CHAPTER 24: Hospital

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Hoseok and I were currently practicing when my phone rings, Sanha told me to move aside first before giving me my phone. I walk to the side and look at my phone.

It was an unknown number but still I answered it.

Now Calling


"Hello, who's this?"

"Hello? Is this, Mrs. Nam's daughter?"

"Yes this is her, why?"

"We would just like to inform that your mother was charge to our hospital just now, without any other further notice we would like to see you here now"

"My mom?! I'll be there, What Hospital?"

"Bundang Jesaeng Hospital ma'am"

"Thank you, I'll be there soon"

Call Ended

I slowly put my phone down as my tears also falls down, I lowered my head and I can feel the surroundings went quiet. The song that was playing on the speaker was now turned off and no noise was been heard except from my muffled sobs.

Slowly I heard footsteps coming my way and without any further due, I felt someone hug me.

"What ever happened, I'm sure you'll mom will be okay, I am sure she will, I am sorry cause I am not good with my words but remember what you've told me before? Your mom will just hug you and you'll feel better, now I'll hug no matter what just to make sure you'll be alright" by the voice I knew it was Hoseok, I buried my face more in his shoulder for seconds until I've let go

I stared down at the floor as Sanha put his hands on my shoulders "Let's go see your mom, come on!" Sanha said as cheerful as possible even its visible that he himself was also worried

I wiped my tears away and sigh "Your right, let's go see my mom" I said and with that, we've pack everything up and ride a taxi down our way to the hospital.

Unlike the usual me, I am much more quiet our way to the hospital, I didn't dare to talk and the car was only filled with Sanha and Hoseok's voice trying to comfort me. Even though they we're comforting me, I can't stop thinking.

What if mom leaves me? What will I do without her?

After the long ride, I didn't notice that we we're there already until I felt Hoseok tap my shoulders, I looked at him and he smiled

"Let's go?" he asked and I just nod before exiting the taxi

We run to the nearest information desk to ask where mom is and to our surprise it was worst than we thought

"Hello, we've receive a call telling my mom was here?" I asked and the nurse in charge looked at me

"May I know the name of the patient?" she asked "Nam Eunyoung" I said

"Nam Eunyoung? She was currently in the ICU do you want me to guide you there?" She asked and with tears again threatening to fall I nod

When we arrive there and the doctor just exited the room

"Are you her daughter?" the doctor asked and I nod "Well, your mom is fine now, but I can't promise she will be this fine for the next days, your mom has been fighting for so long and I believe she really did her best, based on the data your mom has been suffering since..... 2014? Is that right?" he asked

"Yes, that was right" I silently replied "Your very lucky your mom survived that long, well I am sure your mom is waiting for you, go on enter the room" the doctor said

"Thank you" I replied before he walks away and disappeared within our sight

I look over to Sanha and Hoseok and they just smiled "Go on, get inside now, it's now or never" Sanha urge me and I smiled a little trying to hide my sadness "Thank you" I said

Before fully entering the ICU I worn the things I have to wear to avoid complications.

PLAY SONG: (This song is a special song because it's my first time using a non-BTS song on a BTS fanfic) Super Market Flower by Ed Sheeran

Once I entered there, I saw mom laying down on the bed almost lifeless, she was looking very pale and many tubes was connected to her body just to keep her breathing

She looked at me then smile, instead of talking she motioned me to go near her so I walked closer and took a seat on the chair next to her bed, she raised her hand to grab my cheeks but since she was weaker I just put my face close so that she will reach it, she wiped the tears that didn't stop from falling ever since I entered her room.

"Mom...." I called out and cry like a baby "You're still my baby aren't you? Don't cry" she weakly said but I just can't stop

"Mom don't leave me" I said and she smiled "only if I could Aerum, only if I could" she said

"What will I do without you then?" I asked her tears still falling down "I am sure you'll do just fine, you live for the two of us and if I leave you'll live just for yourself only, you can do things you haven't done before" She said but I shook my head

"No, I'd rather be beside you...... don't leave me mom" I requested and tears also starts to fall from her eyes

"Okay, I'll try to, I promise I won't leave my daughter" she weakly said.

"Aerum, move closer" she said asking me to hug her

When I did she caress my hair "Do you know what reminded me of this moment?" she asked "what is it mom?" I asked before sobbing

"The moment you were born, back then I caress your head like this before, back then your father and I are the happiest parents in the world, and even then you grow you never failed to make us happy, remember when your dad left us? And you run to me while crying asking if it was your fault, I felt sorry for you my little princess. Others might hate their child after a divorce but you? I never regret having you in my life, look at you now" she said breaking the hug looking at me

"Your all grown up now" she said as I take a sit once again. I hide my face on her hand as she continued to speak

"Aerum promise me something" she said but I didn't answer "Achieve your dreams for me, don't be afraid okay?" she said and I just nod

"Aerum, always remember mom loves you, I tried to fight but I just can't anymore, sorry if I won't be able to watch you dance okay?.................. Mom will be watching you from above........" She said and I cried even harder cause the next thing I've heard is

The heart monitor alarming that the person is dead, that the line has already straiten, and that mom's heart already stopped beating

I continued to cry while caressing her now ice cold hands before saying the words I never told her even for years now...............

"Mom, I love you too"


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