Chapter 25:

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Murda's POV

Friday 9 A.M.

As, I was sitting in the court room waiting on Amyiah to come I started thinking about Wednesday night when she called me because she was called to come to court. I know her so well that I was 5 steps ahead of her. I knew she was gonna try to bring up my drug shit in court nut I made it where my lawyer found a judge that was most definitely gonna be on my side. So I paid Mr. Jefferson 800k to make sure this shit was dead from the jump and I was granted full custody of my daughter because I deserved it. I also found a way to get the adoption papers ready for Camren to fully adopt Brooklyn because Amyiah has done some shit while she was pregnant that I can never forgive her fore.

***Back to the past***

Amyiah use to be one of Renzo's Hoes that he use to pimp out before he got too high and mighty. Thats the real reason why me and him hated each other. I met shorty in the club and I didn't know she was a hoe because she was in one of the most popular clubs in the ATL. So me not know I went over to shorty and charmed her ass with my good looks. we went out on a couple of dates and I really did "feel" like I was falling in love with her. So a couple of months down the road I stared to get weird because we just go to a motel and fuck and it was a quickie. Thats what made me feel stupid because I really did think she was falling for a nigga. So a week or two later she texted me and told me she had things to get off her chest and it was urgent. So I met up with Her and that's when she let everything out to me. She first to me she pregnant and she pulled a used pregnancy test and shoed me the truth. She then told me her truth about being pimped out by Renzo. I dropped my jaw because I couldn't believe she was really like that. She tried to touch my hand but I pulled away because she really think I thought I was fucking stupid enough to believe that she was pregnant by me and I don't even know how many other dudes she was out here fucking around with. Then off top she played with my emotions because I thought I loved her and that's hard for a street nigga like me to do. So a couple of months pasted and I got a early DNA test and it came out be 99.999% mine. Yea I felt dumb as fuck because I dogged the girl out but I still put the man pants on and was there for all the doctors appointments and shit because it was a possibility to mine and lookout came out to be my child. I don't regret anything I did because I was there from the first time she told me but it hurt to know that a mutha fucka could lie that when I was such a great dude to her. After that though I went a long while with just fucken and ducken bitches until I met Carmen. But she had the baby and I went told Renzo personally that she was done working for and THAT'S what started our real beef.

***Back to reality***

Judge: Mr. Marlon are you with us.

I heard him lightly as carmen squeeze my hand. I turned and faced him and smiled a little and said yes sir. He continued and I didn't even notice that Amyiah was already there with her mother, sisters, and lawyer. I didn't give no fucks about all that because I had the best people with me and that's the best lawyer in Atlanta GA, My beautiful fiancé , and my parents sitting in the sits behind us. He went on and on until he gave us both a time to talk about how feel and why we should have Brooklyn in our households and we couldn't say anything negative about the opposing argument because the judge could use that as evidence. She stood up first and said:

"My child was given to me by god and I grew with her for nine months. As those months went on she's changed me for the better and I can't see myself living and blooming more without her. She is everything that I need in life. She is my baby, my first love, and my true savior."

She sat down and whipped her fake ass tears. The judge said thanks and tole me to stand. I stood up and spoke my words of love.

"Brooklyn is my first child and my first true piece of happiness. Being a parent isn't easy trust me. But this little girl made my life worth living. She brings the best of me and she's truly made me grow into a man. I love her and I truly believe if she wasn't with me I couldn't fathom of being myself because she helps me be me and she truly brings out the best in me. So your honor I please as you to consider me as a father and as a strong African American man trying to do right by his child. Thank you"

As I sat down he said he had to go and deliberate. It literally took him 5 minutes to make a discussion. He sat down and his officer said, "Well I've came up with a discussion and I strongly stand by it. I feel great with the discussion of allowing Marlon to have full custody of baby Brooklynn. in addition the adoption has been granted for carmen to be the legal mother of this child. Court is adjured. Next case."

Mid-way through him saying that Amyiah was scramming as the officer took Brooklyn and brought her over to me. As we were getting up about to leave she came over to me with tears in her eyes.

***Our Conversation:***

Her: Why did you have to do this murda? Huh? you know I'm a good mother and you decide to take my baby and give my rights over to her?
Me: She ain't got nothing to do with this but since you want to bring her in it then okay let me tell you this. She is such a great mother figure for this child. She feeds her, clothed her, and takes great care of her. But you know what Amyiah I'm not gonna argue with you in front of my child, my parents, and in front of my fiancé and that's that so have a good rest of your day. God bless.

As we were walking out all could hear her say was I was gonna get it and there was nothing that was gonna stop her from getting her daughter back.

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