Chapter 44

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"You ran away," Arthur smiled. "Last time."

Ella had hurried to meet him in the woods the next evening, as soon as the sun had set. She told Cecil giddily where she was off to, and said she wasn't sure when she would return. But as soon as she saw Arthur, he looked heartbroken.

"Ran away?" Ella said, trying to laugh it off. "No, I just had to return to my--to the estate." She had left in the dawn hours, without saying goodbye, but truthfully, there hadn't been much thought behind her actions. It hurt to realize how much she had left Arthur wondering.

Arthur folded his arms. "Sit down," he said, pointing to the log by his campfire.

"I'm so sorry," Ella said. "I didn't mean to make you worry."

"No," Arthur said, defensively. "I wasn't worried. It just had me thinking, why you'd want to rush to get back to your estate so fast."

Ella only shrugged.

"Are you married, Lady Ella?" he asked.

Ella outright laughed, as if this would ease the blow of her answer. 'Yes," she said. "But you needn't worry about that."

Arthur turned to look at her, after scooping himself the last of his stew from the pot. He did not offer Lady Ella any, he knew what resources she had. "I needn't worry about some crazy husband that might run out into the woods to kill me?" he asked sarcastically.

"No," Ella grinned. "For two reasons. One, when you meet Cecil, you'll see that you could flick him to the ground with your finger."

"When I meet Cecil," Arthur grumbled. "I'm not meeting your husband."

"Two," Ella said. "Cecil and I have arranged our marriage so that we can be with whomever we want. I've told him everything about you. In fact, he loves hearing your stories. I think he'd really like to meet you."

Arthur practically choked on his stew. He patted his chest to end the cough, and when it was through, he simply stared at the grass in confusion. For a while, there wasn't much to say. "Well I'll be damned," he said. "Why the hell not, right?"

Ella laughed. "That may be the best response I've ever gotten," she said.

"So there have been other men?" he asked.

"And women."

"Alrighty," he said, his eyes wide. "Well lucky me."

"I hope you mean that in regard to the idea that Cecil won't come try to kill you," Ella said.

"Of course I do," Arthur said. "You'll have to forgive me, it's just going to take a moment to let this sink in."

Ella looked up at the trees swaying above them. It was nice to be out this far, she felt free to say whatever she wanted. There was no pressure to act like a lady, or care what others thought of her.

"You know," Arthur said. "I've always thought the married life wasn't for me. But you've just made me reconsider everything."

"I'm glad," Ella said. "I know. It surprises me sometimes too, that everything has gone so well. Our marriage--Cecil and I--it was an arranged marriage, actually."

"Was it now?"

"By our parents," Ella said. "When I first saw a glimpse of him, I was so hopeless. I'd always wanted a man who was strong, who loved to fight, so that we would have something to do together. It was the only way I could imagine being happy. At first, I hated Cecil and everything he enjoyed. Fancy dinners, etiquette books, his obsession with his wardrobe. But now, I've come to realize that what they say about your husband being your other half is true. He's my other half. He does everything that I can't be bothered to care about."

"Your other half?" Arthur raised his eyebrows. "It seems like you've got quite a few other halves."

"Well," Ella tilted her head. "They all provide something different for me. It's not like any of them are replacing Cecil. Not at all. It's more like being with each person allows me to be a different side of myself."

"Is that so?"

"You won't believe this," Ella said. "Based on last night. But with Cecil, I am very much in control. He loves when I dominate him. Drives him wild."

"And what about with women?" Arthur asked.

"Why?" Ella shot back, eyes narrowed.

"Just to give me something to think about when you aren't here," Arthur said.

Ella rolled her eyes. "I like to be in charge," she said. "But if I met a woman that made me feel differently, I'd be open to that."

"Huh," Arthur said. "I'm kind of in love with the way you live your life, Lady Ella."

"I am too," Ella said.

Arthur set down his empty bowl of stew on the ground and moved to sit next to her. He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and leaned in close. He seemed nervous, as if on the verge of telling her something. "Can I kiss you again?" he asked.

"Always," she said.

It didn't take long before Arthur had her on her back. The way his arms cradled her lulled her into submission--he was strong and nurturing at the same time. Soon his hand was crawling up her skirt, fingers pushing into her wetness. Ella gave a gasp as she felt her body open up for him. Her legs sprawled wide and all she could imagine was his lips kissing her thighs. His fingers pulled out and his strong hands grabbed at her thighs, pulling them apart. She wanted his tongue to dive deep, deep into her. "Oh," Arthur said, pull up her skirt. "It's been so long since I've seen a woman. You're beautiful."

"Put your tongue inside me," Ella begged.

And then, they both heard it. The snap of a twig. A watchman approached Arthur's camp and Ella locked eyes with him, while Arthur's face was still between her legs. She froze, then sat up, and without a word ducked behind the log that her back had just been pressed against.

The watchman advanced near Arthur, as Ella stayed hidden behind the log. All she could hear was their conversation, and the sounds of their footsteps.

"Do I have two charges on you now?" the watchman asked. "Theft and taking a woman's virtue?"

"Sir," Arthur said.

"I assure you," Ella laughed from behind the log. "No virtue was taken. He is innocent in that regard."

"So she speaks," the watchman said. "And she is well-spoken. Who are you, my lady?"

Ella frowned. "A woman who wishes not to reveal herself."

"But a noble lady, nonetheless," the watchman said. "Now that, my friend, certainly will not be looked upon well. But you know, I can forget what I saw here, if you come with me quietly."

There was a long silence.

"I won't be going anywhere with you," Arthur said. He gave a kick to the log which Ella was resting behind. She wasn't sure what she meant, but she peered up from the log to get a look at the situation. Arthur's hand was just itching for his crossbow. Aha.

Ella stood, covering her face with her scarf. "Watchman," she said. "I understand it is your role to protect these lands, but this man is innocent. He will not--"

I happened faster than lightning. A crossbow bolt in the man's thigh. The watchman looked down shocked and then reached for his own bow. Arthur shot again. This time his calf. The man cried out and fell to the grass, grabbing at his leg.

"Now," Arthur said. "You better run or crawl as fast as you can back to town, or there'll be another one for you."

The man nodded and scurried off. Ella watched him limping as fast as he could through the forest, a little cry for help falling from his lips every few seconds. She was amazing and terrified at the same time. "I--" she turned to him and said. "I didn't know you had that in you."

"I've been surviving on my own for quite some time," Arthur said casually. He set down the bow. "You can't always do that politely."

"Maybe you could," Ella said, as she sat down next to him. "This may be an odd thing to ask, but do you think you could teach me? How to shoot a crossbow?"

"I certainly could. I certainly could."

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