Chapter 63

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The very next day, after a dinner full of blushing and awkwardness from the men, and after another night of wild fun, Ella had a joust. Both Arthur and Cecil insisted that they would attend with her, and so they all took the carriage down south to the small town hosting the tourney. The carriage ride was rough and jostling and Ella felt the eyes of Cecil, who sat next to her, and Arthur, who sat across from her, on her breasts that bounced with each motion of the carriage. She loved the power that she had over both of them. She loved how ashamed they were of their attraction for each other, how it was up to her to unlock that vicious, wild side of them. When they arrived and she stepped out of the carriage, she could feel the boys following her lead, stealing glances at her tight dress, and she had never felt more powerful.

As they walked through the white tents all lined up around the ring where various knights and squires prepared for the tourney, she put her hand on Cecil's shoulder. "With you two here," she whispered. "There's nothing I couldn't win."

When Cecil looked up at her, she could see all the lust and admiration in his eyes. It struck her that she hadn't seen him like this adoringly at her in a long time. Perhaps in their marriage and all of their sprawling love for other people, those looks had gotten lost along the way. She smiled, and thought of their peculiar first night together. She thought of how uncomfortable she had been with her own body, how strange the whole concept of sex had been. While she still had his ear, she leaned in and said, "Thank you, Cecil. You've helped me see so many things about myself."

He hooked her arm in her's and Arthur didn't seem to mind. "Ella," he said. "You could have won any tourney you wanted without me here, but I am so glad that I am the one who gets to cheer you on."

In her tent, instead of two squires, her two lovers helped her get dressed for the tournament. Arthur fitted her armor while Cecil did up her hair. Once they were finished, Cecil brought over her helmet with a big smile on his face and set it in her hands. "Thank you boys," Ella said, a kiss on the cheek for both of them. "If there's anything that can inspire me to victory, it's you two."

"You'll do just fine," Arthur said, patting the front of her armour.

"A rose for my knight," Cecil said with a bow, placing a cut rose between the strands of her hair.

When it was time for the tournament to begin, the two gentlemen headed off to the stands while Ella mounted her horse. The man she was up against was awfully renowned, but at this point in her career so was she. At this point in her career, she usually rode out into the circle to see a few young noblewomen crowding around the front of the stands, cheering on the first lady knight. This time, she saw those women and behind them she saw Cecil and Arthur too. Cecil, in his traditional fashion, was waving a handkerchief the color of her plume. Arthur stood with his arms crossed, giving her a proud nod as she entered the ring.

Both jousters pranced around the field and accepted favors. Cecil was always prepared for this moment, giddily placing a circlet of flowers onto her lance. It was a role typically done by the jouster's wife, or women who wished to express their affection, but Cecil had more enthusiasm for this moment than the entirety of the joust put together. This time, Arthur, in all his understated affection, pulled a unadorned circlet out of his pocket and tossed it onto Ella's lance too. Cecil smiled at him, and Ella knew that he would permit Arthur to do this, as long as his circlet was always the more decorated one.

Cecil leaned over and said something to Arthur after he placed it, then gave him an efficient, secretive kiss on the cheek. Arthur looked disgruntled, but sheepish.

Ella paraded around the circle a few times, then lined up her lance to point at the man on horseback across the circle from her. She felt a rush to her body, not unlike the rush that she felt upon that first morning that the three of them awoke in bed together. With her heart racing, every sensation felt doubly exciting. She readied herself, thought of Cecil and Arthur, and then she charged.

The match was over swiftly, Ella's victorious energy charging right through the other man. It didn't take long for the crowd to start cheering on the winner. It didn't take long for Ella to remove her helmet and search for Cecil and Arthur in the crowd. Cecil was jumping up and down as he always did and Arthur simply wore a large, unmistakble grin.

After the tournament was over, Ella returned to her tent and removed her helmet. She greeted the boys with an emotional, dizzying smile. "I'm so happy," she said. "I'm so happy. It wasn't just the win that mattered. It was you two--"

Cecil placed a hand to her cheek and gave her a kiss. "We knew you were going to win," he said."It really was--" Ella said, catching her breath. "Something else to have you both looking on." She glanced up at Arthur, sweat still on her brow. "To get a favor from both of you."

Arthur looked away, smiling.

The boys helped her take off her armor and she could feel their greedy hands touching more than they ought to. Every sensation was still doubly exciting, just like it had been in the ring, and immediately, with their hands all over her body, she felt herself getting wet. Cecil's hand to her waist, Arthur's hand under her breast. She stood perfectly still as they removed her plate, but her body would not stop gushing in response to their attention.

After the armor was removed and she was down to her thin dress, she gave Cecil a look that she always gave him after her victories. A look that said, I can't wait another minute to take you.

Cecil bit his lip and looked over at Arthur excitedly. Unabashedly, he brought his hands to Ella's waist and asked, "Shall I have the driver ready the carriage?"

Ella, fighting back her unbridled lust, said, "Uh. Yes."

All three of them piled into the carriage, Cecil sitting across from Ella this time. This meant Ella had to channel her desire for touch into Arthur, who seemed kind of surprised by it. She touched her hand to his chest, and then to his thigh, as Cecil looked on enviously.

Then, after lasting only a few minutes, she looked down at her large breasts bouncing so vigorously that they risked popping out of her dress. Her hands raced to the front ties that kept her dress together and began undoing them. "I can't wait until we get home this time," she huffed, looking over at Cecil.

Arthur glanced over at her, completely shocked, as her big, bounding breasts popped free from the stitching. For a moment, the boys simply watched, eyes wide, as her bare breasts were jostled by the movement of the carriage.

Cecil blushed, but he knew exactly what to do, placing his hands on her thighs and getting onto his knees. In the moment of rushed excitement, he spread her legs and locked eyes with Arthur, who still seemed absolutely startled.

"Oh, that's right," Cecil said from the floor of the carriage. He looked to Ella, who was still in a flustered state of absolute lust. "He hasn't seen you after a tournament, has he?"

"Arthur," she said, already breathy and excitable. "You'll never see me wilder than right now."

She reached down and grabbed his hardening cock. "Don't waste this."

"Alright," Arthur said, still sounding a little hesitant. Still, he sat up, moving over to kiss her as Cecil fumbled with her dress. "Living with you two," he said. "Is going to be quite a different experience. From being in the woods alone."

Ella kissed him back ferociously as she started to moan. "Living with you two," she said. "Has already fulfilled so many--of any girl's most wishful dreams--oh! Yes!"

The driver must have known that something was amiss from the sounds that emerged from the interior of the carriage the entire ride back. Or perhaps from the rattling of the carriage as if they had ridden the whole way on cobblestone. Or perhaps from the tousled hair and eager faces of the nobles which he opened the door for at the end of their journey. Or perhaps from the way that Lord Cecil grabbed at his waist and whispered, "Join us, handsome lad. If you'd like."

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