The Next Morning

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I woke the next morning with a pounding headache, which was expected. My wrists were swollen and raw, the stuffing from the mattress thrown across the room. I pulled myself up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I moved sluggishly as I picked up the stuffing and shoved it back into the mattress. The chains rattled as they dragged behind me. I picked up the key from behind the broken door, where I'd hidden it the night before. I knew my... Other side... wasn't smart enough to go looking for the key, but still. You could never be too careful.

I unlocked the chains, a little weight lifting off my chest as the metal fell to the floor. I sighed, closing my eyes.

I was me again. Bex. Isabella Sanchez.

I grabbed my jacket, threw it over my shoulders and headed out. I needed to grab breakfast, and it was best to go when stores were just opening. Less people.

As I stepped out into the sun, I stopped short.

It was the boy.

He looked surprised to see me. "Uh, hi," he said slowly, frowning. "I, uh, I didn't think anyone was here."

I crossed my arms, swallowing the uneasiness threatening to crawl up my throat. "Well I am. Can I help you?"

He studied me for a second. I resisted the urge to snarl. "No. No, no. That's okay. I was just... Just looking for someone."

"I thought you said you didn't think anyone was here," I challenged.

He glanced away, and I knew he was kicking himself inwardly. "Yeah, I didn't-- I wasn't expecting--" he bit his bottom lip, grimacing. "Nothing. Nevermind. Thanks."

He turned away, heading back the way he came. But just before he rounded the corner, he turned back. "Actually, I lied. I am looking for someone. They were here last night. Do you know who I'm talking about?" He peered at me, trying to communicate some sort of secret meaning.

Pretending not to understand, I raised an eyebrow. "I'm the only one who comes here, and I didn't see anyone last night. You sure you weren't high or something?"

"Yes," he said firmly, which surprised me. I figured he'd at least doubt himself. "I know what I saw."

I decided to play along. "Do you know their name?"

He made a face and shook his head.

"Well what do they look like?" I tilted my head and feigned innocent curiosity.

He shifted. "Uh..." I could practically hear the neurons dying in his brain. He shook his head.

I snorted, and the boy looked up at me. "This is serious," he said, clearly agitated.

I nodded dramatically. "Oh, yeah. I'm sure it is." I started forward throwing him a smirk as I passed. "Let me know when you find your ghost."

He scowled. "I know what I saw," He repeated himself. More like was trying to convince himself.

"Of course you do," I called, not bothering to look back.

I left him behind and made my way towards a nearby sandwich shop. I figured I could distract the employee and snatch a few chips before I took off. Hopefully Vandy, as I liked to call our little vandalizing detective, would be gone by the time I got back. I couldn't stay there, obviously. I had to move to another spot. Maybe the one I've got in Virginia.

The sandwich shop was open, as I had hoped. For some reason, it had a breakfast menu, which allowed for early opening. I tugged on the door, a gentle chime alerting the employee standing at the cash register.

"Hi!" She chirped, flipping her blond hair over one shoulder. "May I help you?"

I plastered on a fake smile. "Yeah, what's your breakfast special?"

As she recited the options, I managed to sneak three bags into my jacket pocket. I nodded and pretended to listen as she dwindled into casual conversation about her uncle's new wife or something. I didn't mind. More time for me to snag a few snacks undetected.

After about ten minutes, I decided I had enough food. I thanked the girl abruptly and slipped out of the shop.

As I tucked one more bag into my pocket, I was startled by the boy, leaning casually against the brick wall.

"Did you... Were you following me?" I asked incredulously. He cocked an eyebrow at me and pushed off the wall.

"You were lying," he said simply. "I could tell." Then he gestured to my jacket. "And I saw you steal those chip bags. What are you, a squatter? Is that why you were in the old office building? You don't have a place to live?"

I scowled. "That's a lot of questions."

He shrugged. "You're the weird one, not me."

"What do you want?" I scoffed, pushing past him. He stumbled behind me, trying to keep up.
"I want the truth," he answered. "I know you know something. About who I was looking for. You were there last night, weren't you?" When I didn't reply, he jumped in front of me, blocking my path. We were in the alley now, and I could see the entrance to the old building. "You know what it is, don't you?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're talking out your ass. Go home."

"Where were you last night?" He asked suddenly, throwing me off. "That... They were here alone. I think. Were you with them? In there?" He pointed inside the building.

Finally, my agitation got the best of me and I spun on my heel, shoving my finger against his chest. "I told you I don't know anything! Can't you just leave well enough alone and go home?"

He glared at me. "No. I need to know the truth."

My heart was beginning to pound. This kid was ticking me off. I needed to get my emotions back in check or this guy would definitely know the truth. And if I couldn't control myself, he'd never live to tell it. As beneficial as that might be, I wasn't too keen on drawing attention.

"Look," I said, hoping my next words would convince him, "You're right. I did see something here last night. I don't know what it was, but it wasn't normal. Okay? It freaked me out. I'm moving because of it. And if you know what's good for you, you'll stop hunting for it and start running from it."

He watched me for a second. "Fine," he said warily. I could tell he was still skeptical. "I'll go." He pointed a finger at me. "But just so you know, you're a terrible liar."

I kept an eye on him until I was certain he was gone.

I scoffed. I couldn't believe this. I have to leave because of a guy? It was always the cops before, but a guy? Are you kidding me? How pathetic is that?

I figured it would be safe to come back here in a few months once that boy lost interest, so there was no reason to look for a replacement spot. I decided to leave my bag of chains tucked away under some old sheets and head out. My spot in New Jersey was probably a three-day walk from here. I know what you're thinking: Queens to New Jersey on foot? Yeah, right.
No, seriously. I just take off running all day and picture in my head where I want to go and I always wind up there. I move so fast, I have no idea what's around me. Just a bunch of blurry images. It's crazy, but totally efficient.

Anyway, the run takes roughly twelve hours. I decided that I had enough food to last me until I got to the spot. I left that morning, as soon as I finished packing. Hopefully, this little break would deter the boy and make him give up the chase.


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