Chapter 6: Failed Ambush?

Start from the beginning

Our kitchen is small, like the rest of the apartment. The walls are filthy, the wooden floorboards creaked and the surfaces are coated with dust. No matter how much we scrubbed and mopped, the rooms were always dirty. I guess that's what you get for cheap rent. Plus the smell makes my nose want to cut itself off my face and vacate in a Hawaiian coconut.

The one-bedroom apartment was perfect for our size but not for our comfort. Not to mention our tattered curtains which were always closed. Damien and I always close our curtains so that people couldn't spy on us. Our curtains were wide open. That's when I realized the glint of metal the sun reflected off. It was a sniper, set and aimed straight at Damien's bed in the lounge room.

I leave the kettle on the boil and walk to the bathroom, careful to stretch my back and suggest that I would be heading to bed soon. I do go to the bathroom, considering it had been hours since I had last gone. In there, I pull out my gun and climb out the tiny window. My (y/s) body squeezed out and held onto the brick and pipe for dear life.

The climb was long and the whole time I hoped to God that the sniper hadn't notice. By the time I had reached the top, I concluded they didn't because no bullets were shot. My small body shot up and behind an exhaust fan once I heard voices.

They were all men. "Moo, what's taking so long?"

A radio sparked up and the crackle of someone's voice came through. "How long does it take for a girl to pee?!"

I could feel the eyebrows raise around me and I had to stifle a laugh. "A long time." Another person said. He sounds familiar. There seemed to be four here on the roof. "If she takes any longer, we'll get Wildcat's crew to charge in."

'Moo's' voice crackles back to life. "Sure thing."

How was I going to get out of this? I am up here and I have nowhere to go. Soon 'Wildcat's crew' will smash through my front door and find no one there. They'll start looking and they might find me here! I didn't grab my suit so I can't be (Y/a/n) to distract them.

How was I going to do this?

I sit tight and try to wait it out before I hear a grunt and the radio crackle. "It's time. Wildcat, collect (Y/n)." There was a short message back and then the radio went quiet. "You think she's okay?" Someone said.

"I'm sure she's fine." It was silent again before: "Status report."

"We can't find her. Just about to check in the bathroom-"

"Wild... I think we have company." Someone calls from the background. Everything goes back to silence and I can feel the questions in the air.

Company? I didn't think that I was going to get any. I check my phone and start to freak. It's 7:55 and it could be Damien. My fingers tap the screen as fast as possible and message my brother. 'Do not come home yet. I am busy cleaning. Hang out with Mark and Sean for a bit.'

Soon, I see he's read it and starts typing back. "Everyone is coming to the graduation party."


It hits me. Fuck! We were going to have a graduation party at our place.

'I know, just give me another hour.'

'What's wrong (Y/n)? Why won't you answer the door?'

'Please Damien.'

'I'm coming in.'

He's gone before I can stop him.

The radio sparks up again. "(Y/N)! WE'RE HERE. PUT ON THE FUCKING MUSIC!" My eyes widen in fear and I feel myself start to shake.

The Banana Bus Crew is going to murder my only family and friends.


"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" It's silent for a second.


"WHERE'S (Y/N)!" Damien screams at the top of his lungs and soon thuds could be heard through the roof. The radio turns off and soon Vanoss's voice fills the quiet. "She knows we are here. She's hiding in the bathroom, we need to get in there-"

The radio is back to life. Moo whispers into it, probably hoping that only the leader hears.

"There is someone else on the roof with you. Behind the exhaust."

I freeze in fear.

"Take a shot. We'll get them if they run." Vanoss whispers back.

That's enough for me. I roll back over the fan and stare the men in the faces. Their masks are on and all of their heads are turned in my direction. Sprinting towards the door, I hear the whistle of a bullet past my hip. Gasping, I push the metal door open.

The owl man screeches at his team behind me as I push myself down the stairs. My feet burn as I race down to the 7th floor. I scream as loud as I can as I pass my door and look through it to see Damien's head perk up. His skinny body had been on a larger man and now bolted towards me. I heard grunts and a bang as he slammed someone into the wall and beat them up.

My body spins and I hold the gun up at the men pushing Damien to the ground. Delirious, Terrorizer and Lui's familiar masks look up at me. I had studied these masks on TV a million times and now they stand in front of me, threatening my life. "STAY BACK! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" The two sane people stand with their hands in the air. Delirious, on the other hand, pulls Jayke into his arms and holds a gun to his head. Damien pushes and bites but the crazed man doesn't seem to care, the adrenaline making him numb.

"PUT HIM DOWN!" I scream, fear taking ahold of my body.

"Put the gun down and then maybe I might Hoochie Lady." I feel the rage make my face red, but I comply by putting my hands up. "Drop the gun." Terrorizer says cautiously stepping forward. "No."

Delirious punches Damien in the gut and my brother grunts in pain, coughing. "STOP!" I lunge forward and grab Terrorizer's outstretched arm and use his body to knock the blue hooded man. Soon all three crooks topple like dominos, so I grab the beaten boy and pull him with me into the apartment.

Inside everything is trashed. The chairs are all broken, the table is in half and the couch is on it's back. The rage inside me doubles when I see my expensive PC broken and my friends being overpowered.

I push Damien to the window and shoot at the masked men. A male with a different monkey mask to Lui's cusses and grips his shoulder as the bullet finds home and I see my Irish friend stand up and punch him square in the stomach. He races over to Mark who is pushing against the man with the pig mask. Felix is slapping at a man in a tuxedo who has his hands wrapped around Felix's neck. Nogla, the paper bag mask holds back my female friends now that Damien is gone.

Soon I have all my friends at the window with me and I yell at them to climb the fire escape ladder as I hold back the other boys from the hallway with my gun. Jayke holds my side, shaking furiously from his own adrenaline and holding his own pistol. I feel the last person go through the window. "GO!" I scream at my brother but instead Damien just pushes me. "THEY ARE HERE FOR YOU! GO!"

There was no arguing with that logic so I turn to jump down the ramp. Before I pounce, I see Vanoss's infamous owl head in the living room, his mask's beady eyes staring at me with a radio in his human hand. "Shoot."

I know it's too late to jump myself, so I push Damien forward and take the whole window instead. He looks up from the floor in time to see my eyes widen. I feel the bullet, I hear the wet thud. My body shudders and my knees grow weak. Damien stands and grabs my torso before I fall forwards and hit the ground. Once he pulls my limp structure to the floor, his strong arms rock my body against his and shakily pull the dart from my back.

Damien stares at my face in horror. "It's okay... It's just a sleeping dart. You'll be okay... " I can feel the shock in his body as my consciousness starts fading. Drowsiness pulls at my eyelids and I laugh. The sound is just a broken slur of noise. "This is so dramatic." I say, chuckling again while watching his confused and fearful expression disappear into a blur of colors and soon collapse into the appending darkness of rest. 

(2199 words)


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