Chapter 7: Another Bizarre Day Ahead

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Lisa felt like the days went by so fast and for some reason, she felt a little alive again.

Maybe it was because of those simple things like doing the dishes or watering the plants that Jennie bought her one day, or maybe it was because of something a little bigger than that like going out to the store to buy groceries or to actually went out to dinners with Jennie.

Lisa won't admit it but life became a little easier again with Jennie, and not only because she was a great cook, but because ever since she came into Lisa's life, Leo became a little less grumpy which means a little less nail scratches for Lisa too.

"You like it?" Jennie asked, she was leaning on the countertops and looked at Lisa expectantly.

The Thai nodded. "It's has a different taste... but I guess... I like it."

"See, I told you tuna lasagna is delicious." Jennie clapped her hands and gave out a gummy smile.

Lisa playfully rolled her eyes.

Jennie poured juice on her glass. "Are you sure you don't want me to pack you a sandwich so you can eat it at work or something?"

"Do you think I'm a grade-schooler?" Lisa scoffed.

Jennie laughs, teasing Lisa. "Yes since you look like a baby... my baby."

"Is that supposed to make me blush?"

"Does it work?"

"Shut up."

Their days went on like that, a never-ending teasing and cooking and washing dishes. Sometimes when Lisa was bored or when Jennie wasn't in the mood to read books at night, they found themselves side by side at the couch at night, watching Disney movies and eating popcorn or homemade cookies by Jennie. Sometimes they would even share a mug of choco coffee to warm their selves on a cold night.

It was sweet and Lisa secretly liked it.

"What time are you going out? I'll drive you." Jennie suggested, like a good girlfriend she was but Lisa immediately shook her head.

"No thanks, I kinda miss driving and it's better to arrive there alone incase the media are waiting outside." She reasoned out.

"Okay, but text me if you need anything, I'll be there."


It was already past 1 PM when Lisa headed out of her apartment. Jennie was waving her goodbye and gave her flying kisses that Lisa gladly slap away from her direction.

"Good luck! And say hi to Seulgi for me!"

It was only last night when Lisa got text messages from Seulgi demanding her to come to the company as soon as possible because apparently, the new CEO wasn't happy about Lisa's absence for the past three months and that they were actually mad that she had been neglecting all her responsibilities as an artist. Lisa was guilty of that and although to be honest she didn't care much about what the company would say, she was still at the right mind to still want to save her career.

But it still didn't make her less nervous as she was driving on the way to the YG building. She had only been away for three months but it somehow felt like it was forever ago. She was nervous about what her colleagues would say and what would she'd tell them. It wasn't hard to lie, but still, it made Lisa uneasy to think of it. She wasn't used to speaking with many people anymore and for a quick moment, she regretted not to agree when Jennie asked to drive her, at least the brunette would distract her from her thoughts.

It didn't take that long before Lisa arrived at the YG headquarters. As soon as she got off the car, she had this feeling in her stomach that she suddenly wanted to throw up. She was so nervous and was so close to getting in the car again and drive off, but Seulgi was already there at the gate waving and waiting for her.

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