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"Rosie!" A faint voice called to me, the coldness of the metal burning my skin. "Baby wake up!"


"Baby you have to stay alive! Keep-"


"Keep fighting!"

I gasped and shot up, my leg slamming into the edge of the cage. Tears streamed down my face as my mom's face flashed into my mind, the painting of her from Jungkook, everything about her. My heart was pounding, going so fast I was surprised how it was keeping up.

"We got a surprise for you." The Timeless man growled as he dragged me by my hair, locking my wrists together. I followed him, keeping my head low so I wouldn't have to look at the dead hybrids.

"Rosemary, you should look up." Peter whispered in my ear after I was pushed to my knees. I heard muffled screams, of, of my bunny. My head shot up, tears already falling before I even saw them. My last family members.

"Jungkook!" I tried to get up to run towards them, but I was struck down, my head pounding from the bat. "Guys," I whimpered. "I'm scared."

"You should be scared for them." Peter pulled me to my feet and aimed my head to look at the boys in those tube-like cages. "We are going to take their hybrid abilities away from them." 

"No you can't!" I cried and thrashed around. "You'll kill them!" Peter only laughed and I saw the tears trickle down Namjoon's face. 

"That's the goal sweetheart."

I watched as blue light blinded me, but the screams didn't stop. I heard clothes ripping, blood drop onto the floor, Peter's laughter. I heard it all. I wish I was deaf. I wouldn't have to hear them, wouldn't have the memory of the crash ringing in my ears, I wouldn't hear my sobs.

They were all on the ground, dead animals beside them. The animals, are what they were. Their other half. 

"Taehyung!" I screamed, trying to run forward again. "Get up! Please! You're the strongest! Fight it!" 

"Shut up." Peter growled and hit me to the ground once again, everything blurry as I tried to get up. "You're next." I smiled once I saw some of the boys get up, looking around confused, touching their human ears. I let Peter throw me into another tube, a white fox beside me. 

"I love you guys." I whispered, a tear tracing down my cheek as they screamed, pounding on the glass, desperate to get to me. But they were too late. My eyes closed and a tail grew.

Together (Sequel to Hybrid)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang