Chapter 4

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                      "I am happy that you came", Dubey's taunting voice startled Shaurya. His face beamed with satisfaction, perceiving Shaurya's plight. Whereas Shaurya was too confused to voice his questions to Dubey. The old man obliged sensing his predicament, "Rajesh Sharma is my late wife's ex-husband. Mehek's father. She and Azaan are childhood friends and will be married in few weeks". Too much was going through Shaurya's mind that he failed to react. He felt heartbroken by betrayal. He was shattered and crumbled. The pain was excruciating and conquering his senses. 

"Dubey Uncle", Azaan came beside them, "Mehek is getting bored so we will be sneaking out. I have booked a suit here and we will spending the night there. Can you please handle Rajesh Uncle?". "Ofcourse, Azaan Beta. You both carry on", Dubey smiled at him. Azaan was about to leave when he saw Shaurya, "Hi, I am Azaan Mirza", he extended his hand politely, " I am afraid I am unable to recognize you. Have we met before?". Shaurya took his palm although it was still trembling. He was about to speak when Mehek swayed towards Azaan, surprising both men. 

"Azaan Baby, why are we still here?", she sensuously rubbed herself against him. She noticed that Shaurya's knuckles became white as he balled them. She smirked at him and spoke to Azaan, "you promised to make this night memorable for me". Azaan looked uncomfortable by her public display of affection. He smiled meekly. "Ofcourse darling. I was just getting acquainted with our guests", Azaan replied sheepishly. Mehek moved closer to him and glared at Shaurya while she held Azaan possessively as it trying to provoke him. "Is he your guest, Mehek? Do you know him?", Azaan asked Mehek.

"No", Shaurya replied quickly before she could. He sounded calm yet his agony didn't get unnoticed, "Seems like I gatecrashed a wrong party. Sorry for the trouble". Mehek was taken aback by his response. She expected him to throw a fit and create a scene. She had already arranged her security to tackle him and humiliate him further. But Shaurya chose to exit respectfully, keeping calm. Contrary to her expectation, he neither accused her nor sought her reasons. Infact he was so passive that she lacked the satisfaction of rendering her speech of redemption. It seemed that nothing mattered to him anymore. "Congratulations to you both", Shaurya wished them nonchalantly before exiting the venue. Once he was out of sight, Mehek moved away from Azaan. "Is he the one?", Azaan asked curiously. She nodded still feeling bad the way things turned out. "He seemed to be shattered by your betrayal. You did well", the mockery beneath his praise was evident but Mehek ignored it.

"Dr Shaurya Khanna", a polite yet firm voice awoke him. After leaving from Mehek's engagement party, Shaurya roamed around the busy streets aimlessly. He didn't have the courage to face his family. He chose to return to his cabin at the university. Once he reached his table, he was greeted by a lovely photograph of Mehek that he had kept on his desk. He wanted to throw it away but couldn't. He kept a brave face for long but was unable to contain further. He  broke down holding the frame closer to chest. He didn't know the reason of her betrayal but it was least of his concern. He was broken by truth that love of his life whom he had trusted blindly, cheated him. Hours passed away and he dozed off. He looked around to check the person who addressed him. A police office was trying to wake him up. Shaurya blinked and wiped his face before wearing his spectacles. "Yes Officer", he answered him. "Dr. Shaurya Khanna, we are here to take you in custody", officer informed. "What?? Why? What did I do?", Shauray was puzzled. "You have been charged with se*ual assault".

A day later. Sunaina was crying continuously. But she wiped her tears away when Shaurya was brought to her. She needs to stay strong and give support to Shaurya. Still when she looked at him, her resolution faltered. Shaurya look tired and hollow although calm. His was happy to see her but his eyes seemed to have lost the light. "Beta, don't worry. All will be fine", she consoled him. He smirked at her. "Don't you believe your mother. They have agreed to withdrew their complain if we pay up. You will be free soon", she told him and his brows knitted in confusion. Sunaina sighed and spoke again, "I am going to India to sell off our ancestral property".

 Shaurya looked at her intently. He wanted to hug her and cry out loudly leaning on her shoulder but he refrained. "Ma, I agree that you should go back to India but not to sell our house but to settle there", his words shocked her. Tears betrayed her but he consoled her, "I am lost cause, Ma. Even if charges are dropped, I have lost my reputation and career. I don't want you to lose further", he reasoned. "But Shaurya", she sniveled, unable to talk further. "Think about Nayani and her future. Please don't let her suffer for my mistakes. So gather all remaining savings you have and leave for India", he looked sad yet determined as he got up to leave, "I love you, Ma. Please don't come back for me". His words shattered her and she sobbed.

Azaan handed over a bunch to keys to Mehek, "Keys of the penthouse". Unknown to Shauyra, Azaan had bought it on behalf of Sharma family and it was now transferred to Mehek. "You can keep it. Once Shayara lands safely in London, you both need a place to stay", she suggested but he denied. "I don't want to start my married life on a another's heart break. Anyways, thanks for your benevolence", his mockery fumed her. "Don't act innocent, Azaan. You needed a smoke screen to fool your father until you could marry Shayara and bring her here safely. I needed a fake engagement to break Dr Shauyra Khanna. We both are in this together", she retorted. "May be. But I did it for Love and you for Hatred", he accused her. "It was retribution. I needed justice for my sister", Mehek was on the edge. Azaan knew Mehek from his childhood. He was well aware of her impulsive and adamant nature. He knew it was in vain to fight with her, He took a deep breath to calm himself, "The path you chose was wrong, Mehek. Whatever his sins were, he didn't deserve it. And I know that deep down you too realise it but keep ignoring it". Azaan left her alone without further words.

Mehek marched into the penthouse where Shaurya had lived. She decided to pay a visit to his place although her mind reasoned against it. She felt emotional once she entered the penthouse. She had come there several times with Shaurya. She reminisced those days when they cooked, watched movies and talked endlessly. Although she hated to admit, the time they had spent were enjoyable. She was pretending to be someone else; yet that someone had everything she ever wished for. The naive Mehek she portrayed before Shauyra was a bubbly but kind person. She didn't hide behind mask of propriety but was free to express herself. She was clumsy, unsophisticated and normal. Yet she had a man who loved for being herself. Wasn't she lucky?, she shook her head to come out of her confusion, No it wasn't real. Just pretense. A trick. She felt like her head was splitting into two. While she tried to walk back, she tumbled on some boxes. The packers had collected all belongings of Shaurya and kept it ready for him to pick it up. Owing to the recent turmoil in his life, he never arrived to pick up. Mehek peered into them and went through his stuffs. While ransacking she found an envelope with her name written over it.

"Mehek, you are an artist when it comes to food", Shaurya complimented her cooking and she blushed. Like her mother she loved cooking and had a knack to make any dish tasty. "A 12th pass like me is destined only to toil in family kitchen", she tried to stay in her character. While she was collecting the dishes, she could make out that he was looking at her. She raised her eyebrows questioning him but he shook his head. As she headed to wash the vessels, she felt his hands covering her from behind. "You always wanted to study further, didn't you?", he asked lovingly. Mehek sighed and nodded. It was partly true. Her father, Mr Rajesh Sharma never really cared about her aspirations. He always pushed her to direction he preferred and forced her to take business management in college. Hence it wasn't a lie when she agreed that she wished to pursue studies where she had interest. "I promise I will make your wish come true", he held closely.

Admission forms for Hotel Management studies. A lone tear escaped when Mehek read the contents in the envelope. He wasn't bluffing when he promised her. She grabbed support from nearby object to stand properly. Shaurya had indeed fallen for her. A fact that she knew already but tried to cast aside. She was losing grip on herself while trying to digest the truth. She stood up angrily and thrashed around the room to vent her anger. He deserved it, an evil voice echoed in her mind and she screamed out loud," You deserved every bit of it, Shaurya". 

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