'If you are not named Jimin then this diary does not belong to you. Do not proceed further.'

A warning on the first page itself, Jungkook snickered at how cute he found this to be and completely ignored the warning by flipping further.

'Today was really tiresome. I had to attend lectures alone cause Taehyung and y/n went on a date together. Damn! He always does this to me. I'm gonna kill him one day.'

'Today was kinda enjoyable. We won our soccer match and a cute girl proposed to me (tho I turned her down 😔) sometimes I feel like I'm asexual. The person I love the most other than my parents are probably taehyung and y/n and I love them like family (no romantic feelings involved.)'

As he read further, he got hooked and actually started enjoying reading how Jimin's ranted about his daily life. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Jimin enter the halfway, walking straight to class ignoring him like always.

Oh right, he's still mad at me.

Jungkook's smile slowly started to fade away at the thought. He decided to skip the first period and headed to the library just so he can read the rest of it in peace.

If he wrote about everything in his life then it means that this diary could also contain the reason why he had been avoiding me recently.

He flipped a few more pages until something finally caught his eyes.

'You know there is this new cafe that opened up nearby and I decided to try it out cause today was a depressing day and I needed a cup of hot Choco latte. The taste was pretty great and had a reasonable rate not to mention the staff there were quite likable. I was their first costumer of the day and due to which I had a 50% off discount but I didn't notice and paid in full so this cute little worker there chased after me and gave me my money back. I feel like this was the only good thing that happened to me today.'

A smile crept up jungkook's face as he read this. This was the first time they both saw each other. He flipped the page further in delight.

'you know about the coffee shop I talked about last time? I'm now a regular customer there and I actually enjoy going there alot. It's like a refreshment for my brain after a hard day at school. And the cute handsome guy who works at the coffee shop is slowly becoming my friend, I look forward to seeing him everyday. He's like a breath of fresh air.'

'His name is Jungkook. I finally know his name now, I'm so happy today. I don't know why but I'm oddly attracted to this cute boy. He just makes me feel lighthearted and happy. Not to mention he makes the best choco latte.'

'Today Jungkook and I went to watch a movie together. It was the first time we hung out as friends out of the coffee shop. I was genuinely so happy and excited the whole time that I feel like I might have embarrassed myself alot today. I just can't help it. I just really really really like him.'

The smile plastered on jungkook's face slowly started to vanish as he read further. Confusion, realisation, gladness, shock, all of it came to hit him like truck.

'Today my tongue slipped and I kinda gave myself out to Jungkook by saying that I had a crush on him but he was too stupid to get the clue so I successfully covered it up by saying it was somebody he didn't know.'

'I'm honestly too scared to tell Jungkook how I feel. I mean it's not normal right? A boy loving another boy? What would he think? How would he react? Would he be disgusted?'
The smile was no longer present in his face instead warm tears rolled down his cheeks. How could he be so stupid? How could he have not realised it? How could he have not seen the signs? Jet black hair, big doe eyes, bunny smile, puffed cheeks, makes great Choco latte. These were the characteristics that belonged to him. He was the crush Jimin always talked about and just by listening to Jimin talk about the mystery person he knew how much the boy loved his crush, to the point of it not even being a mere crush but a full blown out unrequianted love story.

Boy Friend (Kim Taehyung & Y/N ff)Where stories live. Discover now