Chapter 7

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                                     "So you met Shaurya at London?", Sunaina asked amicably while pouring a cup of tea for the young man sitting before her. He had introduced himself as Arjun Hooda. "Yes, Aunty", he smiled sheepishly to hide his nervousness. Never in his life Arjun had posed as a friend of a person whom he never even met once. But when his close friend Azaan asked for a favour, he couldn't deny. "Actually I am settled in India now and our family is planning to start a hospital", he proceeded with his well-versed lines, "I heard that Dr Shaurya Khanna has moved back to India so I thought of approaching him. He will be perfect of this new venture". Sunaian was unsure but didn't want to be rude, "That's really good news, Beta. But I am afraid Shaurya is indisposed and wants to take a break". Sunaina uncomfortably looked at Nayani. "Aunty, I have come here with great expectations. We want him as chief of our hospital. He can put forward any conditions regarding remuneration or position", he tried to persuade her. Nayani looked at her mother expectedly but Sunaina shook her head, "I am sorry. But I know my son very well. He cannot be influenced easily". They sat quietly till finishing the tea. Arjun realised that Sunaina is a strong woman. Looking at the condition of their house and surroundings, he understood that they were not in luxury. But she managed to maintain their standards and didn't falter even a bit. While he disappointingly walked towards his car, a voice stopped him. "Mr Arjun Hooda, I can help you", Arjun turned to face Nayani who was repeatedly looked behind to check whether her mother is appearing or not.

"Thanks Arjun", Azaan cut the call and rushed to Mehek. "Dr Shaurya is residing in a remote village in India. I have the location", he showed her details send by Arjun. "I need to reach there immediately", Mehek told and Azaan agreed, "I will book tickets for us". But she refused his offer, "No Azaan. You just got married after many hardships and Shayara needs you more. Besides, I feel this is my lone journey". Azaan wasn't ready to let her go alone but after a long argument he had to give in to his adamant friend.

Mehek pulled her scarf close to her face & mouth to stop coughing. Although she was brought up in lap of luxury, she was never a snob. Most of her childhood, she had happily spent in middle class household of Dubey family. Even when she was taken away by her father, she looked forward to spend her time with Krishna and her family. She never cared of the luxury she got accustomed to but enjoyed the homely feeling of the Krishna's home. But nothing prepared her to face the harsh reality when she landed on the place where Shaurya was supposed to be living. The dirty and murky roads of the small place was in no comparison to the beautiful Indian villages portrayed for tourists. She was unable to find a decent transportation even for a high amount. After arriving , she tried to search for Shaurya but was met by distasteful looks from people who considered it was improper for a woman to travel alone that too in search of a man.

 Finally she found one of the few learned inhabitants in the primary school. An amicable school teacher named Shankar offered to help her. He drove her in his bicycle and she was again met with curious glances from probing eyes from everywhere. "Dr. Shaurya came here almost a month back, as part of a medical camp. Sensing the condition of village, he understood that he is needed here and stayed back", Shankar explained and Mehek hummed from behind afraid to fall off the cycle. "We lack basic facilities here. The health center is for name sake and having a doctor like him is a boon for us. Are you from foreign? I heard Dr Saab used to work overseas", he asked her. "Yeah. He was in London. We met there", Mehek replied curtly. "He is truly a gem. I wonder how he manage here with the bare minimal arrangements", Shankar's words puzzled Mehek's mind.

Mehek gaped at the sight before her. An old table and few chairs beneath a big banyan tree, along with couple of benches around it. This was the supposedly Shaurya's new clinic. From Shankar, she knew that even those furniture were lent by school considering his noble services else Shaurya had nothing. Mehek looked sympathetically at the man who used to be epitome of sophistication. His hair had grown unruly and beard badly needed trimming. His once well build body had shrank due to loss of weight. His white coat was dirty and an old stethoscope was hung carelessly around his neck. His patients were no longer the elite class but poor sick villagers. Although he kept a stern face, he wasn't arrogant towards them. From the patients expressions, it was clear that they regarded his as a respectful healer. Most of them had no money to pay.  It didn't matter to him as he went ahead to check next patient. Slowly she moved towards him with staggered gait and called softly, "Shaurya".

He looked at her on listening to her voice. A moment of recognition followed by severe hurt flashed across his face but it soon got masked. He ignored her and turned to his patient. "Shaurya, I am sor..", before she could finish, he gestured her to shush. "What do you want?", he asked harshly. Before she could reply he told again, "Whatever it is, I am busy and don't have time". She gulped and nodded. She deserved every bit of his harsh treatment. The villagers  around him looked at her sympathetically. "I will wait", she told but he didn't pay any heed to her and went of checking the patient

"Are you his girlfriend?", a naughty boy asked Mehek and she pinched his nose playfully. "Sorry Madamji", his mother apologized but Mehek brushed it away with a sweet smile. The middle aged lady moved aside so that Mehek could sit in shade and escape scorching sun. "Dr Saab is always busy. Patients from nearby villages also come to meet him. We don't have anyone else here to help us", she explained to Mehek. "He likes sugarcane. That's why we bring fresh harvest from our fields for him", the naughty boy explained while offering her some. "We don't have money to repay for his kindness. This is the best we could offer", the mother told sadly.

Once the last patient also left, Mehek eagerly went near him but he ignored her and packed his bag to walk away. "Shaurya, please listen to me", she ran behind to keep up, "I came here to apologize". She tried her best to converse but he turned a deaf year to her. They kept on walking passing muddy fields, dusty roads and after a dingy pond, a small house came into view. He pushed the door open and kept his stuffs inside. "Shaurya, I am sorry for everything", she repeated for the nth time. "I heard it already", he rebuked her sternly,"so if there is nothing else then leave". Mehek was dumbfound for a moment. She couldn't open her mouth and speak to the furious person standing before her. 

"What do want?", he demanded. "I came here to tell that I am sorry for everything", she whimpered. "That you already did", he glared at her. "Shaurya, it was all a mistake. I want to explain it to all", she spoke gaining a little bit of confidence. "But I am in mood to listen", he dismissed her clearly. "Please, I beg you. Just hear me out. Atleast spare five minutes for me", she appealed with folded hands. Shaurya marched towards her and grabbed her shoulders. His surprise attacked shook her but she stood tall. "Listen to me, Ms Sharma and listen carefully as I won't repeat. What you did to me was a terrible thing, extremely.  You can stand here and fake apologies for a million time but it's in vain. I will neither forgive nor forget. So better go back to whichever hell you came from and leave me alone. I want to do nothing with you", he pushed her outside and shut the door on her face.

Mehek sat on the steps and cried. Several minutes, probably hours passed away but he didn't come out. Regardless of her preparation, the harsh reality was not bearable. She was unable to fathom the Shaurya whom she encountered. He was neither vindictive nor forgiving. He had remade himself from ashes but became emotionless and passive. He didn't bother to spare her even a second to explain. He was disgusted by her presence and wanted nothing to do with her. She understood that situation is more complicated than she had expected. 'I need to earn his forgiveness', she stood up determined and decided to start her journey on path of redemption.

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