CHAPTER 26: Advice

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TIME SKIP: That Night


When the sun sets and the moon rose up very high and bright, Aerum slowly drifted to sleep at the table by the corner near where the ashes of her mom's body lies.

Next to me was Hoseok who was silently watching her as if Aerum will disappear any second if he blinks, I was trying to read his face al through while he was staring at her and it was very evident that he was very concern about her state, me myself was also concerned about her but him? It's twice as much as mine.

About the guests, many have already went home but some decided to stay specially Mrs. Kim, she always check on Aerum and I can tell very well that she treats Aerum like her daughter too, She'll bring her food, comfort her, sometimes sits beside her, and mostly she was trying to cheer her up.

I sigh at the current sight I was facing, it was very quiet and gloomy, if I try to be noisy and make a joke it'll be too rude to do so, that's why I am keeping myself quiet too. I was being quite for too long already and I can't take it no more.

I nudge Hoseok's arms and he looked at me then back at Aerum "Why?" He asked

"Has Aerum, eaten yet?" I asked him "I think so, I am sure Mrs. Kim won't let her sleep without eating we saw how she act moments ago" Hoseok replied and like him I also looked at Aerum loss in words

"You know what? The more I look at Aerum the more I think she's lying" Hoseok blurted out which make me looked at him confused

"Why did you think so?" I asked him

"I've been looking at her for hours now, and the more I look at her, the more I can see she was really messed up, she keeps on telling she'll be fine but I just can't see where is the fine in her state" He explained and he was sort of right

I heave I sigh and started talking "As much as I want to believe she was saying the truth, I just can't bring myself to, Like you I was also staring at her but not for hours, I can see that she might cry anytime. To be honest I am much more relieve if she's sleeping that awake" I said and Hoseok agrees

"At least when she's asleep she can rest her tired heart" he added and I looked at him

"How about your heart?" I asked him and he looked at me confused "What about my heart?"

"Hmm just....... How?" I said and he thinks "Well me and my mom, we're still not fine. I haven't seen her too, and I am sure that if she saws me she'll show despise while my dad, I haven't seen him too" He said and I face palmed

"Not that type of heart, your heart that is for Aerum, the heart she fills, and the heart you were giving her" I said clearing everything he misunderstands and in a second his face turned red

"That.... I actually don't know what to do" he said and I frowned "What do you mean you don't know" I asked him and he shrug

"Come on man, there got to be something in your mind!" I said getting really frustrated

"I am thinking about just loving her silently" he said averting his gaze back on Aerum

"I don't know if I might regret it soon but I don't want to destroy the friendship we had, out of all the people in the school I only have the two of you and now that I have feelings for her I can't afford to lose her too, Life is hard for her right now and all I want to do is stay by her side, even if that means I'll be loving her silently, and even if that specifically means I'll get hurt, I'll do it just for her, cause all I know is I love her" He explained giving the vibe more sadness to it

I patted his back and talked "Loving her silently is not the only option" I said and he looked at me then at the floor

"What do you mean by that? He asked and I sigh

"I've known Aerum ever since, and she was a very considerate person, she thinks about things before moving and she considers other people's feelings first before herset before herself, you see....... She consider other's first before her own good, I don't know if she feels the same for you but I am sure she won't let your friendship go like that" I explained

"What are you trying to say?" he asked and I heave the deepest sigh I can heave, this boy is rather annoying or innocent

"Of course Confess! C-O-N-F-E-S-S, do I have to spell it out or shout?" I asked him

"I know what you mean I was just afraid to guess it right" he said

"Why are you so afraid I've told you already, everything will be just fine Aerum is different from other girls okay, she is the only girl that can bravely enter an abandoned building without getting scared of ghost, pests, and the dark, she is very unsociable and she hides her feeling even it is evident! I don't blame you if you like her but dude please confess, damn!" I said getting all frustrated

"When then" he said

"Yes yes! Confe- Wait you're really confessing!?" I asked and he sighed

"I can't do anything, the more you talk the more my heart and ears can't take it, your words make my heart ache and you mouth make my ears bleed" he said but instead of getting humiliated I felt happy

"I thought convincing you will be tough but it's a lot easier than I think" I said in joy

"When should I confess then?" he asked and I think

"we'll see" I said and looked at Aerum......

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