Chapter 8

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                                     "Shaurya", Mehek called him nervously while pushing a glass of tea and plate of food towards him. He ignored her as usual and got up to leave. "Please Shaurya. Atleast don't show your resentment towards food", she requested him. It's been couple of days since came back to his life. He avoided her like plague but she stuck around. She was not allowed to enter the dingy tiny house where he stayed. Yet she managed to sleep on its veranda, inside her sleeping bag. He was surprised to see her in the morning, nevertheless ignored her. Mehek believed that eventually he will allow her in but he never did. She followed him everywhere and anywhere he went, like a loyal puppy. She voluntarily carried his bag of medicines and other equipments. Shaurya was least interested to chase her away. He had no energy to waste on her , thereby creating a scene. He believed the best way to get rid of her is to disregard her.

Mehek realised that Shaurya didn't cook or eat properly. He managed himself with fruits or some random food which villagers gave him as payment for his services. That too whenever he had in excess, he gave away to others. Although house he used was small, it was kept clean. Few ladies in neighbourhood used to come to clean the house. He had no money to pay them but those ladies considered it as least they could offer in return to his noble work. Mehek befriended those ladies and in few days, she got the kitchen ready. She eagerly waited for Shaurya to taste his food but was disappointed. "Shaurya please have few bites. You haven't been eating properly", she plead him again. He smirked at her, "What have you mixed in it, Ms Sharma? Drugs? Some sort of slow poison? ", Mehek got saddened but she could understand his point of view. He was still apprehensive about her comeback. She knew it was vain to argue so she boldly took a sip of tea and ate few morsels of the food in the plate. "Are you convinced now that the food is safe?", she asked him haughtily. "Now that you have touched them with your filthy tongue, they are surely poisonous for me", he sneered at her before leaving.

Shaurya tried to lose himself in work. He had comparatively less patients but he focused on them. Unaware to him, Mehek gracefully walked in and greeted them all with a sweet smile. She had become a familiar face amongst the villagers. For them , she was their Doctor Sahib's friend who came to assist him. Her cordial nature helped her mingle with them quickly. She placed food on paper plates and distributed to all. She announced that its lunch break and they should all enjoy food. She sat beside Shaurya taking her plate and offering him another plate. Shaurya was helpless infront of villagers and had to eat. As soon as the food touched his mouth, he felt relieved. It's been several day or may be weeks, since he had a decent meal. Above all, Mehek had her own magic when it came to food. As usual, everyone praised her cooking and he too enjoyed their meal together.

From that day onwards, there was no argument between them about food. Mehek cooked for him and he consumed it silently. In couple of days, he allowed her to sleep inside the house but not without sternly informing her that it is simply a payment for cooking. Mehek was happy that she had won an initial battle.

Few weeks passed. Mehek and Shaurya became medical duo favourites for villagers. Mehek helped Shaurya through thick & thin. It helped him to serve and cure many sick patients and involuntarily the degree of his resentment reduced. Still whenever Mehek tried to explain, she was turn down rudely. With their help, villagers were able to revive their health center. Few doctors also volunteered to work in the health center . Mehek managed to pull few strings, bringing medicines and other necessities to the center. They all gathered at the health center for the beginning of the new venture. After a long time, Mehek saw a heartfelt smile on Shaurya's face and she was happy about it. Her phone rang and she walked away to answer it. Although he acted not to notice, Shaurya sensed her sudden disappearance.

"Thank you, Azaan. The health center is functional now. It's a huge help for people and Shaurya is also really happy. All thanks to you for making it happen", Mehek was expressing her gratitude towards Azaan. When she turned, she faced Shaurya who had listened to her conversation. Pain flashed through his face but he masked it quickly. He informed that elders in the village were waiting for her. Since they were amidst the crowd, Mehek was unable to explain herself.

Shaurya chose to remain quiet and appeared to ponder on their situation. At night while they were eating dinner, he softly asked her, "How does you fiancé feel about you staying here?". "Azaan is a good friend. Our engagement was ...", she went silent as Shaurya showed his hand to stop her. "I am least interest, Ms Sharma. You are good at deceiving people but today whatever your intentions were you did a good deed. I am thankful for it", he said plainly, "So let's part in this happy note. This is your cue to leave soon". "No, I won't", finally she had courage to yell at him, "I have been trying a lot for quite some time, Shaurya. I need you to listen to me. Atleast hear me out and then decide". He threw away his plate in anger,"why should I listen to you lies and disloyal words, Mehek? So that you can break me again". 

For the first time since they met again, he burst out. Although scared, she was glad that he was not bottling up. "When you betrayed me, I lost everything. By everything, I don't mean money or career. I lost my life, my soul and my will to live. I was unable to be even stay with my mother or sister. Still I held on to life. You know why?", he sneered at her. Mehek stood dumbfound while he laughed crazily. "Hatred. The burning inferno of Hatred I feel towards YOU", he pointed at her. "I could have come back and sought my retribution. Ever wondered why I never opted for revenge? Because then we would have been even and in that case I would have had no reason to hate you", he staggered back to chair, "If there is no HATE then there is no SHAURYA". Mehek realised that how deeply she had scarred him. Her apology or penitence, nothing will compensate for her grave sin. "So atleast show the mercy to let me live my life rather than getting over your guilt", he told sternly. When he walked away, she didn't have the courage to pursue him.

Next morning, Shaurya didn't come out of his room. He stayed in his bed although he didn't even get a wink of sleep. A part of him wished Mehek to stay but another wanted her out of his life. He stirred a bit when she entered his room after a cursory knock. He sat on the bed while Mehek sat on the floor. He knew she too didn't sleep properly. She held on to his knee, "I am sorry, Shaurya. Please punish me. Don't hurt yourself for my sins". No longer she wanted to share her side of story as his revelations scared her. It was tough for him to trust her yet he couldn't find dishonesty in her words. 

"What do you want, Mehek?", he asked her. "I wanted your forgiveness but I won't ask for it anymore. I want you to forget it all and move on in your life. Go back to your family, restart your career and find your happiness", she told in a breath. He moved closer to her and talked menacingly, "I am not one of your costly toys that your daddy got you, Ms Sharma. You cannot break me , hit reset button and expect me be back to normal", he moved away angrily. Mehek gave up hope and stood up. He spoke again before she could leave, "But if you really want me to forget it all, then leave from my life and never come again to remind me of those tragic memories". Mehek agreed, "I will leave tomorrow" and walked away holding her tears.

Precap : Mehek tried to be cheerful yet the sadness in her voice was evident. She took papers from Azaan and gave it Shaurya, "It's all yours. Back to the legitimate owner". Shaurya never cared about wealth but still was glad, Atleast it could provide a comfortable life to his mother and secure his sister's future. He just nodded and just scanned through the papers. "Bye", he made a curt farewell and walked away briskly.

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