Chapter 46

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Mirabelle found that Colton was rather irritable the next couple of days. She knew that she shouldn't have given in to his request, that it would only lead him on, that it would only make his feelings worse. She knew she wasn't a saint, either, and that the reason for her actions were more based in desire than rationality. Still, she missed gossiping with him under the stairwell and sitting next to him at dinner. She missed everything being normal.

One night, around midnight, when the servants were at last washing the kitchen counters and putting out the fires upstairs, Mirabelle grabbed Colton by the arm. She asked if they could talk and he gave a nod and followed her to her quarters. Mirabelle's roommate was nowhere to be found, probably finishing up some last minute chores, and so Colton sat on the edge of her bed, while Mirabelle sat on her own.

"I miss our friendship," Mirabelle said. "I know you want more than that, and I'll respect if that means that our friendship is over. But I just felt I had to say it. I'll be heartbroken if I don't have you in my life anymore."

"Yes, well," Colton said. "It's very difficult for me to know what's going on when you're working in the cottage. And not do anything about it."

"Why?" Mirabelle asked. "Why can't you just let me--?"

"Because," Colton said. "I've had feelings for you for a very long time. I just didn't know how to express them. When we were young, growing into ourselves, and all of that--you were the person that I always had on my mind. I can't just let go of that."

Mirabelle blinked. "Since that long?" she asked. They were both near twenty now, but they'd known each other since they were fourteen. She could imagine young Colton wondering what it would be like to see her body. She wondered how long she had driven him wild.

"Yes," Colton said. "I'm sorry. I want to be friends. I do. I love our talks. I think it's because of our talks and our friendship that I--well, I--I don't know."


Colton looked up at her, defeated. "I think I--" he began.

There was a knock at the door. Both of them held their breath. The knock happened again.

Mirabelle stood up first, looking panicked. "A man, in the women's quarters," she said to herself. "I'll be fired. Uh. Um. Colton. The wardrobe. Hide in the wardrobe."

In a flash of panic, Colton obeyed and scurried inside. He was able to stand quite easily, among Mirabelle's dresses, and smiled goofily as she closed the door on him.

"Who is it?" Mirabelle asked. She ran to the door and, looking quite frazzled, opened it.

On the other side of the door was Cecil, one of the Lords of the house, in the women's servant's quarters. Mirabelle's face turned absolutely pale. "Oh God," she said. "Hurry and get inside."

Cecil did as she asked. He was dressed in a magnificent tunic, gold-embroidered and a flamboyant sash--it was the way he always dressed, but here, in the servant's quarters, it seemed incredibly out of place.

"What are you doing here?" Mirabelle hissed, closing the door. "If anyone sees you entering or leaving my room, I--I can't even imagine the scandal!"

Cecil blinked at her obvious disrespect, as if he were waiting for her to apologize. She didn't.

"Mirabelle," he said. He touched her arm gently. "I didn't know what else to do. I felt we had to talk, and I felt I had to come find you myself."

"Talk?" Mirabelle asked. "Here?"

It seemed Cecil had not expected this resistance. He was absolutely flustered. "About what you told me the other day," he said. "About the kind of things you'd be comfortable with."

Mirabelle turned beet-red. "I'd rather not repeat that conversation here," she said.

Cecil moved closer, pressing their bodies together. "I understand you don't want to be intimate in certain ways," he said. "But I've been longing to do something together, something where we both feel pleasured."

Mirabelle could not stop glancing at the wardrobe. She had a very sinking feeling, but at the same time, felt an irresistible pull towards Cecil.

"It's just, you do so much for me," he said. "I love what you do to my cock, don't get me wrong. But it feels unbalanced. I want--I want to do something for you."

A giggle escaped Mirabelle's lips as his hands wandered to her waist.

"And last night," he said. "I had a very desperate dream, and ever since then I just can't get the idea out of my mind." His hands grabbed at Mirabelle's plump ass cheeks, the skin which he had seen exposed weeks ago by the rip of her dress. He whispered to her, "Have you ever had a man kiss you between your legs?"

Mirabelle felt a forceful flood of wetness into her underwear. The sensation came over her so suddenly--it was overpowering. The realization of what Cecil wanted to do to her combined with the presence of Colton's lust and jealousy. She was most certainly more wet than she had ever been, even on that first night with Colton.

"No, but--" she began.

His fingers dug into her ass and he pressed his body against her's, pushing her towards the bed. She began to feel his hardness pressing against her thigh.

"I want to make you moan," he said.

"I don't know if this is really the best place," she protested.

He slowly lowered her down onto the bed. "I want to feel your body shake," he said.

She sat up, abruptly and said, "My Lord, I really ought to--"

He kissed her to silence her, then pushed her back down onto the mattress. "I want to taste how wet you are," he said.

"No--" she protested, as he lifted up her skirts. Her whole body opened up for him immediately, as soon as he placed his hands on her thighs. That was when she realized her protests were more for Colton's ear's than Cecil's. "Oh."

His fingers were inside her first as he kissed up and down her thighs. "You're really open," he said. "And really wet."

"Oh, Cecil, you really shouldn't," she said, widening her legs.

"You drive me wild, Mirabelle," he said.

Soon his lips were pressed to the lips of her vagina. His hands were pushing her open wider. His tongue was licking around her walls, the edge of her hole, her clit. Mirabelle was moaning like she never had before--a wild, girly, shrill moan. Cecil soon reached his hand up to cover her mouth, but she moaned through his force. She moaned through his tongue sliding up to enter her. She moaned through it slapping against her clit. She moaned as she pictured Colton's erection inside the wardrobe, his desperate lust for her. She moaned through her nipples getting erect, her muscles starting to contract, and yes--yes--she would have screamed if it weren't for Cecil's hand on her mouth as her body slid into her a full orgasm, the wildest one she'd had yet.

Cecil came up for air and kissed her, and her hand immediately traveled to his elongated cock in his tights. She wanted to suck him so bad, but there was no way to hide that from Colton. She grabbed him hard, gave him a good long stroke.

"That was all," Cecil smiled. 'I don't expect anything else. I just wanted to hear--I wanted to feel--that."

"Thank you," Mirabelle whispered.

"Although, I will say it's quite a compliment that you think my cock is too large for you," Cecil said, pressing his erection further into her hand.

MIrabelle blushed. She really wished Colton hadn't heard that.

"I just wanted you to feel what you'd been making me feel all this time," Cecil said. He sounded so sweet, so docile, and yet between them, his enormous masculine cock gave a thump.

"Well, thanks," Mirabelle said awkwardly. "But I worry about you being found in here."

"Right," he said, stepping away.

She looked down at his trousers. "You may want to," she whispered. "Hide that thing."

"Right," he grinned, as he unleashed his enormous, throbbing cock from his tights, only to slide it up into his waistband. Oh, how Mirabelle wished she could put it in her mouth instead. "Goodnight, Mirabelle," he said, as he slipped out into the hallway.

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