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                     Mehek hugged herself in despair. Cold wind rushing through the windows added to her agony. His thin white shirt that covered her upper body did little to protect her. Nevertheless it wasn't the physical pain that bothered her. She was ashamed of herself. She had failed her values and upbringing. Above all, she felt she had cheated her sister. "I am sorry, Krishna. I let you down", she sobbed silently. 

Step-sisters are stereotyped to hate eachother, especially if there are sired by different fathers. But Mehek Sharma and Krishan Dubey were thick as thieves. Mehek loved Krishna and was extremely loyal to her but until today. After death of her mother, it was only Krishna whom she considered as her family. Today she disappointed her. As Mehek was busy drowning herself in self-pity and loath, a pair of strong hands covered her from behind. 

His trapped her into his bare chest while drowning her in his male scent. His proximity provided the warmth she needed yet lacked comfort as she felt dirty. He kept his chin over her shoulder and his stubble tenderly rubbed her skin. He nuzzled into her messed-up hair and placed a soft kiss on her neck. "I love you, Jaan", his words pricked her conscience. She turned away to avoid him but he took the opportunity to nibble her nape. Why did she allow him to touch her? He is a beast who preys on innocent. First her sister and now her. A man without principles or emotions. Dr Shaurya Khanna, a bloody womanizer. How could she got seduced by his charms? Even after knowing his truth with Krishna, she betrayed her sister and yielded to him. She felt disgusted by her own body that he had tainted.

Despite her firm resolute, tear adorned her cheeks. Shaurya  felt moisture against his face and turned her forcefully. She muffled her sob and tried to act brave but failed miserably. He wiped her tears carefully and cupped her face. "I am sorry, Jaan", he apologized. She hated him yet she desperately needed consolation. She fell into his chest and wept. He felt guilty for her state. "I don't regret it but trust me I never intended to consummate our relationship before marriage. I know how much you value your morals", his words pricked deeply, leading her to weep again. 

"I feel so dirty. I have sinned", she cried. He pulled her away from his chest and admonished her angrily, "Mehek, please don't disrespect our love. May be the circumstance is not ideal but it is not a sin. We love eachother and we made love. There is nothing wrong with it. Why is it so hard for you to understand?". Mehek was aghast by his callousness. It was so easy for him to say those words to her but extremely hard for her forgive herself. Despite knowing the truth about him, she had allowed him to take advantage of her. He didn't force her but swayed her to his bed.He seduced her but she was to be blamed too. It was indeed difficult for Mehek to come in terms with consequences of her own actions. Tears ran though her cheeks again. 

He pecked her forehead and held her closely, "Please don't cry. I cannot see you in pain". She balled her fists as she was unable to comprehend his game. His words and deeds puzzled her. Why was he trying to be nice when he had already quenched his lust for her? He is supposed to throw her away once he sated his desires. Women once used were thrash for him. It was his signature  style that he boasted among his circle. Then why? She was puzzled.  He is a maze, a dangerous maze. 

In her emotional turmoil, she was unable to think straight and decided to give a break to her stressed out brain. Yet her resolution broke when he spoke again. "I will come to your home soon and  officially ask for your hand in marriage?", his words shocked her beyond limits. "But....", she couldn't utter another words as he shushed her by keeping his forefinger on his lips. "Jaan, I know. Your step father will oppose it. But I promise I will make him agree", he vowed. As she stood weak to make sense of the mess she landed into, he snaked his arms around her waist again, "So can I have my shirt back?"

Mehek jerked away from him. Ofcourse, he just wants to get between my legs, she thought angrily. She was a fool to even think for a minute that he actually cares. All his sweet talk and promises of marriage are just to bring her to his bed again. Probably he needs entertainment for couple hours until the dawn breaks. After that she will be just another name added to his conquests. She was so furious that she wanted to slap him hard. She could never allow herself to be seduced by him again. 

She looked around nervously to find her clothes. Sensing her nervousness, he chuckled softly, "Relax, Jaan. I was just joking. Come to bed as your body needs rest". He led her to bed and made her lay down. Mehek's heart started to beat erratically when climbed onto the bed and laid beside her. She needed a plan to disarm him if  he attempts to use her again. He spooned to her and pecked her cheek, "Goodnight, Jaan. Stop stressing and try to catch some sleep. I will be beside when you wake up". Mehek nodded and murmured a good night to him as well. Still sleep was miles away from her. She was uncomfortable. The vicious beast, sleeping beside her definitely harboured dicey feelings for her. 

To her surprise, Shauyra didn't try to get intimate with her. His even breathing indicated that he was fast asleep. Eventually she too fell asleep but her night was full of bad dreams. In all those nightmares she vividly saw Krishna who was weeping bitterly and questioned her loyalty. 

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