Chapter Ten: Memories of the Kindergarten

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Now sat on a train, Steven, Amethyst, Bismuth, Lapis, Peridot, and Spinel were all on their way to the kindergarten Amethyst came from. Glancing over to the side, Steven could tell that both Bismuth and Lapis were rather nervous. Peridot was sat right next to Amethyst, her hand on the latter's shoulder. And from the looks of it, Amethyst was doing the same thing. Something that made Steven laugh.

Sat down right next to Steven, her legs swinging back and forth, was a sullen looking Spinel. Steven took his eyes off Bismuth, Lapis, Peridot, and Amethyst, now focusing them on Spinel. He placed a hand on her shoulder and she looked to him.

"I'm sorry." She said.

Steven responded to this in a reassuring tone of voice. "It's okay. We're going to find a way to fix all of this."

Albeit still a little sad, Spinel just nodded.

They all eventually made their way over towards the Kindergarten where Amethyst had been made and Steven, standing off to the side, showed Amethyst the hole that she'd come from. Amethyst looked directly at it before looking to Steven.

A few giggles escaped Amethyst's throat as she pointed over to her hole within the kindergarten. "Hole."

"Yes, that's right." Steven chuckled. "That's a hole. That's your hole."

"My hole?" Amethyst turned to face Steven, still giggling. Steven became surprised when Amethyst said a single word. "Pew!"

"Pew, pew?" Steven held out a hand and Amethyst decided to do the same, the two of them performing their secret handshake.

"Amethyst!" Steven cried out in joy, racing forwards and giving the Purple skinned Gem a tight hug. Steven stepped a few feet away from Amethyst the moment he saw her start to glow.

He watched on with a surprised Bismuth, Lapis, Peridot, and Spinel all stood next to him. Amethyst descended down towards to the ground, now reforming in her current outfit. She opened her eyes and then closed them again. The process repeated itself a few more times until she finally, fully, opened her eyes.

"W-what happened?" Amethyst questioned, her attention focusing on the group of Gems in front of her.

Spinel and Steven both stepped towards her, the former taking out her rejuvenator and showing it to Amethyst and the latter placing a hand on her shoulder.

Steven looked to the side. "You were hit by that rejuvenator and poofed."

Amethyst just looked at him in confusion.

Rejuvenated: Pink's return (a Steven Universe au fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now