Chapter 14

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               Krishna stood before Mehek; hale and healthy. After the initial astonishment, Mehek was unable to contain herself. Last time she saw her, Krishna was on hospital bed. She was so happy to see her standing cheerfully before her. "Di, I am sorry", Krishna uttered but Mehek didn't allow her to finish and captured in her arms tightly.

"Di, please forgive me. I should have come earlier", Krishna apologized again. Mehek brushed it off as she no longer felt any anger towards her sister. She was so happy to see Krishna that nothing else mattered to her anymore. They talked for long in Mehek's room. Krishna was excited about her pregnancy and touched her baby bump eagerly to feel her niece or nephew. "Di, I am here to meet Dr Shaurya. I want to tell him everything so that he will understand the whole picture". "It doesn't matter anymore, Krishna", Mehek told sadly but she quickly changed her tone before Krishna could catch it, "Shaurya and I have outgrown it. All thanks to our baby. I don't want to dig out the past". "But still.."Krishna was indecisive. Mehek shushed her quickly, "Nothing about it. Are you hungry ? Wait here and let me make your favourite samosas", she offered. "I would love to but you shouldn't strain", Krishna advised. "Krishna, I am pregnant not invalid", she mocked her little sister and walked towards the door. Suddenly Mehek felt sharp pain in her abdomen and crouched down. She was unable to even reach the door. She knelt down and clutched her teeth to stop crying in pain. "Di", Krishna screamed and came to her rescue, "Oh my God, you are in labour. Sunaina Aunty....Sunaina Aunty..",Krishna scremed for help.

Shaurya ran through the corridors to reach the room where Mehek was kept. On seeing him, she tried to smile through the tears. "Mehek, it's all going to be fine", he held her hand reassuringly. She nodded but tears were making way through her cheeks. "I wish to see my father before taken in", she sobbed. "Rajesh Sir is informed and will be here soon. But we cannot wait for his arrival. We have to start the procedure", he told her and she wept. "Please tell Dad that I am sorry for everything. I want to beg him not to hate me. Tell him I love him a lot", she requested him. "Mehek, nothing is going to happen to you. In few hours, our baby will be born and we all will rejoice. Your father will be waiting to congratulate you", he tried to pacify her. Mehek nodded but it was clear that she was not convinced. "Please don't make our child hate me", she pled again, "I know you can never forgive me but atleast don't make our child think that I was a bad person", she told tearfully. Before Shaurya could speak to console her, he was forced to leave and Mehek was taken away.

"How come Mehek has severe complications suddenly?", Krishna questioned Dr Kaur, "Was it never diagnosed before? Couldn't you recommend any precautions? ". Dr Kaur shifted uneasily when Sunaina too joined to question her. "Shaurya and Mehek were already aware of it but they decided to go ahead with the pregnancy despite my advice to terminate it", Dr Kaur replied when they started to question her credibility. "Why didn't you ever tell me?", Sunaina lashed at Shaurya. "Even when Mehek wanted to continue ,it was a your duty to make her understand, Dr Shaurya. For God's sake, you are a Doctor", Krishna sneered at him. He was still unaware of her connection with Mehek and chose not to respond to her. He turned to his mother, "Ma, I didn't have the courage to kill my child. Mehek was also of same opinion". Sunaina shook her head in dismay.

"Nothing will happen to Mehek", he tried desperately to convince them and himself. Sunaina asked him, "Would you have done the same if Nayani was in same place as Mehek?". Her simple question made him defenseless. Without doubt, he would have fought for safety of his sister. Krishna was fuming but their attention turned to Dr Kaur. "Shaurya, we need to hurry. So please don't delay the formalities. Even though I will try my best to save both, there are chances that I have to choose between mother or baby. Please sign the form to declare your consent". Shaurya gazed at the form which urged him to pick amidst two lives, either Mehek or his child. He trembled while holding the pen and was unable to make a move.

"Shaurya, what are you thinking? Just sign it declaring that you want to save mother. Mehek's life is more important", Sunaina implored him. "Not for him", Krishan taunted him. Shaurya was about to contradict but Krishna had decided to take control of the situation. "Dr Kaur, this man is not my sister's husband. So he has no legal claim to declare and decided for Mehek. I am her sister and the closest kin, so I give consent to save my sister. Please save the mother", she quickly declared and signed the form. Dr Kaur nodded and walked away. Shaurya was shocked by Krishna's revelation. Before he could recover, Krishna lashed at him, "I am ashamed that I once respected you as a noble teacher and my good friend. I even remained disappointed at my sister for wrongfully accusing you. But today I don't think you deserved any of it. You are a cruel selfish man, Dr Shaurya". He looked at his mother but she didn't utter a single word to defend him.

Hours passed away. They all waited eagerly praying for Mehek. A junior doctor exited the room to inform birth of baby girl. "She is premature and needs to be kept in neonatal ICU, other than that she is healthy. So nothing to worry about the baby. You can see her in few hours", the doctor informed him. "How is Mehek?", Shaurya asked eagerly. "We cannot say anything now. Dr Kaur is trying her best", he went back quickly. "Congratulations", Shaurya was startled by Rajesh's voice. Once Rajesh knew about Mehek's hospitalization, he arrived as soon as possible. While Sunaina and Krishna had rebuked Shaurya, Rajesh chose to keep mum. But his silence was killing Shaurya. He couldn't believe that Rajesh was congratulating him for birth of his daughter while his own daughter was fighting for life. 

"You should go to ICU and stay beside your daughter", Rajesh suggested but Shaurya shook his head. "I want to be here", he replied. "Mehek is not alone. Her father has arrived and capable of taking care of her", he told firmly, "But your daughter needs you", he sounded genuine. "You should go and celebrate birth of your child. Mehek's life should not matter to you anymore", Krishna added to it ruefully. Rajesh carefully kept his hand on Krishna's shoulder, refraining her from creating a scene. "I am staying here", Shaurya remained adamant, without caring about their concern or annoyance

Sunaina, Rajesh and Krishna, all of them have gone to see his baby girl but Shauyra remained rooted to his position. He awaited eagerly for a positive news about Mehek. It seemed ironic that he no longer wished to get glance of his child for whom he had risked Mehek's life. He realised that he still loves her a lot eventhough it was buried deep down under hatred and contempt. When he faced with reality of losing Mehek, he understood that she still mattered most to him.

"Have you thought about any names?", Shaurya was woken from his trance by Rajesh's amicable mockery. Surgery had ended and Mehek was shifted to post-surgical care. Dr Kaur informed that next few hours are really critical for Mehek. Shaurya was amazed by the attitude Rajesh adorned while Mehek's life was hanging by a thread. "You can name her Mehek. In her mother's memory", Rajesh spoke casually with a sad smile. "Rajeshji, please", Sunaina begged him to spare her son. "Ofcourse why would you name her as Mehek? After all you hate Mehek. Why would you want your daughter to remind her?", Rajesh told sadly. Although his words pierced him, Shaurya put a brave face as he knew that the grieving father needs to vent out his sorrow. "I saw her, your daughter. She is so tiny and fragile. It's hard to tell but maybe she will take after Mehek. What will you do then? Will you despise her as well?", Rajesh continued to hurt Shaurya further. "Don't repeat my mistakes and let Mehek's sacrifice go in vain", he told genuinely and left him. Shaurya realised that Rajesh was too broken to fight or taunt him. As Mehek's father, his troubled mind was finding ways to handle the situation. 

What do you think? Will Mehek survive? Is it too late for MehRya? Will junior Mehek become painful reminder of her mother's demise?

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