CHAPTER 2: Made My Day

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I hate my uncle. He is such a dick and I hate seeing him take out how unhappy he is on others. So I defended the poor girl. We never have gotten along since my father left and he has been trying to take his place ever since. But, I made a promise to my mom before she died that I would go to school and then make sure my sister was taken care of. Thank god it's my last year.

My mom died when I was fourteen from cancer and then now my sister has breast cancer and has been going through radiation and treatment but we both know it isn't working, so recently, she has decided to spend what moments she has left at home.

She is like my best friend and to lose her would mean I would lose my best friend, my sister and practically my world.

My father left when I was nine with nothing.

I had gotten a job at the age of sixteen to make my own money right after I realized we were running low due to my mother's life insurance running out and since we mostly spent the money on my sister's treatment, we needed more. We were staying in a spare house that my uncle owned and wasn't too far from campus where he teaches as a professor. Yes, he's the one that was a dick to that girl earlier. He's a dick to everyone though.

I don't regret spending most of my time helping take care of my sister when I'm not at school or my job and have a Hospice nurse helping take care of her also when I'm not there. We moved out from my uncle's place a few years back and am so glad we did because I don't have to deal with him outside of school.

My sister is a couple years younger than me and was diagnosed with cancer a few years back and after doing all the treatment we could and no results that show she will live, she has decided to spend her last moments alive at home. She has put up one hell of a fight the entire time though and I don't blame her for wanting stop when there's nothing left to do that will help her.

I try to keep my mind off of it with school, work and hanging out with friends, but I barely hang out as much as I used to since this is her final year to live and can go any day now.

Thank god I have my best friend Leon and Friday happens to be his birthday, so I was going to see what he wanted to do by making my way to his work before I started the graveyard shift at the warehouse I worked at.

When I walked inside, I saw him standing behind one of the tables talking to someone who had to have been new because I haven't seen them here before. Then again, I haven't been in here a few weeks.

"Well if it isn't my best friend, Maverick!" Leon greeted me with a bro hug.

"Yeah, thought I'd stop by and say hi." I replied then looked over at the girl he was talking with and I didn't recognize her until I saw her look up at me.

"I'm glad you came, I want you to meet somebody. She just began working here a few days ago. Her name is Evie. He introduces us. "Evie this is my best friend, Maverick."

"Nice to meet you." I nod a 'what's up' at her as I shake her hand.

"You too." She smiles at me. "You were the one who defended me in class earlier, right?" She asks.

"Yeah. It was no big deal. He's an asshole." I shrugged.

"Hold up. THIS is the hottie who defended you earlier?" Leon asks while looking at her.

Yet, I'm flattered she called me hot. I mean, I get hit on a lot but having it come from her seemed different. In a good way. I noticed her start blushing and looked like she was embarrassed.

"I'm gonna go die now." She says while glaring at Leon and walks away.

"You're a bitch sometimes." I tell him.

"I know. But I didn't think it would have embarrassed her." He says.

"Anyways, I stopped by because I was wanting to see what you wanted to do for your birthday coming up." I mention.

"Honestly, I would love to try out the new club up there by Boston. But then that would mean we'd have to leave early Friday and then return Sunday." He says.

"Oh...." I say feeling bad.

"But hey, you know what? I can always go there whenever. We should have a bonfire. You know how much I love those." He winks and smiles at me.

"Yeah but if you really want to go to that club then you should. It's your birthday." Besides we talked about this. Don't suffer or sacrifice anything because of me not wanting to leave my sister." I remind him.

"I know but she has a nurse taking care of her." He says.

"You know but she has a nurse taking care of her." He says.

"You know my reasons. Anyways, when you come back we'll get together." I tell him.

"Alright." He says.

I turn and start to leave pulling my hoodie closer to my face before heading out towards my work.

I don't blame him for being disappointed a bit because I know he understands but I also know that he wants to see my live my life at the same time. So does my sister but I just feel guilty. Why should I be having fun while my sister is sick and weak laying in a bed?!

Whatever, it is what it is. So right now, I get in my car and begin to drive off, although while driving I can't help but think about that girl, Evie and what she said about me. That actually has made my day.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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