Chapter 18

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Bryony stood behind Ella, twisting a braid into her hair. When she looked in the mirror of the vanity across from them, she found herself fueled with jealousy. They were both beautiful women, but Bryony believed herself to be more classically beautiful than Ella and she didn't understand why the man she desired would prefer plain Ella over her. Men were always desiring Bryony. Pulling her aside for a little foray in the servant's closet. Sneaking up to her room past their appointed bedtime. Men adored her. Absolutely adored her.

She hadn't liked the way that Cecil had ignored her at the tourney.  He'd never given her a chance to finish telling him her thoughts. She was a servant, she knew, and this often meant being ignored. But the ways in which she had been intimate with Lord Cecil, made her certain that she had a right to speak to him. It had been two days since the tourney and Cecil hadn't sought her out, hadn't even said a word to her.

"Where is your husband, Lady Ella?" she asked.

Ella raised her eyebrows. "He's actually giving the servants instructions for the party tonight. A little unconventional, I know--"

"But so is he," Bryony smirked. She wasn't sure whey she needed to prove to Ella that she knew just as much about her husband as she did. "It's only morning. Funny that he should be giving them instruction this early."

"That's his way," Ella shrugged. "Always planning. He's been looking forward to this evening for so long. It would agitate him to just sit around when he could be going over table settings."

"Hmm," Bryony said. "Unconventional indeed. Thought not the only way in which he is unconventional, I've heard."

Ella turned around abruptly putting an end to the hair braiding. Her hair fell to her shoulders, half-finished. "It does not concern me, what the servants talk about, but I would prefer it not to be rumors about my husband."

"Of course, my Lady," Bryony turned her eyes back to the mirror. "Forgive me for believing you would have any interest in silly rumors."

Now Ella was curious. Begrudgingly, she faced the mirror and said, "I simply said not to repeat these things in the servant's halls. But up here. I suppose. What is it that they are saying about him?"

Bryony gave a small smile, and found herself rather enamored with Ella's blunt way of speaking. She adored Cecil and realized how much she appreciated Ella's standing up for him. "Oh, only that he is a little bit promiscuous," she grinned.

Ella rolled her eyes, almost gave a laugh. "Let me guess, they've seen him going off with someone else."

Bryony's eyes widened. "Uh," she said. "I wouldn't know the details."

"Well, if they had it would be alright."

"It would?"

"Yes," Ella said. "He and I have an arrangement. He's permitted to be romantic with others. And so am I."

Bryony dropped the hairbrush. She picked it up from the floor and couldn't help a giggle. "Is that so?" she asked. "And these other lovers? Do you talk about them?"

Ella frowned. "I will not give you any more gossip to go spread downstairs," she said.

"Oh, I don't want to know who they are, I just want to know how it works. Does he tell you about his escapades?"

"We don't talk about the details, no."

"And do you get along with his lovers?"

"Oh, very well," Ella grinned. She stood up from her chair and walked over to her dress. Slowly, she pulled her nightgown over her head, first revealing her muscular calves and thighs, her unshaven pussy, muscular stomach, and her large, perky breasts.

Bryony found herself immediately excited. Of all the years she had been serving as Lady Ella's maid, she had never found herself so forcefully attracted to her. Suddenly she remembered the time she had nearly walked in on Lady Ella bouncing on top of Cecil's dick. She remembered the way her muscular ass curved and the way her breasts bounced delicately. Oh God. She wanted to see Ella on top of her in the very same way.

"My lady," Bryony said nervously. "You truly feel no animosity to his lovers?"

"None at all," Ella shrugged.

A blush sprawled across Bryony's face. "I am so glad to hear that," she said.

"What do you mean, Bryony?" Ella asked.

Bryony couldn't think of anything to say. Her eyes wandered down Ella's beautiful body, dropping all aspects of her normally charismatic personality.

Ella cross her arms. "I heard about the time you tried to lie in bed with my husband," she said.

"Yes," Bryony sighed. "And right now I wish I could do the very same with you."

Ella was stunned.

"I would do anything to have you ride me like you ride Cecil," she said.

It didn't take much more for Ella to reach out for Bryony's waist and another hand under her small breast. "You are exactly the dirty little maid he told me you were," Ella said.

Bryony felt herself flooded with wetness. "Ooh!" she said. "You're so pretty, and strong."

Before Bryony could say much more, Ella was tearing open her corset until her small breasts popped free, nipples already erect. Bryony looked down, gave an excited smirk, and slid off her skirts as well. Now their naked bodies were pressed against each other, and it was a wonder to feel Ella's large breasts pushing against her own.

"Oh, I'm so turned on," Bryony breathed.

"Let's see just how turned on you are," Ella said, circling two fingers around the entrance to Bryony's hole.

The maid blushed immensely. "Oh, don't you feel how wet I am?" Don't you feel how badly I need to be fucked?"

This was enough for Ella, who threw her onto the bed and climbed on top of her. Ella had never had sex with a woman before, but she knew that she wanted to be on top of this girl. With Bryony squealing beneath her, Ella began to rub the lips of her vagina against Bryony's clit. Her breasts bounced against her chest as she moved slowly and carefully, driving the maid wild.

Bryony grabbed onto her ass firmly, fingers digging in. Her moans were wild, melodic and unending. "I know," she said. "This may be soon. But I really think. Oh. Oh! I'm really wet. Oh!"

This was when Ella started pummeling into her, ass shaking underneath Bryony's palms. She watched the maid driven into a wild ecstasy and then watched her breathing slow, the color return to her face.

"I feel so--absolutely fucked," Bryony sighed.

Ella hopped off of her, and the two lay in bed under the blankets. "That did feel pretty good," she said.

"Did you--?" Bryony asked. "Finish?"

"Not quite," Ella said. "Besides, Cecil ought to be coming back soon."

"That felt so--" Bryony said. "You make it easy for a girl to give in. I feel amazing."

"It's--" Ella smiled. "Pretty fun to watch you giving in. You're so loud. It's pretty precious."

"You're making me wet again," Bryony smirked.

"You were so wet," Ella's eyes widened. "I didn't know people could get that wet. Really."

Bryony opened her legs a little. "You want to feel again?"

With Ella's fingers playing around inside of her, Bryony felt her body working up towards arousal again. It was just when she gave her first little moan, that they both heard the door open.

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