20: What If I Don't Want You To Control Yourself?

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If I ever meet this 'Killian' guy, I don't think I will be able to contain my anger. How could he betray Alaric like this, damaging him and taking his parents so prematurely?

"It's ok Alaric, I forgive you. Thank you for sharing that with me. I am so sorry you had to go through that, and I understand that you are worried that everyone is going to leave like that pathetic excuse for a human-werewolf-whatever and your parents. But I promise... I'm not going too willingly."

"I know Jess, but still I can't help but feel like this is all my fault... If I had seen through his fake-ness then maybe my parents would still be alive, and he wouldn't still be causing me problems today." Alaric sighs gloomily.

"Alaric you cannot think like this... It is not your fault that he killed your parents. That is on him, and only him. Now I know that I'm new to all of this, but you seem to be a great Alpha and everyone respects you, so I am sure your parents are really proud, wherever they are." I say fiercely.

"Thank you Jessamine." He says as he swallows thickly, squeezing my arms in support. "I know my parents deaths weren't really my fault, although I could have taken steps to prevent it, but I was too weak to kill him in the past, so I let him get away, and now... now he is threatening you. He heard I have found my mate, which is why he came back yesterday, and he said he is going to takeover the pack and... and mate with you. Claim you as h-his own." Alaric struggles to tell me, his eyes flashing gold and tension stiffening his body.

"I would never let him Alaric." I reveal adamantly. "I only want you." I enforce.

With my declaration, his eyes burn passionately into mine, before he pulls me firmly into an all-consuming kiss. It isn't like one of those gentle, closed-mouthed kisses you have when you are five and you've never held hands with a boy before. It is full on, open-mouthed and sexual as we struggle to get closer to each other, clinging and touching and caressing as much as we can. And I love it. I love the way my softer body melts into his hard, powerful one making me feel completely at his mercy. I love the way our lips fit like two puzzle pieces and the feeling that all is right in the world as long as I am with him. Fireworks erupt between us, as we get lost in the desire of each other, warmth spreading from his warm lips to mine and throughout my body sending me higher into the clouds. Drunk on endorphins my only desire is to touch him, to move my hands under his crumpled shirt and feel his perfect hardness. In moments our soft caresses have become more firm, savouring each other's lips, and the quickening of my breath matches his own as a gentle tug of his teeth on my plump lower lip draws a moan out from the back of my throat.

Eventually we break apart, collapsing into each other with long, ragged breaths. The air hums with opportunity, lust and love, and I want to do so much more then just kiss the life out of Alaric. The bulge in his trousers tells me we are on the same wavelength...

"I'm sorry I called you a whore... you're not, well you can be my whore." He hums breathlessly into my ear. "And I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier... I need to work on that."

"It's ok... I forgive you; we both have things we need to work on. But if you shout at me again when I'm just trying to help I will not be happy." I warn, and he nods in acceptance. "Oh, and your arm! Is it ok?" I fret, relieved when I see it is bandaged up, although pouting as I wanted to be the one to do it.

"It's ok; it will heal soon enough - advanced wolf genes." He explains. "The meeting I had yesterday was about Killian, we heard rumours from the south that he had made a rogue army – rogues are werewolves who don't belong to a pack, usually because of a terrible crime they committed - and today we found out it was true." Alaric reveals with our foreheads resting against each other. "When I got back from the meeting I was stressed and on edge anyway, but when I saw you looking so beautiful and sexy I nearly lost it. I had to run away after we kissed otherwise I wouldn't have been able to control myself." He reveals, making my stomach clench in desire.

"What if I don't want you to control yourself?" I ask brazenly as I lean back from him, making him groan lowly under his breath.

"Don't tease me Jessamine, I can't deny you anything, and once we start I won't be able to stop." He grunts.

Why on God's green earth would I ever want him to stop?

"Don't you want me?" I pout as I rock my hips sensually over his, causing him to go red in the face.

"I do I do Jessamine." He rushes out, and I decide I like this Alaric, vulnerable to me and nervous about what I may do next. "But I want our first time to be perfect, and we can't rush into it. Once we take this step you are mine forever, there is no such thing as 'breaking up' in the werewolf world. Also you need a Luna ceremony to introduce you to the pack and tie you in as our Luna." Alaric explains, gently pushing my hips away from his sizeable bulge so that he can think straight.

Goodness, who would have thought two months ago I would have to decide whether I want to become a freaking Queen of werewolves or not. Although of course I am nervous, I am also excited for my future with Alaric, because let's be honest – there is no way I could ever voluntarily leave him now.

"Ok Alaric, you are right." I sigh in dismay, although I can't stop smiling. "But I did want to ask... Do you mind that I am not a werewolf?" For the first time in this conversation, I actually feel quite vulnerable. Surely there are other girls – werewolf girls – more capable of being a Luna?

"Jessamine you are perfect. I wouldn't change you for the world." Alaric promises with a sweet kiss to my forehead. "Now let's go get you some food since I am sure you are hungry after your nap, but I am afraid we have run out of coco pops." Alaric says with a suspicious mock-glare.

"Oh yeah... I'm sure one of the kids got in or something." I shrug with a cheeky grin.

"If by kid you mean a hot 22 year old then sure." Alaric teases, knowing I had around three bowls of the chocolatey goodness this morning.

"I am feeling so attacked right now." I huff jokingly.

"I'm only teasing you Jess, I asked Tori to fill the cupboards with it for you. Now let's go get you fed then we're going to bed. I want you in my arms tonight." Alaric declares, filling me to the brim with happiness.

Smut coming soon xo


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