EPILOGUE: Three Months Later.....

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It took almost two whole weeks for Maverick to heal from the bullet wound. He now has a pretty nice scar from it although every time I look at it, I feel a bit guilty because it was my sister that shot him.

Speaking of my sister, she was charged with attempted murder and was sent to prison after I testified along with Maverick as well as Uncle Roy. She was convicted and at least now I will no longer have to worry about her.

After a couple of days in the hospital, we had told Leon and Nolene about everything that had happened. Surprisingly, they believed us and were upset a little in the beginning because we didn't tell them beforehand but overall, it all ended as it should have I guess.

We have gone back to school and as worried I was about going back and them still accepting us, we know that without the help of his Uncle Roy using the good reputation he has with the Dean and other faculty members, it helped a lot in allowing us back in and using our absence as a medical emergency.

I never planned to have Maverick go back to school but we all finally convinced him to not do it for anyone else but himself and that's when he admitted that he really dis enjoy going to a school and was wanting to go back anyways.

Something that I have also noticed happening was both him and his Uncle Roy were talking again and not arguing like they used to. They seemed to have been able to talk things out and from what it looks like, seem to be starting anew.

Tonight, Uncle Roy is having Maverick and I over for dinner at his house as he wants to introduce us to his girlfriend.

Maverick and I got a place of our own, well sort of. Actually Nolene and Leon are living with us too but, they are great roommates and we all have a great and fun time together, that it isn't a big deal. Plus it helps with the rent.

When we arrived at Uncle Roy's house and after introducing us to his new girlfriend, we ate a meal that she I guess cooked herself and I must say that she is a great cook.

We talked, laughed and all got to know one another and during halfway through the dinner, while his girlfriend was talking, I caught Maverick smiling at me a few times and taking hold of my hand.

I don't know why but it seemed like when I looked in his in that moment, I felt something I had never felt before. I can't really explain it but whatever it is, it sure does feel amazing.

After we finished up with dinner and while on our way back to our place, I couldn't stop looking up at the stars through the window.

"That was a great dinner." I commented.

"Yeah it was. She seemed cool." He shrugs.

"She did. She's definitely a great cook too." I tell him.

"Yeah. I can see why my Uncle Roy is getting fat." He laughs.

"Oh you can huh?" I asked while pretending that what he just said upset me a little when it really didn't.

"Yeah." He laughs again.

"Well he should right? Get a little belly? Plus, isn't that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach?" I asked trying to purposely sound cliche.

"Well, yeah but mainly a way to his heart is through his pants." He smiles and winks at me.

I playfully slug his arm while he holds it while the other hand is still on the steering wheel and he pretends it hurt him.

"Ow, damn!" He states.

"I might have been cliche but you didn't have to really ruin the moment by being such a pervert." I tell him.

"Oh you like it when I talk like that baby, admit it." He exclaims.

"I'm not admitting anything." I cross my arms over my chest and begin to ignore for the rest of the ten minute drive back to our place.

I could tell he was starting to feel bad and yet at the same time I couldn't help but feel like he should get a taste of his own medicine.

After arriving, we got out and made our way towards the elevator then as we started going up to our floor, I continued to wait and see what he did then I notice him stop the elevator and hold himself against the wall behind me in the elevator as he leaned in closer to me.

"Come on, you can't be mad at me forever." He says.

"I can do whatever I want....pervert." I smiled after saying that.

He groaned a little and then started smashing his lips onto mine making it hard to resist him any longer as I kiss him back and hold his face then grip onto the back of his neck making him go crazier.

I start to feel the bulge in his pants touch my inner thigh then feel his hand slip up my dress and into my panties where he immediately begins to rub my clit and finger me.

I gasped and moaned in pure pleasure as his touch always has the same effect of me.

Next I begin rubbing his bulge before I feel him tear off my panties as I unzip and unbuckle his pants, having him pull out his cock before I feel him start to thrust deep and hard inside of me.

He brings one of my legs up to his side to start going in deeper and deeper. Every thrust deeper and harder than the last.

I was gripping tightly onto the little bar they have in the elevator to help people hold onto.

Eventually we both came at around the same time and looked into each others eyes then picked up my panties before he let the elevator go again and I have to say I was surprised that really happened because that doesn't in reality just in the movies.

Before I fell asleep, as I laid in bed looking out the window at the beautiful stars, I thought to myself everything I personally have been through and what Maverick and I together have been through. I once heard that life was like an ocean.

I guess that in a way, it is a lot like waves in the ocean. We can choose to let the waves come crashing down upon us, fighting against it and allow it to keep us under the water or we can choose to ride it out. But if we do go under, don't let it take you. Fight your way back up above to the surface. We are all worth the fight.

Maverick and I have been through our waves and know there will always be more. For now though, the water is calm and we can just enjoy our moments and be sure to ride the next wave that comes to us.

                               The End

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