Chapter 5

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                                "Nailed it, didn't you?", Azaan's mocking tone echoed in Mehek's cabin. She pushed away her laptop and looked at him apprehensively. "Dr. Shaurya Khanna is arrested for harassment. Two of his female students have some forward accusing him", Azaan explained, "Good job. I must say he is finished now". Mehek was aghast as she had no clue about it. For months, she had desperately searched for evidences against Shaurya and found none. Now when she had sought alternate means to extract revenge, he got arrested. "Believe me Azaan, I have nothing to do with it", Mehek declared honestly but quickly asked him, "Can you dig deeper?". "Why? Are you concerned for him ?", Azaan asked back. She glared at him, "If there are more victims like Krishna, then I want to help them get justice", she told plainly and went back to her work. 

A part of her was happy that it wasn't wrong to slay a beast like Dr Shauyra Khanna yet another part worried for him. Yet she kept a poker face. Azaan moved his head in dismay. His intuitions screamed that Dr. Shaurya Khanna is not a villain but he was helpless. Afterall he was on Mehek's payroll and it was his job to take orders from her. Adding to it, he needed Mehek's support to bring Shayara to London and lead a peaceful life away from his father's shadow. He walked away disappointed.

Once Azaan exited, Mehek sighed deeply and stood up. She was uneasy when she imagined him in custody of law. Despite her efforts, she was unable to control herself. To vent out her frustration, she kicked the table in full strength. Several objects on her table began to shake, leading to a photo frame to fall down and crashed. Mehek swiftly grabbed it from floor and felt tearful while watching broken frame that had picture of her and Krishna. "I am sorry, Krish. I didn't mean it", she tried to wipe away broken pieces of glass from their photograph. It bruised her finger and blood fell on Krishna's picture. Eventhough Mehek was not superstitious, she got scared and prayed for her sister's safety 

"I am happy that you are settling down with Azaan", Rajesh Sharma tried to chat with his daughter. But Mehek ignored and ate her dinner. "What would you like to have as a wedding gift?", he tried to charm her. "How about leaving me in peace for rest of my life", she sneered at him and slammed her fork down. Rajesh took a deep breath to calm himself, "Mehek, I am trying my best for us to make amends". "You should have thought about it before tearing me away from my family or later when you abandoned me in boarding schools and hostels", Mehek spoke vehemently. "Mehek, I made many mistakes but am repenting now. Can't you forgive your father?", he begged her. "I don't value you as a my father", she told softly yet audible to Rajesh, "Good Night, Sir". She left her plate and marched towards her room.

Sleep was never a faithful companion for Mehek. She twisted and turned restlessly in her bed. Lifeless figure of Krishna always haunted her dreams but tonight it was Shaurya who clouded her thoughts. The stoic expression he donned to mask his agony, flashed before her eyes. She needed a break. Staying in London seemed futile since she had achieved her goal. Above all, London reminded her of Shaurya. She decided to return and stay beside Krishna.

A month passed away since Mehek and Dubey retuned to India. To her surprise, Rajesh Sharma had already shifted Krishna to a better hospital. Although she didn't want to accept it, his gesture warmed her. As usual, Dubey Uncle praised him and thanked his benevolence. Mehek could never understand how her father and step-father got along amicably. Besides Mehek and Dubey, Radhe was always with Krishna. Despite pressure from him family, he chose to be with Krishna. Her sister's condition saddened Mehek and she repeatedly justified herself that Shaurya deserved the punished she gave him. She managed to push away memories of Shaurya and tried to forget him. She turned her complete attention to Krishna. Eventhough it didn't matter, Mehek talked to Krishna about everything. She conveyed to Krishna that her culprit was avenged.

It was midnight and Dubey was sleeping on the spare bed provided in Krishna's room. He could hear faint cries but his sleepy mind ignored it. But when it became persistent, he woke up. He quickly moved towards Krishna's bed and was astonished when he heard Krishna's faint voice. "Krishna, my child", he wailed holding her hand. "Doctor!!!Doctor!!!", he cried out for help.

Miracles do happen. Krishna woke up from her coma. She was still weak and bedridden however no serious aftermath prevailed in her body. After initial days of contentment, Mehek eventually got some lone time with Krishna. "I am so happy to have you back, Krishna. God punished wicked and blessed the innocent", Mehek told her. When Krishna threw a questioning glance at her, Mehek explained, "Dr. Shaurya Khanna is behind the bars for his ill deeds". Even before Mehek could explain it to her, Krishna wailed, "Di, what are you saying?".

Krishna pulled her trench coat closer. It was cold and the alluring dress she wore beneath did little to warm her. Before knocking the door of Dr Shaurya's pent house, she took a deep breath. She and Dr Rastogi had it all planned. She had to act as if she agreed to his lecherous desires. While pretending to get closer to him, she will record his lewd demand and present as evidence against Dr. Shaurya. "Krishna", Dr Shaurya appeared to be genuinely surprised to see her. She tried to give a sly smile but failed. When he invited her in, she sat on the sofa and to her surprise he stood away from her. He studied for a minute or two and then spoke, "To be frank, I am bit surprised". "Why? Didn't you want my company?", she replied curtly. He again scanned her, making Krishna uncomfortable. 

"Need a drink", he offered while pouring a glass of wine for himself. Krishna shook her head. "Nice dress", he commented, "leaves a lot less to imagination". His words added to her discomfort and she trembled when he came near and took the seat beside her. She has to record confession words from his mouth before it's gone out of hand. "You wanted me to spend a night with you, in exchange of giving good grades. Didn't you, Sir?", she asked. "Did I?", he asked her back, still coming closer. 'Oh my God! Why isn't he accepting it?', sweat beads formed on her forehead. To her relief he withdrew and sipped his wine, "I read your paper which you resubmitted. It's good", he told her, "I was about to change my opinion but then you surprised me by showing at my door". 

He kept away his empty glass and pulled her by wrist. Krishna shivered while he traced her jaw, "Why Krishna? Are you so fallen that you decided to seduce me, your teacher? Don't you have any dignity?", his words fumed her. To hell with their plan to trap him, her mind roared. She pushed him with all her might that he fell on the couch. "You have no right to question my character. You are a disgrace to your profession", she yelled at him, "I want to study and be a  good doctor but not at the cost of my principles. I will not compromise by honour. You can ruin my career but one day Almighty will settle my scores", fresh tears shone in her eyes but she didn't falter. She quickly wore her coat and marched towards the door. But Shaurya was quick to block her way.

"It was all an act. Dr Shaurya is a gentleman. He never had any intention to exploit me. He had some misunderstanding but it cleared when he realised I am genuine", Krishna explained it to Mehek, "He apologized to me and clarified it all. That night, we parted on a happier note. He promised to be not only my teacher & senior but be a good friend as well". Mehek felt like her entire world was crashing down. Krishna's further words, shattered her further, "Dr Shaurya offered to drop me home but I refused to impose on his kindness. I regret it. I should have taken his help. But I needed to clear my head after the emotional roller coast. On my way, I called and informed Dr Rastogi. Afterwards, I recall someone trying to grab my bag and in an attempt to dodge it, I lost balance and fell before a speeding vehicle".

Dr. Rastogi was enjoying his glass of chardonnay, when Mehek stormed into his weekend getaway home. "Mehek", he clearly didn't expect her, "What a surprise?". She pushed away contents on his table that stood amidst them and charged towards Rastogi. "Easy there, Mehek", he took a step back and held his arms up in defense. "You knew it all", she accused him, "Krishna told you everything yet you made me destroy Shaurya", she yelled at him. Rastogi gave an eerie laugh,"so you know". "Why didn't you tell me?", Mehek asked him emotionally. 

"He was my rival who was climbing up the ladder quickly. I need to chain him down", he moved past Mehek, "Although good at heart, his arrogance was his fall. So when Krishna came to me, I knew it was the perfect opportunity". Mehek stared at him wide eyed, unable to understand how she didn't see his true nature. "I was a bit disappointed when it failed but then Fate gave me another trump card. You", he looked at her wickedly, "Krishna accident was an unfortunate event. But then you appeared before me, claiming that Dr. Shaurya is behind it. A perfect pawn who was hungry for revenge", he laughed at her.

"For God's sake, you are a doctor. How could have peace of mind after destroying an innocent man?", Mehek was aghast. "I didn't do anything Ms Sharma. It was YOU", he pointed out the obvious truth. "Remember, I never wanted to wreck him personally. He was just a professional enemy for me. But you went ahead and broke him completely. So if anyone deserves sleepless nights then it's you", Rastogi pointed his forefinger at Mehek.

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