Five Months Later...

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     It had only taken Bex less than half a year to become a better fighter than Xander himself. She was a quick learner and a hard study. He couldn't count the number of nights he'd found her up late into the night, practicing the different strikes and deflections with each of the various weapons that Xander had shown her. Mercifully, Victoria had insisted that he be the one to train her. So far, he'd shown her how to properly use a sword, bow, and dagger. She had noticed instantly how comfortable he was with the bow, demanding that he teach her to be just as good as he was. But, true to her character, Bex's preferred weapon was the dagger. She was skilled with the others, but only the miniature sword truly seemed to speak to her.

     "You're feet are too far apart," Xander commented, deflecting a blow meant for his side. He lunged, her stance forcing her to move too slowly, and caught her on the thigh. She yelped when he slapped her with the flat of his blade. They were using swords now, and even though they were blunt, they still hurt.

     She glared at him and twisted around, her sword flying in a smooth arc through the air as it whistled. She brought it down, stopping just a hair's breadth from his throat. She'd pinned him. "I win."

     He chuckled, moving the blade away with his finger. "Good. Now, let's try it with real swords."

     He tossed her the heavier, more balanced weapon. She caught it easily and lowered into her attack stance. He swallowed. Even sweating in a foul-smelling training room, she was still beautiful.

     He hadn't kissed her again since they'd been at the mansion. Not that he hadn't wanted to, but sense had made him realize that, if she was going to be fighting for the Hunters and if war really was on the brink, then he needed to keep his feet on the other side of that boundary. He was a Hunter and she was a Host--The Dark King's demon, at that. Even if they did embrace their feelings--assuming hers were nearly as deep as his--then they'd be facing a whirlwind of disapproval. He remembered the odd looks people would throw at his parents when they came to Biringan City. Couples like that always faced societal shame. Not that he cared, but he would never do that to Bex. Not when she'd been so glad to find a world where she finally fit in.

     "Come on," she said, circling him, "I don't have all day."

     He swung, meeting her blade with a loud crash. She jabbed at his hip, barely missing as he sidestepped and turned on his heel just in time to slice through the fabric of her shirt. The sword tore through, revealing a small line of flesh on her waist. 

    She grunted. "I liked that shirt!" Irritated, Bex took off at him at a run, dropping to the ground at the last second and rolling off to the side. She jumped to her feet behind him and pointed the tip of the sword under his shoulderblade. If she ran it through, she'd pierce his heart. "I win. Again."

     Xander smirked. "Did you just stab me in the back?"

    She dropped the sword to the ground, leaped forward and wrapped her legs around his hips. Xander fell roughly to the ground, the wind knocked clean out of him. Bex looped her arms under his head, pinning him in a headlock. "No, I just snapped your neck," she corrected. "See?"

     Xander grunted and shoved her off. "Don't get too cocky." 

     She punched him good-naturedly. "That's funny, coming from you."

    "I see your training is coming along nicely."

    Xander froze, his blood freezing to ice. He turned slowly and faced to doorway. Victoria was dressed in a long, purple dress. Her hair was thrown in an updo, her pearls laying lifelessly across her chest. She looked anything but amused. 

Rampage [BK#1 in Dark Creatures]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz