But for Taehyung I'd immediately unleash my full hell-fired fury any day.

I was so immersed in my thoughts I was late to notice a pair of Timberlands approaching me behind my back.

"Hey, Faye."

With a tired grunt, Jungkook plopped on the ground next to me. He took a pebble and threw it across the lake, the stone skipping across the still water radiating rippled through the last sunrays for the day.

"Ha! I'm so good at this."

I smiled, wrapping my arms around myself. With autumn being near the temperatures were dropping lower and lower every day.

"What's up?" Jungkook asked, shaking his head and patting his ruffled ebony bangs.

All I could do was sigh, kissing my teeth. My chin pressed on my chest as I took a look at my reflection at the surface of the lake, distorted by the ruffled water.

"Nothing much."

Jungkook stole a small glance at me, putting his arms on top of his knees.

"Still no word from Taehyung?"

I picked up my tired eyes from the water.

"No, nothing."

He drew in a sharp breath, redirecting his gaze to the sun setting over the horizon, his face warmly lit by the pink and tangerine hues.

"He hasn't answered my phone calls either," he confided. "He hasn't shown up at work. The other doctors say he's asked for an extended break and the hospital has granted his request."

"Oh. I see."

"Faye, he just needs time to process things."

"No. He hates me."

"Come on, I doubt it's that bad-"

"Actually no, he doesn't hate me. He's repulsed by me." I uttered.

Jungkook tilted his head to the side, his face screwing with sympathy.

"I'm sorry, Faye."

"It's fine," I rested my chin on top of my palm as I continued gazing into the distance. "I'll be fine. I didn't want to leave things like this, but maybe it's for the better that Taehyung doesn't see me again. It will make the whole thing a little bit more bearable for him."

"I'm sorry but I disagree. You two need to sort things out. You can't just leave it like that. He'll come around, he just needs a little bit more time apparently."

"No Kookie, I don't want to bring any more distress upon him. I created this mess and I'll be the one to fix it. The real reason I called you here was actually to tell you that I'm leaving and I'll never be back."

His lips pouted. "Ah man, you're leaving? But why? Please don't go Faye! I... I'm going to miss you. You're the coolest girl I've ever met."

I scoffed a small chuckle and glanced over at him.

"You're probably the only human being that thinks that," I said. "You're really special Jeon Jungkook."

Suddenly he gripped at my upper-arm, the fabric of my jacket creasing underneath his long fingers.

"I'll let you leave if you do one last thing for me." he bargained.

"What?" I was confused. And man, was he mistaken if he thought he'd actually stop me from leaving.

"Please come to my birthday," Jungkook pled with sparkling eyes. "You're my friend and I want you to be there. Please Faye, I'm begging you. I'll never ask anything else of you."

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