Chapter 3: Let's Talk

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  It felt nice being able to see Gabrielle again, but I wasn't sure if she would agree to the opportunity Scooter had available for her. Gab was an amazing woman with an amazing voice, yet I knew she had to be taking what had happened very hard. It was really her first time being caught up in a really bad situation on camera.
  I would do anything to have taken her place on stage that day. Gab didn't deserve all this. No one did. I grabbed our coffees and headed back over to the table, where Scooter and Gab were sitting and currently talking at.


  Scooter asked me,"How would you feel about performing with Justin?"

  I could tell Scooter was being serious with me right now, but was a concert with Justin really what could help me right now? Not that I wouldn't love to perform alongside Justin, but was it another opportunity to feel that tremendous weight on my strong yet sensitive shoulders?
  Scooter placed his phone in front of me, showing me the footage of what occurred on that bright stage that night. I don't know how, but the video made it look as if Vixen was an innocent presenter who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Yes, her name was Vixen, my nemesis since kindergarten.

  Justin sat down beside me and handed me my coffee.

  Justin saw what Scooter was showing me, and then Scooter said,"I know there's more to this than what the world is seeing right now. I want to hear what happened from you. Justin does, too. We're not against you. We're not accusing you of anything. We just want the truth."

  I glanced over at Justin, and he said,"What Scooter said. Scooter and I care about you. I know we haven't been around for you, but we want to make up for it. So, tell us what all went on."

  Suddenly feeling a little sick, I placed my coffee on the table and said,"Well, before I even walked into the award show that night, Vixen had confronted me the night before. I guess I was just angry and unfortunately, I chose to act on my anger."

  Justin sweetly asked me,"Well, did she put her hands on you?"

  I couldn't help but smile and looked over at him saying,"No, Bieber, she didn't, but she did use her words. She basically boasted about all of her previous awards and how great it was to be in the same category as me for another year. She said a whole bunch of nonsense, yet she brought up..Jeremiah."

  When Scooter and Justin both heard Jeremiah's name, I knew they understood what had really made me angry that night.

  Scooter said,"You don't have to say anymore, Gab. We understand. Jeremiah didn't deserve what they did to him, but he's in a better place now. He would be proud of you."

  Justin nodded and sent me sympathetic eyes saying,"He would be very proud of you, Gabrielle. Vixen shouldn't have brought him up, but she knew how much you loved him. Everyone did, but I hope you aren't going to let her win. There are still plenty of award shows left and much time for you to be back on top."

  I smiled through my tears and wiped them, before I said to Scooter,"Vixen also brought up Jeremiah again on stage, and then she called me things I won't repeat. After that, she tripped me on purpose. All of those things happened. The video left all of that out. I know those people in the crowd saw it, but everyone wants to believe Vixen was the victim here. It doesn't matter, because I'm ready to keep going and show her that I'm not giving up. Scooter, I'm in. I'll perform with Justin."

  Justin smiled real big and got up out of his chair hugging me tightly. I hugged him back, and Scooter joined in.

  When they pulled away from the comforting hug, I said,"Wait, Scooter, I need a manager. I don't have one. At least, I doubt she wants to be my manager anymore. She may have already found her next star."

  Scooter held out his hand and said,"It won't be easy, but I would be honored to be your new manager if you'll have me?"

  I shook his hand and replied,"Scooter, there's no one else I trust to do it. I hope you don't get tired of me."

  Justin chuckled and wrapped an arm around me saying,"Tired of you? You're selling yourself short, Gab. Scooter's not going anywhere, and neither am I."

  I looked up at Justin, and Justin looked down at me.

  He said,"It looks like I'll be seeing you more."

  I found his hand and squeezed it saying,"It looks that way, but I look forward to every minute of it."

Never Let You Go- A Justin Bieber Interracial Love Story (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now