Chapter 60

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Cecil spent the next few days waiting for Ella to enact her plan. Much to his own embarrassment, he found his evenings filled with dreams of Arthur and Ella, dreams that he very much hoped to forget. He was continuously weighing his thoughts on Arthur, and whether he would actually go for it, once Ella had managed to get them all in the same room. Arthur filled him with a vile hatred. He had come into their home and destroyed all of the harmony there. He was a liar. He was rude. He had taken up the most foolish and demeaning peasant identity. He was a wanted criminal. And worst of all, he was trying to monopolize Ella. Yet--in certain moments, when he felt particularly starved of physical touch--he absolutely craved Arthur. He couldn't explain it, and he certainly wouldn't acknowledge it.

At last, Cecil had the chance to steal Ella away for an evening. It was a masked ball at a neighboring estate, the kind of thing that Cecil spent days preparing for. Leading up to the event, he had gone through nearly every item in his wardrobe--and Ella's--until he'd found the perfect look. They would wear matching maroon and gold, Ella with a lowcut neckline, and Cecil with the tightest pants he could find. He grinned when she first walked down the main staircase in her dress. "We will be the most attractive couple there tonight," he said.

And they most assuredly were the most attractive couple present. Though they had a great difference in height and build--Ella with her strong shoulders, heavy breasts, and sturdy frame, and Cecil with his thin waist, flowing hair, and muscular legs--it was clear that they belonged together. Though they were both the flirtatious type, for most of the party they found themselves by each other's side, looking over at each other starry-eyed. Cecil couldn't tell if their affection for each other was annoying or enamoring the other guests, but he didn't care. There were many beautiful people present, of course, and they did find themselves getting along quite well with a few of them. Cecil was endlessly reaching for champagne, and by the end of the evening, as they walked towards the carriage, they were leaning on each other and giggling.

"I've had way too much," Cecil admitted as they sat across from one another. As soon as he'd spoken the words, he felt his eyes drift down to the neckline of her dress. The rattling of the carriage on cobblestone began to take his mind elsewhere.

"I think I have too," Ella said. "But it was worth it, what a wild night."

Cecil couldn't hold his excitement in much longer. Devilishly, he crawled to the other side of the carriage, straddled his woman, and began kissing her passionately. Ella squealed a little with excitement, then grabbed onto his waist and lowered him down onto her lap.

"If I were a man," Ella muttered. "I would penetrate you so hard right now."

Cecil blushed, looking in absolute heaven.

"Actually," Ella pulled away for a second. "I had nearly forgotten. I have something new I'd like to try out with you."

Cecil's eyes widened. It wasn't that difficult to imagine what this new thing was. "Really?" he asked. "You managed to get one?"

Ella smirked. "I did," she said. "I knew it would make you happy."

"It does indeed," Cecil said, kissing her. "It does indeed."

When the carriage arrived home, Ella stepped out first, reaching back to help Cecil out as if he were a lady. He thought at first that she was helping him to be sweet, but when he stumbled on the cobblestone, he realized that perhaps she was helping him because he truly had imbibed too much. Still, the idea of Ella helping him out of a carriage like a lady was enough to make his heart soar.

They walked back to the bedroom arm in arm, and Ella immediately went to her wardrobe. She started searching through her dresses, and after a few minutes, gave an exasperated sigh. "I don't understand," she said. "I thought it was in one of my dresses. A brown dress, with a little green trim?" She turned to face Cecil.

Immediately, we went red. "Oh," he said. "Oh dear. I uh--I gave some of my tunics to Arthur, because he had none. I think--it's entirely possible that I thought--"

"Oh," Ella said nervously.

"It is a simple dress, isn't it?" Cecil asked. "One that could have easily been mistaken for a tunic?"

Ella nodded.

"We shall have to rescue it from Arthur's clutches then," Cecil said.

They were drunk and giddy when they headed to Arthur's room, knocked on the door and heard no voice behind it. Cecil carefully pushed the door open and lit the candle on the dresser. Strange, that at this hour, Arthur was not already in bed. They began carefully searching through his wardrobe, until Ella pulled out a drawer and gave a gasp. "I found it," she said, looking embarrassed.

Cecil scurried over to look, and there they both saw it, a sturdy, polished false cock about eight inches long. Cecil could already feel himself growing weak with lust.

Ella grabbed it from the drawer, but looked over at him with concern. "Isn't it strange that it was just sitting like that, on top of the clothes?" she asked.

Cecil's mind was very occupied by other thoughts. "Well," he said slowly. "Maybe one of the servants was folding his clothes and didn't know what to do."

"Somehow, that makes me feel even worse," Ella said. "We should wash it. Now I have no idea where it's been."

When Ella returned with the false cock in her hands, she couldn't help the feeling that came over her. She had wanted to take Cecil this way, completely prone and helpless, for so long. The beautiful thing about the two of them was that they both got different things from different people. Ella knew what it was like to feel submissive--people like Arthur made her feel that way--so she knew exactly what Cecil was looking forward to, and exactly how to give it to him. When she saw the way his face lit up seeing that  false cock in her hands, she felt herself start gushing with anticipation. Somehow, she felt like this was the pinnacle of their sexual relationship. She knew, as she pressed him against the wall and started kissing him, that she was about to create a euphoria in Cecil, and in herself, that would rival no other.

She pressed him against the wall, raising her hand to grasp around his neck, like Arthur had in that fight between the two of them, choking him ever so slightly. Cecil gave a little frightened, fluttery gasp, and immediately she felt his excitement pressed against her. In the same breadth, they heard the door unlock, and remembered exactly where they were standing.

Ella - [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora