Chapter 3: Poison Trap

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Frisk watched as Sans walked away from her, leaving her alone in the forest. She took a deep breath and clutched her chest, knowing she'd have to continue on. She was quite scared of getting killed, but she was aware of one thing: she had the power to reset the world if she died. She could, really, whenever. But she promised herself she'd only do it if she died or failed her mission. Resetting was not something she really wanted to do.

I'm still not sure why I'm the one chosen by...the universe? A higher force? I don't know. I just don't understand why I'm the chosen one to save the world of monsters. I'm just a seventeen year old...a pretty much orphaned teen. Frisk sighed as she walked through the brutally cold forest. She stopped when she saw a sign telling her where Snowdin was. That was the town she had been told by Flowey to go to.

Taking a deep breath of icy air, Frisk hugged her arms against her body as she followed the path to Snowdin. Suddenly something caught her ankle, tripping her and making her fall. She let out a startled noise and twisted herself around to look at her ankle. Some kind of metal tendril was spiralled around her ankle. It had tiny sharp metal thorns attached to it, like barb wire. She hissed in pain through her teeth as she jerked her leg, only resulting in the thing to sink into her flesh.


As Sans strode through the trees he decided to stop and find a place to wait for Frisk so he could spy on her from the shadows, out of sight. He wasn't sure why he didn't just kill her or give her to his brother to deal with. After all, wasn't that his main goal in life? He despised humans with his entire being. He always had.

After a while Sans heard footsteps. Peering through the trees, he saw Frisk walking with her arms hugged tightly around herself. She looked rather weak and pathetic like that. Sans was surprised she even made it this far. He watched as she slowly walked past where he was hiding, then followed her as she continued along.

As he watched, he saw her near a spot where Papyrus had set up multiple traps. These traps were designed to catch a human by the leg and squeeze it so they couldn't walk. They had poisoned barbs attached to them as well, with the purpose of digging into flesh and slowly poisoning a human to death.

Then Frisk let out a noise, and Sans saw that she had stepped on one of the well hidden traps. The trap grabbed her ankle. Sans watched as she struggled against it and knew that she'd only kill herself by struggling because she'd allow the trap to dig deeper into her flesh.

I guess I'll do something. Sans thought with a sigh. He wasn't sure why he felt compelled to help her.


Frisk sat up and looked at the trap around her ankle. She tugged on it with her hands, only resulting to prick herself on one of the barbs. She flinched and pulled her hand back, staring at her ankle. The trap was digging deep into her flesh and blood was starting to seep out of the wound. All she could do was grit her teeth against the pain.

"Hey kid." Sans's familiar voice made Frisk jump, which made her ankle only hurt more. She looked up and saw the skeleton standing there with his smug looking grin on his face.

"Hi." Frisk replied, trying not to be scared. "I-I thought you left."

Sans shrugged. "I kinda did but I got bored and decided to watch ya for a bit." He snorted. "I see you got caught in one of my brother's traps. I knew you can't survive here, kid."

Frisk felt indignation ride through her and she lifted her chin to give the skeleton a stubborn look. "I've survived so far, haven't I? This is just a trap. It's not like it'll kill me."

Sans shoved his hands in his pockets and chuckled. "That's where you're wrong, kid. My brother's no idiot. He made this trap with poison so that he'd be able to kill you without actually having to be there." He shrugged. "'Course if he came and saw you here, alive and helpless he'd finish you off."

Frisk shuddered. "W-will you help me?

Sans hesitated, his expression unreadable. Then he finally replied.

"Sure kid."


What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I helping a human? Sans wondered to himself.

"Thank you so much!" Frisk cried happily.

Sans ignored her and crouched down to get a closer look at her ankle. The wound was quite deep. She'd obviously struggled quite a bit. Grunting, Sans brushed snow aside from around the trap until he reached the soil it was attached to. Then he used his bare skeleton fingers to dig into the ground near the trap, yanking the trap out of the ground. He'd have to go home to take the rest off the human.

"Kid, stay still and keep your mouth shut." Sans growled, glaring at Frisk's injured ankle, which still had the trap itself stuck to it. "I'm gonna use a shortcut to take you to my place. Then I'll take the trap off. If you survive long enough I might be able to get rid of the poison. Just be still and don't do anything dumb, got it?" He looked Frisk in the face.

Frisk nodded. "Okay." She replied.

Sans carefully picked up the human girl. She let out a cry of pain. Sans guessed it was because the trap was still attached to her leg, and the heavy part that had been in the ground was now dangling off her ankle.

I don't know why I'm doing this. It's kill or be killed. And humans are the worst! Sans scowled, shaking his head as he teleported the human to his home.

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