12. Intimacy

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"Intimacy transcends the physical. It is a feeling of closeness that isn't about proximity, but of belonging."

The next morning, I was abruptly brought back to the real life by the erratic buzzing of my phone

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The next morning, I was abruptly brought back to the real life by the erratic buzzing of my phone.

I yawned, stretching out. I opened my eyes and greeted the sunshine as my heart and lungs expand. I smiled, feeling blessed for a new day, and welcomed it happily.

Stop, stop. Rewind. I'm just kidding. No one wakes up this way.

Instead of raising from heavy slumber, I simply pushed my annoying phone away from me and shoved my head back into the pillow. Now that was the beauty of being the devil's daughter, you didn't have to go to work. Or rather, not in a conventional, wake-up-at-6am kind of way.

Which was why it seemed weird that my alarm had been set for this morning. Oh well, it would stop buzzing in a second, I thought as I soaked in the warmth of my covers.

But that second passed. And then another one after that, and another one, and the damn piece of technology still wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Grunting, I uncovered my face and sat up on my elbows. I dragged my feet off the bed and shuffled to the bathroom. Meanwhile, my phone finally stopped vibrating, probably having realized that it would meet its doom soon if it didn't stop.

But then the harsh ringing of the doorbell echoed in my apartment ad I dragged my feet to the door. I pressed the button on the intercom and the screen lit up, revealing a rather nervous looking Taehyung.

"Taehyung." I mumbled gruffly, rubbing away the remnants of my sleep.

"Hi." Came his voice, his eyes darting before fixating on the small camera. "Were you asleep?"

I scoffed.

"No, I was just practicing my death."

He looked a little bemused, uncomfortable even. For a moment, he just kept staring at the camera. I wasn't saying anything on purpose, still upset about last night when he rejected me.

"Do you want to go and have breakfast together?" he asked. "I have my day off."

My stomach growled hungrily, leaving me no choice. Without a second thought, I made a decision.

"I'll be down in five." I said, removing my finger from the button.

A quick shower later, I was already taking the stairs down the building's exit. I yanked the door open and my gaze cast over Taehyung with his back leaned against his car, one foot in front of the other. The morning breeze ruffled his jet black hair slightly, the lustrous texture flowing gracefully.

When he noticed me, he turned to greet me, and his full lips stretched into that same damn rectangular smile that made me weak at my knees.

Oh no, please don't give me that. Not that smile.

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