Hey ppl I'm here to tell u y grade 7 sucks

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Why does grade 7 suck?


●it doesn't
●it doesn't
●it doesn't                                                |
●it doesn't                                                |
I'm sure you noticed the odd one out|

Yeah, just got them today ;w;

And with my luck you know what happened?

Well we had to get three neddles for me the 1st one was 2nd least painful, the 2nd was least painful, and the 3rd was the most painful

The woman doing it has counted down from three each time but right after the 2nd one was done i felt like i was gonna pass out so i was about to ask for a second before with ANY warning i felt a needle stab into my arm which caused me to jump (and almost yeet outta dat seat-) so yeah, pain- they all of a sudden looked rlly worried and one of them said i went "vErY pAlE-" so i was asked to sit down beside the chair so it was awkward- why? Because when eveyrone else was done, THEY HAD TO GO TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM they even asked me if i needed to lay down but i said no because i already star gazzed today >:((

The woman doing it has counted down from three each time but right after the 2nd one was done i felt like i was gonna pass out so i was about to ask for a second before with ANY warning i felt a needle stab into my arm which caused me to jump (and...

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(Totally me while waiting lol)

I actually just said no to laying down cuz i knew i'd be to lazy to get up afterwards._.

But i was bleeding after wards so-

That ruined grade 7 for me-

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