CHAPTER 7: A Night To Remember

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I was relieved when I saw Maverick step in and help me get rid of this one guy that wouldn't stop touching me when I tried pushing him away and telling him to stop.

Then the fact that he stood up for me and punched that guy really hard before grabbing my hand and having us leave, I can't believe that just happened and even more surprising is the fact it was over defending me.

Right when me and Maverick left, I made sure we messaged Nolene and Leon that we would meet them back at the hotel. 

I wasn't drunk, just a little buzzed but not too much since I had only that ONE drink. 

I never had a guy stand up for me at all, let alone, a few times like Maverick has. I'm glad he helped me out. 

We got ourselves a cab to take us back to the hotel and he seemed upset. Was it with me or the guy? So that made the silicone in cab awkward. 

Once we got into the hotel suite I couldn't stand it anymore. 

"I appreciate what you did for me back there. Thank you." I began. "Did I upset you in any way, I'm sorry." 

He turns around and looks at me confused. 

"I'm not upset with you." He tells me. 

"You sure? Because if you were quiet the whole time in the cab ride over here." I tell him. 

"I'm sorry. I'm upset but, not with you." He tries to reassure me. "I'm upset with the guy but am even more upset with myself. I shouldn't have hit him." He starts. 

"But you did in self-defense. As far as I'm concerned that's nothing to be upset about." I try and tell him. 

We stand there for a moment more starting to feel a little awkward all of a sudden until he says something. 

"Want to order some room service?" He asks trying to break that awkward silence as he scratches the back of my neck. 

"Sure." I smile at him. 

I go to get into my PJ's first and and then when I head back out towards the couch, I notice him looking at the menu and I'm not sure in why or what it is about right now in this moment, but suddenly I get this rush of courage and when I go and sit down next to him, he hands me the menu to read and the next thing I know, we're looking into each other's eyes before I touch the side of his face with my hand and lean in to kiss him. 

Deep down I was nervous and wasn't sure in where the hell this courage came from but what made everything else go away such as any doubts or fear of him rejecting me was when he started kissing me back, sliding his tongue between my lips as he placed his hand on the side of my face. 

As the kiss became more lustful, I felt him lay me back onto the couch still kissing me and starts kissing to crook of my neck making me moan as I began feeling one of his hands move up my shirt and starts caressing one of my breasts. (Glad I already took my bra off).

He next takes a moment to look at me and smiles. 

"Is this okay?" He asks me. 

"Yes." I agree with a nod. 

"Tell me if you want me to stop." He tells me before smashing his lips onto mine again. 

"Okay." I reply against his lips. 

I'm never gonna tell him to stop though. His hands and lips feel so good. I next wrap both my legs around his waist as he starts moving his hand down my side, to my thigh and then slowly moves his hand in between my legs and as soon as I feel his finger at the rim of my pants, I start becoming more excited. 

He kisses my neck again as he begins sliding his fingers into my PJ bottoms and panties, then starts rubbing my sweet bud slowly at first making me moan. 

"Mmmm...." We both gently moan in each other's ears. 

Then I start to feel him slide two fingers inside of me and makes me gasp but moan in pleasure at the same time as I do with him after unbuttoning and unzipping his pants and begin stroking his cock. 

"Mmmmm....You're so tight." He says in my ear. 

"Mmhmm." I moan in reply. "And you feel really big." 

"Have you ever been with anyone else?" He asks. 

"Just one. But we didn't do it a lot." I tell him. 

He begins sliding his fingers in and out of my wet folds slowly at first until I begin lifting my hips and ask him to go faster as I stroke him a little faster.

He starts to thrust his fingers inside deep and fast for a while until he asks me to come and not too long after saying that, I do and squirt also as he comes at the same time all over my stomach. 

"Oh my god." I pant after coming down from the best orgasm I ever had. 

"Did that feel good baby?" He asks before kissing my lips. 

"Mmhmm." Did it feel good to you?" I asked after nodding. 

"Hell yes it did." He smiles while gently pushing back a few strands of my hair and tucking it behind my ear while we continue looking into each other's eyes. 

"So...." I started but he interrupted me. 

"Will you want to go out with me?" He asks. 

"Yes." I replied with a smile. 

He kissed me again and we ordered some room service, then he made a bed on the floor and we had some room service before falling asleep cuddling, not caring if Leon and or Nolene saw us. 

Which by the way, they didn't come home until really late because when we fall a sleep at around three and no one was back yet, but both texted saying they'd be late. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) Sorry guys I didn't post yesterday but I always make it up with you guys so I will be posting two chapters for each story tonight. :):) Love you guys! :) 

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