to find him pick out a beautiful purple ring. 

Zariah: Woah Kian good job!

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Zariah: Woah Kian good job!

Zion: It's beautiful.

The ring was perfect. The more I looked at it the more it began to remind me of Y/N. Her beautiful smile, and the way her laugh was so contagious. Her gorgeous eyes and amazing body. And most of all her beautiful personality and how it was so forgiving. If Y/N didn't forgive me, I honestly don't know where I would be in life. Before I bought the ring I crouched down to be eye level with Kian and Zariah. I looked them at them both as I asked the question one last time to be sure.

Zion: Kian, Zariah. I'm going to ask for your permission. Is it okay for me to marry your mother, and officially become your father?

Kian and Zariah both looked at each other, then jumped into my arms. 

Zariah: Yes daddy! Please do!

Kian: Please! I want you to be my dad forever! No one else.

Zion: Thank you kids.

I hug them tighter.

Zion:  I love you guys

Kian: We love you dad!

I let go of them both and go to the cashier to buy the ring and go back home.

As I sat on the couch with my legs in the air, I stared at the clock. Taunting me with every tick that went by. I was bored out of my mind without the kids and Zion, so I just sat on the couch waiting for them to come back. I check my phone to see that Zion uploaded on instagram. I go to the app and find an adorable photo of Kian, Zariah and Zion all eating ice-cream in the car. I smiled at my cute little family as the door burst open.

Kian: MAMA!!

I get up with joy and run to pick up Kian. Zion was already coming in with Zariah by his side and came in to kiss me on the forehead. Zariah did the same and I kissed her back as she giggled. 

Zion: C'mon get dressed mama's. We're leaving at 6:30

Y/N: When are the boys coming over?

Zion: Oh don't worry about them. This will be a family date! They'll meet us at the beach.

Kian & Zariah: BEACH!?

Y/N: Beach?

Zion: Yep! The beach! So go get ready!

The two kids cheered as we all went upstairs to get ready.


As me and Zion sat on the picnic rug, we saw Kian and Zariah running around with their uncles on the sand. Austin and Brandon were having one on one volleyball as Nick was judging the sand castle competition going on between the kids and Edwin. With the sunset and ocean in the background the view was amazing. I couldn't think of anything better than lying here with Zion and my family. 

As the sun began to go to a nice gradient of orange to pink, Zion got up from the rug. 

Y/N: Where are you going?

I asked.

Zion: To the car. I need to get something.

Not having a second thought I sat there watching the sunset. Zion came back with nothing in his hands but began to play 'The Girl is Mine' by Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney. I smiled as I knew this song all too well. This was the song we danced to when Zion asked me to be his girlfriend. 

Zion: May I have this dance?

I smiled with consent and got up from the rug. We swayed back and forth as the others slowly began to join us. Zariah dancing with Nick, Kian and Edwin and Brandon and Austin. I giggled at the sight as Zion spun me around.

As I spun her around I got down on one knee before she turned around. When she finally turned around to face me she looked confused that she couldn't see me. As her eyes fell down her hands went straight to her mouth. The boys all turned to face us as they all began to cheer me on. Kian and Zariah ran to Y/N's side as I began my speech.

Zion: Y/N. I know we've had lots of ups and downs in our relationship. But being with you for these past 3 years has made it clear that you're the one for me. I'm not only asking to marry you, I'm asking for you to let us be an official family. I want you, Kian and Zariah to be mine. To be my family. So Y/N, will you marry me?

Zariah: Say yes Mama!

I was so overwhelmed all I could do was cry. I could barely make a sentence. As I finally found my voice I answered him.

Y/N: Yes Zion! A thousand times yes!

His face lit up as I grabbed his face and kissed him close. The boys came in with Zariah and Kian as we all shared a big family hug.

Well hello! 

I'm a lil bit late with this update but I've been working on a few things. I finish school tomorrow which means holidays!!!!

That also (hopefully) means more updates for this book and the announcement I'm going to make. 

So stay tuned for that! But anyways I'd just like to thank you all for waiting for this and for reading my imagines!

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~ M ;)

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