Chapter 16

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                             Mehek was wheeled to the park. Her nurse placed her in a comfortable point with ample fresh air and light. Mehek tried to enjoy her outing while her nurse kept a safe distance from her. This was one of her favourite past times and she preferred solitude. She spend her time bird watching and  gazing at passersby. Being close to nature brought a bit of peace to her.

 It's been more than a month since Mehek came home with her father. When Mehek expressed her wish to leave, Rajesh had advised her to stay with baby or atleast take her with them. But Mehek refused. She knew that their child meant world to Shaurya and separating her from Shaurya will be another sin. Imposing herself on Shaurya, with her baby as a bait also seemed to be unfair. It was her punishment not his. Severing all ties with her daughter was her penitence. She was happy that Sunaina respected her decision. Yet the motherly figure told Mehek that she has all liberty over her daughter.

Mehek's room was converted into a mini specialty ward. Best doctors were hired for treating her. Still somehow her improvement remained dormant. Her body still didn't heal properly and she was tied down to wheelchair. Doctors proposed that her mind needs to overcome the hurt then body will regain strength. Emotionally she was depressed but her father stood as her pillar of support. For his sake, she decided to give her life another chance. She trained herself not to worry about Shaurya or her daughter. But they both resided in her thoughts constantly, making it difficult to move on.

"You look like a train wreck", Shaurya's words startled her. For a moment, she felt that her troubled mind was playing tricks on her. "You are here", she exclaimed. "I came to city to run an errand. I had some spare time so thought of sightseeing", he explained. Mehek felt a bit hurt that he didn't come for her and their meeting was mere coincidence. She felt conscious. She was wearing one of her worn down house coats, with no makeup and untidy hair. Shaurya came beside and studied her palms and eyes. It was nothing personal but purely professional. "You look anemic. Don't your father feed you properly? How is your sleep?', he asked her. Mehek smiled, "Dad is taking good care of me but I don't have appetite. And good sleep is not a regular luxury for me anymore". "Let's take a stroll", he came behind and pushed her wheel chair without waiting for her permission.

They remained silent. Mehek wanted to know about their daughter but didn't have the courage to ask him. Shaurya didn't bother to share any news about her either. "Shall we go for a short drive?", he offered once. Mehek didn't know how to respond. "Don't worry I won't harm you. Although you almost lost your life because of me", he humoured sadly. "I would love to but I need to tell Dad. My phone is with the nurse", she told warily. "It's okay, your nurse knows me. I had referred her to your Dad", with those words, he scooped her from the wheel chair and kept her inside the car. He climbed on the other side to sit beside her and asked the driver to start. 

It's been long since Mehek had ventured outside. Her life was limited to trips to hospital and occasional visit to nearby park. Mehek tried to enjoy the drive. She felt comfortable with silence amidst them. He started to munch on some snacks while she glanced at him. "You want some?", he offered and she picked to eat. She realised it was home made by Sunaina Ma. Those were her favourites that Sunaina Ma regularly prepared for her. "How is Sunaina Ma?", Mehek asked eagerly. He didn't reply but kept an impassive smile plastered on his face. Mehek felt sad that he was keeping her away from her personal life. Soon she felt sleepy and dozed off.

Shaurya gazed at her sleeping figure. When he saw her from afar, he could barely recognise his Mehek. She had reduced to a ghost image of her former self. He had expected her to have regained her health under best medical care but she proved him wrong. When he examined her closely, he realised that Mehek appeared like a faint shadow of her old self. She was pale and had dark circles under her eyes. He knew she was eager to know about their daughter but he waited for her to breach the topic. When she asked about his mother, he couldn't reveal that it's been weeks since he had a meaningful conversation with his own mother. He was alone despite being with his family and child whereas Mehek was not doing well either. They both were afar and miserable in their respective lives.

He felt envious of her peacefulness. She had managed to break him again and leave him miserable. His life was again a terrible mess. He was unable to focus on his life, career and not even on his child. But here she is quietly leaving her life. She was unhappy but not desolate like him. He felt angry that she was able to connect with her father while he remained lost. It felt unfair and unjust on his part. He wanted her to compensate, again and forever.

"Where am I", Mehek asked herself when she woke up in a strange bed. She quickly recalled her encounter with Shaurya and his offer for a short drive. Although she didn't panic, she looked around nervously. "I brought you here", Shaurya's brooding voice resonated from the dark corner. She tried to smile and made herself presentable. She couldn't deny that she had best sleep in many weeks. "You could have woken me and spared yourself the trouble", she told sweetly. He laughed cynically, earning a puzzled expression from her. "You have caused be severe problems, Mehek. How could you forget what you did to me?", Mehek was startled when she suddenly came to light. He looked pure evil. "But...... haven't I suffered..... enough?", she stammered. "You feel you have redeemed yourself", he shook his head with a sarcastic laugh, "It's not easy to walk away after destroying someone's life ". Mehek trembled in fear.

He came beside and grabbed a fistful of her hair. While she grimaced, he whispered, "I am not yet done with you, Mehek. You are not pardoned".

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