Chapter 2

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                                                  Even after severe protests from Mehek, Shaurya remained determined, "Jaan, after marriage whatever mine is anyway yours. So why bother if I give it you now?". "It doesn't seem to be appropriate", she acted uncertain. "Fine. Then will you defy your step-father and marry me?", he asked. "You know, I cannot", Mehek looked down embarrassed. "Then it is decided. I will do the paper work and meet your father soon", he lifted her chin, "Please Jaan, give me a smile". She smiled and hugged him. "I love you, Mehek", he whispered in her ears while she plastered a sweet smile on her face. Once he drove away, Dubey came behind her, "I couldn't believe when he himself suggested property transfer". Mehek sighed and walked inside coz she had no explanation. Their plan was to trap him but Shauray seems to be eager to give it all away. Although perplexed, Mehek was on guard again. Perhaps he has a master plan above all. "Mehek Beta, are we doing the right thing? I think he sincerely loves you", Dubey told her. Her step-father had voiced her own suspicion. Yet she pulled herself soon enough to retort bravely. "If so, then it's even better. He too will feel severe pain of betrayal", she told cruelly. Mehek recalled the fateful when she received call from Krishna

Few months back

"He wants to sleep with me, Di", Krishna wept over the phone. "Krish, relax. Just report to the hospital authorities and get him punished", Mehek tried to calm her sister. "No one will trust me. Dr Shaurya Khanna is an idol for them", she sobbed, "I have surrender myself else I will lose my career. I would rather kill myself", she cried over phone. "Krishna!!!", Mehek shouted at her baby sister. The next few minutes Mehek advised her like a matured sibling. Among the two, Krishna was level headed while Mehek being impulsive. But Krishna was so shaken that Mehek had to take control. By the end of the conversation, Mehek was confident that Krishna was in better frame of mind. "Krish, why don't to confide in Dr Rastogi? I had heard from you earlier that he was the only one who dared to lock horns with this disgusting professor of yours", Mehek suggested to Krishna. She agreed to Mehek's proposal. "Di, please don't let Radhe know about it. He will be really upset and may decide to take me back home", she appealed to Mehek. It didn't seem right to hide things from Radhe yet she acceded. She knew better that Krishna cherished her goal to become a successful doctor. It will be dramatic to lose her studies due to hot headed Radhe over a perverted professor. Finally sisters parted on a happy note.

Few days passed away. One morning, Mehek was rudely awakened by an unpleasant news. In London, Krishna met with an accident during wee hours of night. She was critical and Krishna's father & Radhe had already left for London. Mehek couldn't do much but pray for her safety. Couple of weeks later, they all arrived. They brought Krishna back home but she cannot be termed alive. She was in coma. They managed to get her best treatment yet she remained lifeless. They all were miserable but Mehek couldn't just sit idle near her sister's lifeless body and cry. She wanted justice for her sister.

Mehek discreetly did her investigation after arriving in London. Police suspected foul play in Krishna's accident as it was evident that she was pushed before a speeding automobile. Yet they couldn't find the culprit who did the deed. Due to lack of evidences, they closed her case with conclusion that an attempted robbery gone wrong. But Mehek strongly suspected only one person, Dr Shaurya Khanna. But she had no proof to connect him with Krishna's death. She was on verge of accepting defeat until she met Dr Rastogi. From him, she knew that Krishna had confided about Shaurya and his dirty deeds. He was aware of the altercations between Krishna and Shaurya. At first even he couldn't trust Krishna but she managed to convince him and promised to bring solid proof. But on the night when she was supposed to bring evidence against Shaurya, she met with the accident. After that Rastogi also started suspecting Shaurya. So he offered to help Mehek . He aided to keep her identity under wraps and settle in London. He promised to support her to bring justice to Krishna. Rastogi introduced Mehek to Shaurya during one of his house parties as a family friend's daughter and helped them to get closer.

"Mehek, this is unfair. There is a limit for everything", Dr Rastogi snapped at her. Mehek expected his outburst. They were meeting at a coffee shop for explaining her further plans to him. Dr Rastogi was a gentleman like Dubey Uncle. He had protected and supported her to gather evidence against Shaurya. But Mehek had understood it was in vain to bring Shaurya before law and decided to take him down personally. "I am sorry Doctor but he deserves every bit of it", Mehek stayed strong. "Mehek, this is personal attack on Dr Shaurya. I never agreed to such a vile plan of yours. The intention of you getting closer to him, was to gather proofs about his harassment on students and then let law punish him. But your revenge will destroy his entire life. Nobody deserves it", he was exasperated. "So did Krishna and may be many more others like her. Did they deserve it? ", Mehek tried hard to control her emotions, " He is clever to cover his tracks. I had tried for months, still we got no evidence and none agrees to testify against him. I can't bring him before law but I will make him pay for his deeds", she told viciously. Dr Rastogi studied her intently and told, "I am counselling few students who could have been victims. Few may be ready to talk. I need some more time". He tried to convince her but Mehek knew it was untrue. Mehek softened, "I can understand if you want to back off. You are a good human and cares even for a disgusting person like him. You need not to be part of it". He became restless and looked around indecisively. It was evident that he was in turmoil ."Fine, I am in", he gave in unwillingly and she smiled at him.

"Shaurya, this is madness", his mother, Sunaina yelled at him. Nayani tried to calm her but in vain. "You are going to give away your hard earned wealth to a mere village belle", Sunaina was aghast. "Ma, please. I can understand your feelings but I beg you not to disrespect Mehek. She may not be educated but an innocent soul", he defended Mehek. His words fumed her further. "I forbid you", she stormed towards Shaurya, "If you still go ahead with this preposterous proposal then....then...."she shivered. To her utter disappointment, Shaurya and Nayani faced their mother with slight amusement. Sunaina was a good woman but she gets paranoid easily , especially when it concerns her children. Shaurya slowly came beside her and made her sit on sofa. Then he knelt beside and kept his head on her lap, "I really love her, Ma. I won't be able to live without her". "What if I still refuse to accept her?", Sunaina had calmed down and asked earnestly. "Please don't make me choose between you two, Ma. I beg you", he plead her. Sunaina sighed, accepting her defeat. She knew she cannot argue further with her son when he played the hapless child. "It will be fine, Ma. Though I haven't met her yet, I am sure she is genuine. Trust Bhai's judgement", Nayani too supported him. Sunaina closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "As you wish". Both children were happy and hugged her tightly. She too smiled but she was ill at ease.

"Papers are all in order. From now Mehek is the legal owner of all my property", Shaurya told Dubey after handing over the papers. He browsed through it and asked sharply, "I heard you owned a pent house. I don't see it here?". Shaurya was taken aback sensing shrewdness of middle class man before him. Before he could ponder, Mehek pitched in, "Baba, please let it be. Shaurya proved himself. Why are you troubling him again?". Dubey threw a reproaching glance at her and walked out with the papers. "Penthouse is in Nayani's name. Actually I bought as an investment for her", Shaurya tried to explain but Mehek brushed it aside, "It doesn't matter to me, Shaurya. I never wanted any of this. Once Baba is convinced, I will transfer it all back to your name immediately". "Don't do anything haste to upset my respectable would-be -step-father-in-law", he chuckled pulling her cheek but soon he tried to make her comfortable, "it feels safer when my assets are with you", he pecked her forehead before bidding farewell.

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