Chapter 10

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                   "You are not getting married to Shaurya", Rajesh Sharma declared to his daughter. Mehek glared at him and shouted, "I am carrying his child. And I don't give a damn what you think. So we are getting married". Dubey and Azaan tried their best to keep both parties on each side calm. "Stupid girl. Can't you see that Shaurya is doing it just out of Obligation and not Love. You are throwing yourself under the truck. Come back with me and I will take care of you & my grandchild", Rajesh advised. "Like the way you took care of me during my childhood. Deprived of Affection and abundant in Neglect. You tore me away from my family and loved ones. Now you want to separate me from Shaurya as well", she accused him. 

Rajesh stood defeated. Mehek knew she had hit his weak spot. "Enough Mehek", Dubey's raised voice startled all the three. "Your father never took you away. I who made him do it", his words shocked Mehek. "After Meera's death,I was unsure whether I be able to provide for both girls in my mere income. I feared that having you with me may affect my daughter's future. I really cared for you but Krishna is my own blood. Being a selfish father, I forced your dad to take you away". Mehek stood frozen and barely registered when Dubey apologized to her. Slowly Azaan took Dubey away, letting father & daughter to be alone.

"I should apologize, shouldn't I?", Mehek asked her father after several minutes of deafening silence. Rajesh shook his head. "You are not entirely wrong to hate me, Mehek. Although I took you with me on Dubey's insistence, I always ignored you", Rajesh accepted his mistake, "I considered you as reminder of my failed marriage. I was too immature to understand my child's worth". He sighed, "When I realised my folly, it was too late. You already hated me to core. I tried a lot but you never gave me a chance". Mehek allowed her tears to fall freely. Now that she had suffered the same denial from Shaurya, she could perceive her father's pain. "I am sorry, Dad", she apologized. Rajesh was so content to hear the word Dad from her mouth. He quickly embraced her in his warmth.

Shaurya was sitting in the visiting area with his mother. He had summoned Sunaina and informed her about Mehek's pregnancy. Although she still disliked Mehek, she accepted that marriage was the best solution. They talked and reached decision to have a simple court wedding in few days. Soon they reached Mehek's room to convey the same. Once they were all settled, Mehek spoke while holding on to her father's hand, "I refuse to get married".

"What the hell?", Shaurya stood up angrily. His fists were balled in fury. Mehek tried to explain, "Being in a loveless marriage will never do any good for us. Eventually the ill effects will harm our child too". "Starting to show your true colours, aren't you?", he accused her, "As soon as you realised that my baby means the world to me, you are using it as a bait to trouble me". "Young man, it is her child too", Mehek's father tried to defend Mehek but she quickly stopped him. "We know it's her child. But my son is the father so you cannot snatch his child from him", Sunaina too became defensive. "I never told anything about taking away the baby", Mehek spoke calmly. But everyone in the room became curious and awaited for her to enlighten them further. "Once the baby is born, I will leave him or her with Shaurya", she told determinedly.

A few hours passed since Mehek announced her epic decision. Apart from Shaurya and Mehek, all were shaken and started to criticise her decision. Shaurya stood apart for a while, glaring at Mehek and then left abruptly. One by one all left. Finally, it was just Mehek and her father. "Will you be able to bear it, my child?", he asked carefully. "This is my last resort, Dad. These few months are the final period when I could make Shaurya forgive me", she told peacefully. "And if you fail?", he asked carefully. She smiled at him but her eyes were watering. He quickly hugged her, "My Mehek is a fighter. She will never fail once she sets her heart on it. I am sure you will succeed". His words meant the world to her and she held him tight. Rajesh prayed earnestly that Mehek won't be tested by fate again.

Few days later. Mehek was at threshold of Shuarya's ancestral home. Her heart was beating miles per hour in anticipation and excitement. This is going to be her home, a place where she will have her new family. A place where she will nurture her child and have her own safe haven. She smiled widely when Sunaina opened the door. Sunaina wore a stoic expression and just gave a curt nod indicating her to enter. Mehek's heart fell in sadness and she looked down to hide her face. Her father quickly came beside and intertwined his fingers into hers. "You are a Fighter", he whispered to her, giving the courage she badly needed. She felt foolish to have expected a warm welcome from Shaurya's family. She was still their culprit and deserved every bit of harsh treatment. Mehek closed her eyes , remembered her mother and prayed for her blessing. Then she turned and touched her father's feet for his blessing. "All the best, Mehek. I know you will win", he pecked her cheeks and boosted her confidence.

"You will be staying in this room", Shaurya led her to a spacious room filled with all comfort. "This is one of the best rooms in this house. Good air circulation and lot of sunlight. Since it is in ground floor, it spares you the effort to climb stairs", he explained. Mehek was glad and glanced around the room to find his photographs, trophies and certificates on the wall. She understood that it was his room. "I will be shifting my stuffs to other room", he told quickly. Mehek smiled at him, "You don't have to". Regardless of his decision to stay put, he snapped at her, "Listen Mehek. If you have the audacity to suggest that I will share the same room with you, then you are utterly wrong. I despise the fact that we are even under the same roof". He was fuming and expected her to whine or retort back. But she told calmly, "I am aware of it, Shaurya. You jumped into conclusion while I was trying to convey that I will gladly adjust in guest room. You don't have to leave your room for me". Shaurya felt stupid but he was not ready to yield, "I am not doing anything for you. All I care is for my child". He marched out of the room while Mehek tried her best to remain unhurt and not shed tears. 

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