Chapter Six: Who to help first?

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Steven sat upon a rock, his right hand resting under his chin. He kept his eyes on the rest of the group. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Pearl staring up towards his mom and holding onto her hands.

Behind them, Bismuth was still chasing after a still giggling Lapis. The former jumped and Lapis let out a snicker, turning and flying off in a different direction. Bismuth turned around as well, going the same way Lapis went.

The teen turned his head, now focusing his attention on Amethyst. He could see her just sitting on the ground. She had her eyes focused solely on the sky.

Off to the side, he could see Ruby and Sapphire still over near the Diamonds. Ruby appeared to still be glaring up at them. Letting out a sigh, Steven slid off the rock he was on, and silently made his way over towards them. He let out a quiet groan as he got right in between them. Ruby, now annoyed at him, took her eyes off the Diamonds and focused them solely on him.

"Woah, woah, woah, guys?" Steven managed to say, his eyes drifting from Ruby to Sapphire. "Do you have a problem with the Diamonds?"

"Yes!" Ruby spat. "They're not to be trusted."

Now Steven was confused. He let out another groan and scratched his head. "B-but they've changed. They're not bad anymore." His eyes focused solely on the Diamonds. "You've changed, right?"

The Diamonds nodded in response to Steven's question and he let out a sigh of relief, turning and motioning for Ruby and Sapphire to follow him. He figured he could help them first.

He felt another tap on his shoulder and he turned his head. Looking down, he focused his attention on Sapphire. "Problem?"

"Yes!" Sapphire spoke up calmly. "I can see you walking directly into Bismuth."

What? Steven confusedly turned his head again. Just in time to see Bismuth running directly towards him, Ruby, and Sapphire. A shadow passed by overhead. Probably Lapis's. Steven came to a stop. And so did Bismuth.

He apologetically looked up towards the Gem in front of him, not even noticing Lapis Lazuli land right behind him. Bismuth's blueprints were still in her hands. She quietly made her way over towards Bismuth and turned to face Steven.

Bismuth turned to face her and held a hand out, half expecting Lapis Lazuli to give her her Blueprints back. When Lapis didn't seem to want to do anything, Bismuth quietly groaned out of annoyance and began chasing after her again.

Steven tried to remain calm, turning to face Ruby and Sapphire. "They'll...uhhh probably take a while."

It was true. It was going to take more than a little while. Ever since Lapis Lazuli found out that Bismuth was the one who had poofed her during the Gem Rebellion, all she seemed to want to do at the moment was constantly tease Bismuth. And to be fair, it was starting to go a little too far.

Steven eyed them, trying to figure out a way to stop Lapis from teasing Bismuth. If there even was a way.

Rejuvenated: Pink's return (a Steven Universe au fanfic) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن