CHAPTER 13: Tell Me What?

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When I woke up the next morning, I realized I was alone in bed, nude underneath the sheets. Why did he leave? I can't believe he left.

I take a look down at my phone and no text or missed call. I thought the rumors weren't true and that at least he wouldn't treat me like the others. Guess I was wrong.....

I suddenly hear the door open thinking it might be Nolene, I tried rubbing my eyes to wake up some more and stop the tears I felt forming in my eyes.

When I looked up and saw who came walking in, I didn't know what to think.

"Good morning beautiful." Maverick smiled with some coffee and bagels before walking over and sitting down.

"Morning." I smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear.

He leans in and kisses me on the lips before looking me up and down.

"I need to catch up I see." He smiles and gives me another kiss before removing all of his clothes and getting into bed underneath the sheets with me.

We begin eating some breakfast and he feeds me a bite of his food as I do with mine to him and then we lay down and for almost an hour just cuddling and looking into each other's eyes.

Next thing I know, he's kissing his way all the way down and places his head between my legs as he starts eating me out. Flicking his tongue up and down on my sweet bud then inserting a couple of fingers deep inside of me sliding them in and out while continuing to play with my clit until finally I come.

When he's finished, he climbs slowly back on top of me as he kisses his way back to my mouth.

"That was amazing." I tell him.

"So are you." He smiles.

We start kissing each other again and then decide to finally get up to take a shower and get ready for the rest of the day.

Once we finished getting ready, we stopped by his house first before we did anything so that he could grab a fresh pair of clothes. When we pulled up into the driveway, he asked me to stay in the car. 

"Why? I'd like to meet your family." I say. 

"Just....Not today, alright?" He says. 

"Okay. I'm sorry." I replied. 

I try to hide how hurt that made me feel. Does he think his family won't accept me or something? Is he too embarrassed? Damnit, there I go again, assuming when I shouldn't. I need to respect his privacy and understand that he has his reasons that are none of my business and that when he's ready to he will. 

So I ask to keep the keys so I can listen to music which he chuckles a little and turns on the station. 

"I'll be right back." He tells me and kisses me. 

"Okay." I smile back at him. 

He then gets out and I watch as he goes inside, well, more like check him out as I can't stop myself from checking out his butt. But then I turn on the radio and find a GreenDay song I haven't listened to in a long time. 

Moments later, I try and find another station and look out the corner of my eye and jump from being startled after seeing Maverick standing there smiling. 

I then roll down the window feeling embarrassed and wondering how long he has been standing there. 

"You are so cute." He tells me. 

"Thanks." I laugh to myself. 

"Come on. There's someone that wants to meet you and that I would like you to meet also." He tells me while opening the door for me and holds out his hand. 

I take his hand and grab his keys then we start walking holding one another's hands towards the house. As soon as we step inside, we turn to the right and walk into the living room where I right away notice a girl that looks to be around my same age, pale skin with thin face along with wearing what I could see was a wig. 

"This must be the girl." The girl says. 

"Yeah." Maverick replies and has us walk a few steps closer. "This is my girlfriend, Evie. Evie, this is my baby sister, Diana." He introduces us. 

I look at her and smile as I feel good and happy that he not only introduced me as his girlfriend but also that she is his sister and has let me meet her. 

"It's very nice to meet you." I tell her as walk up closer to her and shake her hand. 

"You as well." She smiles. You're very beautiful." She comments to me while continuing to shake my hand. 

"Thank you. So are you." I tell her. 

She smiles a 'thank you' before both Maverick and I go and sit down near her on the couch. 

"So Evie, my brother tells me this is your first year at the university." She says. 

"Yeah. I started late but, so far it isn't too bad." I tell her. 

"Well, you just let me know if our uncle gives you any trouble." She smiles. 

"I will." I replied. "So, do you go to school?" I ask trying to keep the conversation going so there's no room for any awkward silent moments. 

"You didn't tell her?" She asks looking at Maverick. 

Maverick looks down at his folded hands and shakes his head 'no'. What did he tell me?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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