Chapter Four: To Little Homeworld

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Bismuth's eyes were focused on a set of blueprints laying flat on a table. Her mind now set on completing her scaffolding. She didn't immediately take notice of the group of Gems standing there. But by the time she did take notice, she saw Peridot, hanging upside down from her trash can lid, and Lapis Lazuli next to her. Lapis sat, cross-legged, in the air.

"Uh?" Bismuth was quick to ask, turning to face the conversing group of Gems. "What are you guys doing?"

"Well." Peridot said, nearly falling off of her trash can lid. Lapis Lazuli caught her in time. "While you were busy looking over your blueprints, these guys showed up. So we just spent the last five to ten minutes talking to them. Apparently Steven wants us to help him help the Gems get their memories back."

"Wait?!" Now Bismuth was confused. "What happened?"

Spinel held out her rejuvenator and Bismuth took it, the latter Gem's eyes looking it over. She turned to look over towards Spinel again, a look of fear showing up on her face. "Wait.. quick question?" She said as she scratched her head. "I-is this a Rejuvenator?"

Spinel nodded in response.

Bismuth handed the rejuvenator back over to Spinel and the latter took it, putting it down. Off to the right, Steven sat, cross-legged, on the ground. He had his back to the Gems, his right hand resting under his chin. He looked like he was currently deep in thought.

Bismuth stood up, making her way over towards the teen, her sitting down right next to Steven causing the sixteen year-old to look up towards her. The former Gem smiled, placing a hand on top of Steven's shoulder. She pulled him closer to her. "Hey there, little buddy? You thinking about something?"

Steven sighed quietly, turning away from Bismuth. "Just thinking about how to help the Gems and mom get their memories back. I was thinking maybe it would be a little bit easier to help mom get her memories back first."

Bismuth was quick to suggest something else. "Why don't you help one of the others get their memories back first."

Steven focused his eyes on Bismuth again, letting out another sigh. "I could do that. But we'd need Pearl, Spinel, and the Diamonds to help mom get her memories back and/or mom to help Pearl get her memories back. I guess that I could still do it either way."

Bismuth and Steven focused their attention over towards Pearl, who was sitting right next to Pink Diamond. Pink gazed, confused and nervous, down towards Pearl, the latter holding onto her hand. Bismuth turned her head again, this time becoming a little bit surprised to find that Steven wasn't there. A look around the surrounding area and she found Steven with Pearl. He appeared to be in the middle of a conversation with her.

Bismuth chuckled and rolled her eyes at this, deciding now was the time to focus on looking over her blueprints she had laid out. As she stood and began to look over her blueprints, two shadows suddenly loomed over her. She looked up to find Peridot and Lapis Lazuli just hovering there. Looking over her shoulder.

Bismuth snickered at this. "What are you two doing?"

Lapis Lazuli looked to Peridot and then to Bismuth. "Wondering what exactly it is you're doing."

Bismuth eyed her blueprints before looking up at Lapis and Peridot again. "I was just looking over the blueprints I had laid out."

Lapis descended to the ground, walking over and standing right next to Bismuth. Her eyes focusing solely on the blueprints. "I think Little Homeworld's going to look cool once it's fully built."

Peridot decided that she, too, wanted to look at Bismuth's blueprints. "Yeah. Lapis is right. I too think that Little Homeworld's going to look cool once fully built.

Bismuth just quietly laughed, silently rubbing the back of her head. She turned away from her blueprints, her eyes focusing solely on Steven. She sighed quietly to herself as she made her way over towards Steven.

Rejuvenated: Pink's return (a Steven Universe au fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now