CHAPTER 27: Not Without You

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I screamed the moment after one of Sol's men knocked out Maverick in the back of the head with a blunt object.

I was terrified. I didn't know what was going to happen next and wasn't sure if we were going to be tortured or if we were going to be killed.

Next I saw the man that knocked Maverick out, pick him up and throw him over his shoulder effortlessly and started walking out with him on his shoulder.

"What is the matter with you people?! He is your nephew." I cry a little.

"Not when it comes to business. He was given a job that he refused. He has a debt to pay pack to me." Sol says before looking up after hearing the door open and in walks Uncle Roy.

"You son-of-a-bitch!" He yells at Sol.

"Nice for you to join us brother." Sol grins in an evil way.

"Where's Maverick?!" Roy demands.

"You'll see him soon. He's just taking a little....nap." He grins.

Roy looks at me and has an apologetic look in his eyes then scoels back at Sol.

"They have nothing to do with this. Let them go and you and I can settle this." Roy begins.

"I don't think so. You see this debt needs to be paid. You can't keep protecting him. How else will he learn?" Sol says the last part mockingly.

Roy continues to struggle and is forced to sit down next to me in the chair where Maverick was sitting moments ago.

"You and I both know this has nothing to do with Maverick. Our brother may be his father but he is nothing like our brother was." Roy tells him.

"That's where you're wrong. Besides, we both know he wouldn't have ever needed to come to me if it weren't for you turning your back on him. I mean, what kind of Uncle would do that to his own family?" Sol proclaims.

"I didn't turn my back on them. And for the record, Maverick was desperate and naive at sixteen. He did what he felt he had to. Then YOU were the one that took advantage of him. So don't you dare sit there spitting out lies and acting like you are any better. At least I didn't offer him a life that was filled with deceit and corruption." Roy fires back.

They both have a glaring contest with one another before Sol replies.

"Maybe you don't know him like you think." He tells him before looking back at me. "As for you. Your boyfriend seems to care a lot about you."

"So? You gonna use that against him or something?" I asked annoyed.

He smiles at me.

"Something like that." He smirks at me then suddenly we hear a bunch of shouting and guns firing from out in the hallway and other places of the house.

I try and duck while looking for something to hide behind as I see Roy get up and punch the guy that was forcing him to remain in the chair then quickly grabs the gun and begins shooting at the guys in the room while my sister is screaming her dumb head off and crouching down covering her head as Sol begins trying to shoot at Roy.

Next I see the door being kicked in and there running and shooting is a bloodied and beatened up Maverick that is trying to duck and cover himself.

He see's me and jumps over the couch then lands beside me.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yes." I nod my head vigorously fearful as to what's happening.

"I'm so sorry. But I promise, I will get you out." He tells me.

"I trust you." I tell him.

He leans in and smashes his lips onto mine.

"I'm gonna get you out of here." He tells me.

"Okay." I nod.

He grabs my hand and we get up then start running as quickly as we can towards the exit through the front door of the house while I try ignoring the dead bodies laying around that he had shot. Damn he's good with a gun.

We aren't able to make it to the front door because there are more of Sol's men running in and towards the office.

Maverick then pulls me into a room and locks the door real fast.

"Fuck!" He yells in frustration.

"What are we going to do?" I ask.

He shakes his head as if he doesn't know but then stops and looks at me then the door.

"Alright, listen to me Evie. I am gonna distract those guys out there and help my Uncle Roy. I want you to get the hell out of here and to call the police." He says.

"No, I'm not leaving you here." I cry.

"Damnit Evie! Please just do as I ask." He pleads.

"No!" I cry at him. "I'm not gonna leave you here so you can die. I won't." I tell him.

He looks at me with tears in his eyes as he walks up to me and moves our foreheads together.

"I can't let anything happen to you Evie. Please, just do this." He asks.

I take hold of his face.

"I am not leaving without you. I don't want anything to happen to you neither. And this isn't your fight. Please come with me." I cry.

We stand there for a moment and then the door busts opened and before either of us could react, a gun went off.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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