Chapter 21: Spending Time with Pattie

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  It felt different being free like this. I had always been so used to having to go from place to place, but now I could just stay at home if I wanted to. Justin called me every chance he had, and I loved him the more for it.
  After I cleaned up the house, I headed outside to take a walk around the neighborhood. When Pattie pulled into my driveway, I had hoped everything was okay.

  She got out of her car and smiled at me saying,"Hey, Gabrielle. Oh, are you about to go somewhere?"

  I replied,"Just for a walk, but I have plenty of weeks to go for a walk. What brings you to my house?"

  Pattie completely caught me off guard by saying to me,"I was just thinking that we could hang out, just you and me. Obviously, Justin knows you pretty well and you're very important to him, but I don't know much about you. I would like to get to know you better. Is that okay with you?"

  I nodded saying,"That's great, actually. Lead the way."


  Pattie and I received looks as we walked around together, but I ignored them. Pattie did the same, yet two young black men walked up to me.

  They both smiled at me, and one said,"We're sorry to bother you, but we were wondering if we could each get a picture with you?"

  I handed Pattie my bags, before I took a picture with both of the guys. I thanked them for their support, before Pattie and I walked into my favorite clothing store. I was just in the mood to buy something fancy.
  Pattie helped me pick out quite a few different dresses. Then, she waited in the sitting area while I changed in the dressing room. The first three dresses I tried on Pattie and I both disliked, but then the fourth one fit perfectly.

  When I walked out to show Pattie, she stood to her feet and smiled saying,"Gabrielle, you look gorgeous. This is it."

  I made sure I could actually move around in the dress, before I changed back into my regular outfit.

  Pattie carried the dress for me and as we waited in line, Pattie asked me,"Gabrielle, what do you see yourself doing if you decide not to go through with singing anymore?"

  I was glad Pattie had asked me that question, because it was something I had thought about these last few days.

  I admitted to Pattie,"I see myself still writing music if I do decide to stop singing. I see myself inspiring other people, even little kids. I see myself finally getting engaged and married to the man who is committed to me. I see that man being Justin. I do."

  Pattie kissed my cheek and said to me,"You and Justin are perfect together. I see you with him as well. There is no one else I would trust more to be my daughter in law."

  Knowing that I had Pattie's blessing, it was enough to make me want to scream right now. It was amazing to hear that she trusted me with her son. Mom trusted Justin with me, so I was over the moon right now.
  Once Pattie and I ate and talked, she drove me back to my house.

  I said,"We should do this more often, Pattie. Can I ask something of you?"

  Pattie nodded.

  "If something ever bothers you concerning Justin and I, can you please talk to me about it? Your opinion matters to me. You may see something that I just don't see, and I don't want to mess things up with Justin."

  Pattie nodded and made sure I made it inside before she left. I called my parents, then I watched The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air until I fell asleep.

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