Underlying Motives

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    "How are you going to get out of this?" Adam asked me once we'd returned to Biringan City. We were back in my hotel room, all of us spread out in various places in the living room. The only one missing was Xander. He was stuck in a meeting with the Circle. I wondered what they spent so long discussing in there. "You know she's going to destroy you if you don't honor the deal."

    "That's exactly why she's going to honor it," Mia piped up. She'd been quiet the whole trip back, but now she sat up and looked as if she'd come to a grim decision. "We'll give her the journal."

   I bit my lip. "Mia, I'm so sorry. I couldn't think of another way."

   She gave me a smile, though her eyes betrayed her hurt. "I know, honey." She turned back to Adam. "Besides, it's not like Xander and I have any use for it anyway. Grandfather always told us not to read them. So we never did." She shrugged. "What's the point in keeping them?"

   I shook my head. "Xander's going to kill me."

   "That's why we're not going to tell him." I glanced up at Mia sharply, not sure if I'd heard her correctly.


   "I'm going to go back to Jackson and get the journal. You guys stay here and cover for me." Mia flipped her hair over one shoulder. "I should only take about a week. I'll deliver the journal and come straight back." She shrugged. "It'll be like it never happened."

    "I'm coming, too," Adam said, looking concerned. "Just in case."

    Mia nodded, happy for the company. "Good. So it's settled."

    "What am I supposed to say when Xander asks me where you went?" I pointed at the two of them. "He's going to be suspicious."

    She rolled her eyes. "Let him. He'll never guess what we're up to. And as for what you would tell him..." She paused, thinking. "Tell him we went to the Isle of Gold. Pretend like the witch asked for gold as payment."

    I clicked my tongue. "There's an Isle of Gold?"

    She grinned. "Nope."

    "And when Xander asks, don't get all weak and just start spilling your guts everywhere," Adam joked. "We need you to be convincing."

    I blushed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

    Adam poked me in the ribs. "Oh, come on. It's so obvious!" He pretended to fall off the couch, laying on his back in a daze. "You're in love with him!"

    I grabbed the couch pillow and started to beat him with it. "I am not!" I glanced hastily at Mia. "I am not," I repeated, more firmly. She just shook her head and smiled.

    Of course, thanks to my glorious luck, that's when Xander decided to show up. Whether he had heard our conversation or not, I couldn't tell. He dropped onto the couch next to me, ignoring the fact that Mia was on my other side. He looked at me solidly in the eye, and I knew instantly that something was wrong.

     "Xander?" I asked tentatively. The whole room had gone silent. "What happened?"

     "The Circle and the Council made some decisions today," he said, looking weary. "I'm so sorry, Bex. I'm so, so sorry."

     I frowned, glancing at Mia, but she seemed just as confused as I was. I turned back to Xander. "Look, whatever decisions they made, I know it's not your fault. I know you did your best."

     His hands started to tremble. "The Council wants you dead," he breathed.

     Though this shouldn't have come as a shock, it definitely left my heart pounding. "And the Circle?"

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