Chapter 12:

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Adams POV

3:00 P.M. Friday

As I was finishing with my last patient I sent them to the front to schedule their next appointment. I then walked to the back to my office and started charting. I then got a phone call and it was from Carmen.


Her: Hi Adam how are you??
Me: Good, and how are you and the family??
Her: That's good and were good.
Me: Thats good anyway the reason I got in contact with you is to ask you a few questions about Renzo because it's been a while since I've seen him.
Her: Okay shoot go ahead.
Me: Okay I was wondering when was the last time you talked to him
Her: Renzo and I ended our relationship two months ago and the last time I talked to him is when I dropped his things off at his mothers bc I found out he was cheating. Even though him and I have been over for about a year now it was made official when I found out that he had cheated that last time.
Me: I'm so sorry that he treated you that because you're a good women. However, I need to find him bc his children need their father.
Her: yea Ik but I have no idea where he could be. Also know that I think about it he was in California the last time we talked and that's all I know.
Me: Thanks for your help
Her: I have a quick question though.
Me: yea wassup
Her: how do you know Renzo if you don't mind me asking.
Me: ohh umm Renzo and I use to hang out when his first child's mother got pregnant. I invited him to play pool with me and some buddies of mine and we've been friends every since. So does that verify your question.
Her: yea well do you need anything else.
Me: no ma'ma thanks for everything though
Her: your welcome

We then hung up and I called moe and Keshia in three way and told them the news.

Carmen's POV

As soon as me and Adam hung up I immediately called my baby murda to let him know everything that I just found out.

Our conversation:

Me: Hey baby I got something really important to tell you that I think will be really important to the R situation.

Baby: Wassup and I'm glad your telling me.

Me: I will always tell you important shit that's going on. Anyway Adam use to fuck around with Renzo and they use to be best friends and shit. He's know asking questions about me and him and when was the last time I saw him and shit like that.

Baby: baby I got you. This nigga is gonna have to pay but I ain't even gonna kill em. I'm gonna make his ass remember who the fuck I am.

Me: baby don't do nothing that's gonna get you in trouble.

Baby: nahh I got a plan that's gonna send someone away for a while. But don't worry about it baby just know daddy got you.

Me: I love you and I just don't want nothing to happen to you.

Baby: I love you to and I promise I'm gonna be safe. And it won't be long I'll be home for dinner.

He hung up the phone after that and that sent me into a shock and a powerful suspicion.

Murda's POV

After getting off the phone I called Charles and joe and told them my plan and to hurry and get over her to the trap. I grabbed 4 kilos of pure coc and put it in a duffle back and went to wait on them out in the garage. As they pulled up I got in the back and put on my leather gloves and told them to head over to Adams office. 20 minutes later we pulled up to see him closing the blinds and shit. We pulled down the block and I grabbed the duffle bag and pulled out the four packs and handed it to joe and Charles but I made sure they had gloves on and they got out and ran to the back of the building .

Joe and Charles POV

We ran to the back of the building where we saw Adams G wagon and we picked the lock and put the dope in his truck along with the gun we used to shot Renzo. We also put a folder in there that contained the plans to killed Renzo and a map to his body. We also put a 100 Gs in there and a note attached that explained how thankful moe and Keshia was for killing Renzo and how they thought it was better that he was gone. We also put a burner phone that contained calls from both Keshia and MOE'S phones to this phone that's registered to Adam. As soo as we finished we shut the trunk and ran right back to the car. We then drove off and murda called his buddy at the D.E.A and let him know that he had a tip on that missing fuck Renzo.

Murda's POV

After I got off the phone with my boy at the D.E.A I texted Carmen to let her know everything was settled and that I had everything under control. Also I let her know that I was on my way to meet the family and taste that delicious meal she prepared for a nigga and to inform her that I'll something major to ask her in front of both our families. As I finished texting her I pulled out the 12 carat ring and told joe and Charles that she's was the one and tonight was the night. They both looked at me with a smile and said a king pin is about to get his queen. We all busted out laughing and went back to the trap to celebrate my future engagement.

(The ring)

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(The ring)

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