Mark didn't look entirely convinced, but he said, "You should go take a nap. I'll still be here when you wake up."

Jinyoung sighed and agreed. He didn't think he'd actually be able to fall asleep, but it was worth a shot. Mark grabbed his hand and squeezed it before Jinyoung made it to his room, showing his silent support. 

After another round of Mario kart, which Yugyeom won, Mark decided that he was going to go check on his boyfriend. 

"No funny business," Jackson warned as Mark made his way to the room.

"Remember, we can hear everything!" Yugyeom added. Mark just rolled his eyes and then turned the doorknob.

Mark was happy to see that Jinyoung actually did fall asleep. He slowly crept over to his boyfriend and saw that he had his earbuds in. 

Mark crept closer so he could place a kiss on his forehead. When he was only a couple inches from his face, Jinyoung gasped and jumped up. 

"Oh my god, don't scare me like that!" 

Mark took a deep breath to calm his own racing heart. "Well sorry! I thought you were asleep!" 

Jinyoung narrowed his eyes and laid back into his spot. "Why'd you come in here anyway?" He took out his earphones. 

"I just wanted to check up on my beautiful boyfriend."

"Shut up."

"Okay, what did I do to you?" Mark wasn't being serious, he knew how his boyfriend could get, so he was just making a joke. But it seemed Jinyoung didn't notice the lightheartedness. Or he chose to ignore it.

"You didn't do anything to me. But could you kindly fuck off?"

Okay, something was up. Mark sat down on the bed. "Jinyoung. What's wrong? You've been acting weird all day." 

Jinyoung said nothing and didn't meet Mark's eyes. 

"Did someone do something to you? Did someone hurt you?" Mark could hear his voice growing angrier as he thought about what could have happened to Jinyoung.

"No! No. No one did anything to me. I'm fine." 

Mark chewed on the inside of his cheek. This was going to be difficult. "Then please, tell me what's wrong."

"I-I can't."

"Why not?"


Mark suppressed his growl of frustration. He knew that if Jinyoung didn't want to tell him something, he should leave it alone. But this seemed different.  

He was growing desperate. "Please. I can't just see you like this and not do anything about it."

Jinyoung sighed. "Well, you're not going to like my answer." 

Mark kind of thought that was obvious. "Okay, and?"

"I just can't tell you." 

"Maybe it would make you feel better if you told someone."

Jinyoung looked like he was pondering that statement. But then he shook head. 

"Alright, I give up. But is there anything I can do to help?" 

"Hmm. Maybe a hug?" Jinyoung smiled slightly. 

"Ugh. After all that? Fine. Come here." Mark opened his arms and then wrapped them around Jinyoung. "Wow, you're warm." 

Jinyoung just hummed and started swaying. After a minute more of that, the two separated. "Do you feel better?" Mark asked. 

"A little bit." 

"Ok good." They stayed silent for a few moments. "Are you ready to tell me now?"

Jinyoung groaned and buried his head in a pillow. "You're never going to give up, are you?" he said in a muffled voice.

"Nope." Mark popped the 'p.' 

Jinyoung sat up and glared at his boyfriend. "Fine. I'll tell you."

Mark silently celebrated. 

"Just promise not to get mad."

Oh? So the reason why Jinyoung couldn't tell him was because he was going to get mad at him?

Mark narrowed his eyes but nodded in agreement. 

"Okay, so remember my aunt's vow renewal that I went to with Jackson?"


"My family was being really homophobic so me and Jackson left the table and went to a random hallway. I was getting really upset and then I just kissed him." Jinyoung squeezed his eyes shut so he didn't have to see Mark's reaction. 

Mark took a few seconds to process. He knew they had kissed before, but that was before they started dating. And he kind of guessed that the other two had feelings for each other but just didn't realize it. Who was he to step in the way of that? 

"You guys were in the moment and you were emotional. It's fine."

Jinyoung peeked his eye open. "Really?" 

Mark nodded, but Jinyoung could see there was a certain sadness around him. 

"You don't understand. I don't regret kissing him. That's the thing. That's why I've been acting weird. I don't know how to sort my feelings out."

"How do you feel about me?" Mark asked. 

"Oh, I still have feelings for you, obviously. I didn't mean for it to sound like I didn't. I still want to date you, but I don't know if you still want to date me."

Mark took a deep breath. "I still want to date you. But... do you have feelings for both of us?"

Jinyoung nodded. "I think so."

 Mark really didn't want to laugh, but he couldn't control himself. He tried to cover it up, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized the irony of the situation. 

Jinyoung looked at him confused. "What's so funny?"

Mark shook his head and continued laughing. Once he had controlled himself, he was met with an irritated Jinyoung. 

"It's just- okay don't think I'm crazy." 

Jinyoung narrowed his eyes even more. 

"You like me and Jackson. Right?" Jinyoung nodded. "Well, I've kind of always had a thing for Jackson as well. But since you and me were progressing, I just ignored it."

"So you're saying you like Jackson and me?" Jinyoung asked, needing clarification. When Mark nodded, Jinyoung couldn't help but laugh as well. 

"Our lives are a mess," Jinyoung said, shaking his head. 

Mark chuckled in agreement. 

"What are the chances that Jackson likes both of us, too?" Jinyoung wondered aloud. 

Mark shrugged. "We could ask him."

"And then what? Would we be like, all dating each other?" 

"Yeah, if he wants to." 

The two laughed at the unlikeliness of the situation. If only they knew, it would be a lot harder than that. 

A/N: if you aren't streaming you calling my name, wyd? also, I'm a little scared cuz my family is becoming more interested in my writing. if they found out I write fanfiction.... 0.0

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