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It's been 4 months since I've been back to the warehouse. I'm not allowed to go there anymore. After the whole scandal I had with Edwin, I wasn't allowed to go back. I haven't seen Edwin in a while. I mean yeah I see him around school, but that's not the same thing as talking to him, touching him, holding him. As I walk into school doing the same routine as usual I open my locker to see a slip of paper fall out. It read:

Meet me in the music rooms at lunch
Ed x

My eyes bulged as I saw the name written. Tears almost fell out as the bell rang for first period. For the rest of the day all I could think about was seeing him again. Being able to hold him and tell him how much I missed him. The bell rang for class and I basically ran out of the classroom. As I made my way into the silent classroom I stand around waiting for Edwin. Anticipation building as I stare at all the instruments when all of a sudden a voice enters my ears.

Edwin: Hey boo

I turn around shocked as I practically run into the poor kid. I wrap my arms around his neck as I pull him as close to me as possible. Tears already falling as I engulf his scent into my nose. I couldn't help it. 

Edwin: Hey, hey. Mi amor calm down.

My crying became normal as my breath became steady.

Y/N: I- I'm sorry. I'm j-just so emotional.

Edwin: I know. It's okay bub I'm here.

We sit down together at the piano as we begin to talk about everything that's happened in the past 4 months.

Y/N: Edwin are you still there...you know...at the warehouse?

He sighs in despair

Edwin: Yeah...

There was an awkward silence before I turn to face Edwin. I see him already staring back at me. He gently brings his hand up to cup my cheek as I lightly lean my head into it.

Y/N: I missed you. Like a lot.

Edwin: Same Y/N. Same.

Y/N: No Edwin...I missed you a lot...and not in a friend way...

Edwin looks at me in confusion as I take his hands into mine. If I'm telling the truth, me and Edwin were always more than friends. We would flirt and go on "missions" but those were really dates for us. He always checked up on me at school and we were never separated....until about what happened 4 months ago. 

Since then my feelings for Edwin have grown stronger and stronger. Being away from him made everyday hell. Not being able to say hello to him. Or being able to say flirty things  to him, I couldn't even touch him. My eyes gravitate upwards towards his as I begin to confess.

Y/N: Edwin. I like you...like. A lot. And being away from you for so long...it kinda just made those feelings for you clearer to me. I don't want to lose you again...

A smile is grazed upon his face when I finally tell him how I feel. HIs hand goes back to my cheek and brings my face closer to his. 

Edwin: I like you too Y/N...like...a lot. 

As we begin to move closer the space between us becomes smaller. Just as his lips were about to graze mine, the bell for the end of lunch rings. I get up to collect my bag but Edwin grabs my hand. 

Edwin: C'mon just a few more minutes....please?

Y/N: Bub I'd love to, but I have drama rehearsals. 

I pick up my bag and make my way back over to him. 

Y/N: I'll see you around babe.

I give a kiss on his cheek, then a kiss to his forehead. As I walk away his hand is still in mine until I'm finally too far for his hand to hold on. I run to the door and turn around to him still smiling as I leave the room.


As I sit in my room doing my homework my dad walks into my room.

Dad: Hey Princess I'm going to the warehouse for the weekend. Trey will come and check up on you while I'm out okay.

Y/N: Okay Dad.

I get up off my bed and go over to give him a hug. 

Dad: Ight ima head out. Stay safe baby. I love you.

Y/N: Bye. I love you too.

I sit back onto my bed and finish my homework. As I'm just finishing up I hear rustling and noises going on outside, as I make my way slowly to my closest, I grab out the gun I had stashed away. As I make my way closer to my window it rises and I freak out.



Well....hello there Wattpad readers.

Yes, I did take a writers block. And yes this part 3 is pretty shit but it's fine I'm working on it. 


How is everyone? How's the family? How's your dog? How's that bitch in class? Is she still annoying? Idk! But I'd just like to take this Author's Note to really express how I'm feeling and how my life is going. 

Before I uploaded this I took a BIG writers block. I didn't mean too but, I just felt like my content was kind of getting old and that people didn't really like it. I also felt a little bit burnt out because I didn't want my imagines to sound cliché. I always try to write imagines that are different to others, but recently no good ideas had been hitting me. 

There were ideas I had but I thought that people wouldn't like it. For example, I was going to put the boys into movie scenarios but I thought that people wouldn't enjoy it as much as real situations. 

I did miss it though. Writing and creating imagines about these boys. When I started writing again it made me realise how fun it really was. But it does take time to come up with good content and not something that people have already read. 

I would like to thank every person that reads, votes and comments on my content. I am so grateful for the growth of my book. I couldn't be happier and I'm so appreciative to all of you. My book wouldn't be where it is without all of you. It's crazy to think that my book literally has over 60K reads and 1K votes. 

I am going to be taking a writers block on this book when I hit 50 imagines, but that's only because I have been working on something else exciting, which I will announce soon. 


I love you all very much. Thank you to those who stayed and read that whole thing. (I'm sorry it took so long) Stay happy xx

Request. Vote. Comment. 
~ M :)

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