Yang and Blake then got in and ruby calmed down

"What pose should we do first?" Blake asked

"Let's to the peace sign, then the kissy face, and maybe after that we can take pictures with our partners." I don't know how Yang came up with all of that within 2 seconds but she did

"Sounds like a plan."

After that Blake and yang took their pictures and now it was me and weiss' turn

"Okay it's about to start" I looked at the camera and then at weiss *should I?*

"Ruby pay attention you're messing up the pictures!"

"My bad, sorry weiss." We finished up the pictures and it was time to end the party

"Everyone get your asses out of here or I'll kick you out literally!"  Yang screamed loud enough for everyone to hear her and within 2 seconds everyone was gone

"How'd you do that?" Blake asked

"I don't know it comes naturally." Yang then whipped her hair

"We should get going it's getting late, come on yang. We'll see you two upstairs I suppose." Blake and Yang walked away and that left me and weiss by ourselves *This'll be interesting*

Weiss -POV-                                                                                                                            

Me and Ruby were alone I was kind of nervous I don't know why but then she finally broke the silence

"What should we do? we can't just sit here the whole time and not speak."

"I mean let's go out for a walk and talk..I mean that's what best friends do right?" I asked

"Yeah, best friends..." we walked out of the party room and went outside of the building it was silent

"Did you like the party? We tried our best to remember everything you liked."

"Oh definitely you all did great and I didn't even expect it."

"Well I'm glad you liked it..." Ruby mumbled something under her breath and I didn't quite understand

"What did you say?" She blushed I wonder why

"Oh nothing I was thinking and said something out loud."

"So, to make this not awkward let's ask each other questions." I smiled

"Uh sure, who's going first?"

"You go first since I need to think of one."

"Okay....do you have your eye on anyone at beacon?" I blushed at the question it was so sudden

"Yeah I guess you could say so...I'm pretty sure they won't like me though."

"Who wouldn't like you Weiss you're amazing, beautiful, smart and, you're nice why wouldn't they like you." I blushed *i didn't know Ruby thought of me that way*

"Really? People tend to think I'm mean and short tempered."

"You're the nicest person I've ever met weiss, and not just because you're my best friend. just in general literally I'm surprised you don't have boys lined up for you."

"I didn't know you thought of me that way I always thought you would think I was mean and rude..."

"Why would I ever think of you that way weiss! I care about you, you're my best friend of course I think of you this way. You're the best bff I could ever ask for ice queen."

"Well that's nice to know for the future." * I'm pretty sure she still doesn't like me anyway.*

"Well, are you gonna ask the next question Weiss?"

"Oh right, well my question is if you ever had a crush on someone what would they be like?

"Well they would be, the opposite of me because I can't even handle myself if I met someone like me it would go nuts!" I giggled

"So you're saying someone like me?" *Why would I say that! Now she's gonna think I like her!*

"Yeah I think so." She laughed she looked so cute when she laughed it was like my favorite song

"You think we should head back? It seems to be getting late."

"Well Blake and Yang are most likely asleep so what about we go get some ice cream?"

"Sure that wouldn't be bad." We walked to the ice cream shop and we talked about school as everything it was like I could talk to her for hours

"Weiss we're here. What flavor do you want?"

"I'll just take vanilla."

"Okay, I'll take a vanilla and a root beer float."
We got our ice cream and sat down on a nearby bench

"So Ruby since you asked me, who's your crush?"

"Well I can't really tell you who but they are a really nice person. They always try their best to be as mean as they can but I know they have a soft spot."

"They sound terrible." Ruby laughed

"That's interesting."

"What do you mean? They try to be mean why can't they just be nice?"

"Well you know this person but we'll save that for another day let's go back to the dorm."

"Okay." We walked back to the dorm and walked in to see Blake and Yang in the same bed

"Weiss look how cute they look!"

"Ruby quiet down you might wake them."

"Sorry." She giggled "I'm gonna go change."

"Okay hurry so I can change too." Ruby finally changed and walked out the bathroom

"You can go in now." I went to change and walked back out after I was done I saw ruby on her bed asleep *Well that was fast.*

I went to sleep and a couple minutes later Ruby woke me up crying

"What's wrong ruby why are you crying?!"

"I had a bad dream can I sleep down here with you?" She sniffed her nose that seemed to be running

"Sure come on." We slept back to back and eventually ruby wrapped her arms around me *Oh my god she's cuddling with me!*

I wrapped my arms around her waist since she had her head on top of mine and I was laying on her chest I felt more relaxed when she wrapped her arms tighter around me

"Good night ruby." I kissed her on her forehead

Hi guys so I worked really long on this chapter and thing is it was 1527 words I hope you guys enjoy this one I'm trying my best to update everyday but I have to maintain my straight A's so I'll try my best

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