~chapter 1- Im confused~

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I opened my eyes and looked around. Leon was softly pushing my shoulder, to wake me up I assume.
"Hey, nap times over."

I leaned up and rubbed my eyes, the symphony of bone cracks filled the air. Something popped every time I moved, but it usually felt good. I glanced over at Leon, he looked tired, a little messy too. It's unfortunate what happened really, but I understand him.

I stood up and took a couple steps, then sitting down again.
"Alright, take your nap."
"Okay, keep an eye out for me."
"Of course."

He rolled over and put his hands under his head, getting comfortable. I leaned back and looked around at the familiar place. I've always wondered why it looked like this. Like the big angel statue, there's three little circles on it but no one knows what it's for. I stood up and walked over to it, putting my finger around the rim and tracing it. I looked at my finger tip, seeing the collected dust on it. I wiped it off on my jeans and looked up at her face.

I turned back around and looked at the ceiling, I focused a little harder seeing a third floor. I totally forgot about that. I walked over towards the desk and and went behind the front. The large black chest that had always been sitting there was tempting to look into. No one was around so I figured, why not? I opened it and saw rounds of ammunition stashed inside. There was no other weapons besides a combat knife and another knife i forgot the name of. They both looked basic, something you would usually see around here anyway.

I couldn't pick any of it up, the reason being was that I didn't have a uniform on and I had no holster. Currently, I had my gun hidden behind the waistband in my pants.

I suggested to myself I should look for some uniforms, for Leon and I. I wasn't exactly sure where they were but I knew it wouldn't take me long to find them.

I was dressed casual in my opinion. I was wearing some baggy jeans and a cotton undershirt. The one with the thicker straps,not the thin ones. I couldn't really explain the pants, a little worn but not too much. They went all the way down to my feet, slightly dragging on the floor. I liked the way they looked. The shoes were just plain white adidas, Leon and I had the same shoes on; which I hadn't noticed until we got here.

He was dressed more casual than I was for sure. He was wearing some jeans, not worn much I could tell. He had a windbreaker on, and under that was a grey button up with a white tee under it. He always looked good in my opinion, he has a good sense of fashion. Well, whatever you want to call it.

I blinked a couple times and remembered what I was supposed to be doing. I picked up the knife and stuck it on the back of my jeans.

It was quiet in here. All I could hear was the air conditioning circulating through the main hall. The rain outside started to pick up but it wasn't as loud as it was a couple of minutes ago when I woke up.

Each step I took made me feel like it was so loud. That's how quiet it was in here.

I walked over towards the closed garage door. It wasn't a garage door but that's what it looked like to me. It had a box next to it with a lever. I felt like it wasn't a good idea to go back there but I'll never figure it out if I don't.

I grabbed the lever tight and pulled it down. The door rolled up a couple inches, barely at all. I got on my hands and knees, trying to scope out anything on the other side.

I didn't hear or see anything so I crawled under it. There was red liquid everywhere, blood I assumed. I didn't want to touch it but I knew it was gonna get on me. I crawled under and stood up on the other side. I could feel the blood dripping down my forearms, falling off my elbow onto the floor. I rubbed it on the wall, I couldn't stand it.

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