Chapter 15 : Finding happiness

Start from the beginning

Ashley walked out on tip toes from Rachel's room. Then she cooked porridge for Richard. Refilled the fridge with fresh foods.

She fed the porridge to Richard who was half unconscious. And then made him take medicines. Ashley patiently rubbed a wet towel on his forehead.

When Richard woke up he found Ashley asleep on a chair next to his bed and her hand dug in his hair.
Richard felt loved like a man wants to be and he couldn't remember when was the last he felt like this way.

"Richard can you lend me your shirt? I didn't bring along any fresh clothes with me. I called Ann and told her I will be late".

"Yeah my shirts are in that closet".

Ashley took shower and changed into Richard's shirt.
She played "I am an Albaraoz" on the speaker as she made the dough. Rachel ran to the kitchen to find Ashley cooking while she danced along with the song. Rachel joined Ashley. Both danced and swayed in the kitchen. Richard slowly walked to the kitchen to find them half covered in flour.

To Richard, he finally felt as if his household was complete. After breakfast, Ashley cleaned Rachel and got her ready for school.

Richard rubbed his hand on Ashley's forehead to remove the flour while Ashley tied Rachel's hair.

"Umm..Richard can you lend me another shirt please?", asked Ashley without looking at him as she continued to make braids for Rachel.

"I can let you lend me as well. No actually you can take me for this lifetime".

"For free?".

"Absolutely ma'am".

"Uh! I thought you were expensive. But you turn out to be so cheap!",said Ashley then giggled along with Rachel.

"Ouch! that hurts".

"That was the plan HAHA".

"Hmph! I'm angry. I need a hug",demanded Richard with a puppy face.

"Mmm okay!", exclaimed Ashley.

"Kind of hug I would give my wife. Would you let me?".

"Do it before I change my mind".

Richard wrapped  his  not-fractured arm around Ashley's waist. Ashley's body pushed against his. Richard breathed heavily on Ashley's neck sending electricity through out her body.Ashley wrapped her hands around his shoulder. Rachel forced her way between them for a group hug.

If this is how a wife feels, I want to stay beside him as a woman. If this is how my married life will turn into with him, I want it. I want time to stop here.

Rachel's school bus horned at the gate. Ashley carried  her to the bus. Rachel's friend stared at Ashley.

One of the kid shouted through the window, " Is that your daddy's girlfriend,Rachel!? No mommy?".
Other kids started to laugh at this statement.

Ashley gritted her teeth. She was about to shriek at those kids before Rachel replied to them with a wide smile on her face.
"She is my mommy and daddy's wife. We are a family now. Muaaah mommy", kissed Rachel on Ashley's cheeks.
Ashley always saw Rachel yearning for a mother but right now she sees nothing but satisfaction in Rachel's eyes.Ashley experienced the motherhood she never imagined to experience. Not in this way.

"Yes my baby. Mommy will be here, forever", replied Ashley instantly. After all these are the words she wanted someone to say in front of her friends when she was younger.

Rachel's friend stared in astonishment. Another kid called out, "Your mommy is prettier than our mommy. We shall find out God for this injustice".

Rachel smiled at Ashley before getting on the bus. Richard's tears fell down like a downpour when he saw the entire thing.

Ashley waved at Rachel who looked back at her through the window.

Now I know what I want. This is the life I want. I want to be Rachel's mommy.I don't know what is this feeling I feel for Richard but he makes my heart race. I want to stay as woman beside him to find out what I feel.

Ashley Kimberly- HE is the WomanWhere stories live. Discover now