CHAPTER 18: I Am So Lucky

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After I explained everything to her, everything went quiet. I didn't know what she was thinking or anything and honestly, that scares me the most. 

"Okay." Was the first thing she says to break the silence. 

"Okay what?" I asked while preparing myself for the bad news. 

"If that's all then it's not really all that bad. I mean, it could be worse. You could be the leader of your own gang or even enjoy doing what you're doing. But your situation is different." She tells me. 

"So what does it mean for us?" I asked while looking out at the water. 

"I don't know about you but I still want us to be together. We all have family that are fucked up. Though yours is more screwed up than some." She says and I start to laugh a little bit. 

"There's that smile." She smiles at me. 

I look at her and she is too much. She could be running right now, turning me and or my uncle in, but she's not. 

"I love you so much." I tell her. 

"I love you too." She smiles. 

We lean in and give each other a kiss then sit there for a few moments longer.

"I am so lucky to have you." I tell her.

"And I'm lucky to have you as well." She tells me.

"Thank you for being understanding and not wanting to leave me."

"Like I said, it could be worse." She shrugs.

"Yeah but, you're the only person I have ever told." I tell her.

"You haven't told your sister even?" She asks.

"No. And I don't want to tell her either or anyone else really." I tell her.

"Well I can promise that I won't tell anyone." She smiles.

"I know." I tell her.

"But I was serious before in how you really need to start telling me the truth and not hide anything from me. If this has taught you anything I would hope that it was you trusting me." She says.

"It has." I smile at her.

"Good." She says and she cuddles with me and sitting between my legs with my arms around her as we watch the beautiful sunset that's the best part of this place.

I was glad I told her everything and that she didn't freak out or judge me in any way.

As it began getting dark, we started heading back to my place and when we came to the house, I noticed my sister wasn't awake and that all the lights were out.

So we headed up to the bedroom where we made love and laid there looking in each others eyes until we fall asleep.

Tonight was a big step in our relationship and I am so lucky and happy to have her in my life and never thought I'd ever find somebody like her and she has made me believe in love again.

I've been thinking a lot about telling my sister and Leon about what all is going on. I'm sure they would understand.....right?

Next chapter will be soon! :)

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