Here Comes the Grandmother

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    Xander was still skeptical. How could his grandmother do this? She was ruthless, sure, but not a tyrant.

   But as he stepped outside, his hands folded behind his back as Grandmother's driver opened her door, he could sense the Rogues, too. His Hunter instincts kicked in, and he rolled on the balls of his feet, sharpening his mind. Perhaps they were hovering nearby, hiding in the trees.

   "Alexander," she said, her face full of disapproval, "Why haven't you been returning my calls?"

   "I was... Preoccupied," he said vaguely. He straightened. "I know you have the kid."

   Her expression hardened. "Don't look at me like that," she snapped, waving her hand at him. "I did what I had to do."

   "You were the one who sent that Rogue to Bex's hotel room," he growled, unable to contain himself. "And you probably sent those other Rogues, too, before you realized she had left."

   She flicked her wrist in dismissal. "I don't expect you to understand, nor do I intend to explain myself." She raised an eyebrow. "I trust you've convinced her? Made her come to her senses?"

   "She'll go with you, but I can promise you it's not because of anything I said or did, try as I might," Xander retorted. "I trusted you," he said brokenly, his reserve falling. "You were the only one who hadn't betrayed me."

  He didn't get to hear her response because just then, Amelia stormed outside, her face a mask of fury. 

   "What is wrong with you?!" She shrieked. "How could you do this?" She stopped next to Xander, who could feel the anger rolling off her in waves. "I can't believe you tried to kill her!"

   His grandmother sighed as if she were bored. "Can we please take this inside? I'm terribly thirsty."

   Bex was sitting in one of the chairs, Seth and Adam on either side of her in a protective stance. Xander placed himself to the left of his grandmother, keeping a careful eye on her. Should she try anything, he'd be just within arm's reach to knock her unconscious. He didn't even care that she was an old woman, let alone his grandmother. Amelia stood across from him, covering the entrance. He didn't expect Victoria to try to bolt, but still. He hadn't expected a lot of things lately.

     "Alright," she said, folding her hands neatly in her lap, her posture perfect, "Where to start?"

    "How about with Witch Country?" Bex suggested sourly. "You sent me there for your own personal gain, didn't you?"

     Victoria smirked. "The Dark King's control over you has ceased, hasn't it?" she countered, her voice full of hate. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Seth shift uncomfortably at that.

    Victoria sighed. "It's true, I suppose. I sent you there so that you could fight alongside the Hunters. I needed you to be able to control yourself. I couldn't have a Rampage as my secret weapon if all it did was tear apart my own army."

     "And the attacks?" Adam demanded. "What about the hotel attacks?"

    "What about Jamie?" Bex pressed. 

    Victoria sneered. "I admit, the boy was a bit much. But how else was I going to convince you that the Dark King had risen and that he was coming?" She rolled her eyes. "And before you ask--yes, I sent another attack on your hotel room a few nights ago. When I received word that the hotel guests had slaughtered them all and I realized they hadn't found you, I knew that Xander had gone after you." She glowered at Bex. "As for the boy, he's fine. A bit bruised, but nothing permanent."

    "He was dead," Bex objected. "How do you have him if he was dead?"

    She looked surprised. "I found him in the city, wandering aimlessly, looking for you. He looked pretty alive to me."

    Bex turned to Xander, doubt flickering across her face.

    "He was dead," Xander said, trying to placate her. "I burned the body myself."

    Behind him, Seth scoffed. Xander spun around, glowering at him. "Got something to say, Blondie?"

    Seth smirked. "The Dark King is all-powerful, for those of you who obviously don't know that." He shook his head. "He probably saw how attached Bex was to the kid and brought it back as a gift."

    Bex snorted. "A gift? Really?"

    But Seth looked dead-serious. "Really. It wouldn't be the first time he's done something like this."

     Xander waved him off, wanting to move on to more pressing matters. "The Dark King hasn't even attacked yet," Xander said, looking pointedly at his grandmother. "Those were all you. So why would you need to take Bex back with you?"

     "It's only a matter of time," she answered quickly. "Why wait for him to attack? We need to prepare."

     Out of the corner of his eye, Xander saw Bex stiffen. "Then let's go."

     Xander threw her a withering look but kept his mouth shut. Victoria had her Jamie, and he knew there was nothing he could do to make her leave that stupid Rogue.

    Victoria gave a nod, as if she'd expected nothing less. "Alexander, you may ride with me in the car. As for the rest of you," she eyed the rest of the room with distaste, "You may find your own way, if you decide to join us."

     Xander would have refused the offer, if not for the fact that Bex would be in that car, too.

    Within the next half-hour, the car was loaded while Adam and Amelia stood on the sidewalk. They would take Xander's car, since Seth didn't have running capabilities. Victoria rolled down her window, tipping her sunglasses at her granddaughter. "It's so unfortunate, how the best children grow into the sorriest excuses for adults."

    Xander stiffened. But Amelia just flipped her hair over one shoulder and kept her expression neutral. "Is that what happened to you?"

    Victoria sneered and let the window roll slowly back up. She turned to me, a little bit of the ice in her eyes melting. "I'm beginning to understand why you choose to keep your distance from her," she said, sighing, "She truly is your mother's daughter."

    Xander's anger flared at that. How dare she insult both his sister and his mother in the same breath? "Careful," Xander murmured to her, suddenly aware of Bex's bared fangs next to him, "Don't want to piss off a little demon, do you?"

     Her eyes flickered to Bex, who gave a low, threatening hiss. But if she felt any sense of apprehension, she didn't show it.

     The ride was silent except for the low rumble of the car over the pavement. Victoria spent the whole of the hours with her hands folded neatly in her lap, staring sideways out the window. She never met either of their gazes.

     Bex fell asleep about two hours in, her head resting softly on his shoulder, her breathing low and even. Her long hair cascaded over her shoulder, the tips brushing the backs of his hands, which lay limp on his thighs. He remembered when falling asleep had been the most terrifying prospect she could imagine. He remembered what had happened the first time she'd done it in his house. 

     "I don't understand what you find so enchanting about this girl." His grandmother suddenly wrinkled her nose.

     "I don't expect you to," was all he said.

     She leaned forward, obviously not finished. "You would be wise to stay away from her. She's going to destroy you." When Xander looked up at her, he realized she wasn't just saying it--she had seen it.

     But, oddly enough, the idea didn't scare him. He ran a hand down Bex's arm as if to warm her. He didn't care if she'd break his heart into a million pieces. He didn't care if she sliced his throat open with those huge fangs of hers. He would still be hers: mind, body, and soul.

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