CHAPTER 4: In the School

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TIME SKIP: The next day


Yesterday after I run out of the abandoned building, I was not full of any worries until when I reached home, I realized that my guitar was not with me and since I was hundred percent terrified to even try and go back there, I decided to stay home and maybe get it back once I am more, calm?

Anyways I woke up early then took a bath and do my mourning rituals before going to the kitchen, since it's too early to go to school, I decided to cook some porridge for mom, after that I took a glass of water and went to mom's room

"Mom?" I called out "Are you asleep?" I asked

"Aerum?" mom said and tried to stand up all by herself but it's too late, I've put the porridge and water to the nearest platform and help her to sit up

"Mom you know that you're getting weaker, don't stand up when you can't" I said and she sigh before nodding and smiling

"I know" she weakly said before I gave her the food I cooked for her

"Here, eat this while it's still hot" I said "Thanks" she replied

I sat there besides her assisting her with her eating and drinking then after that I put the dirty dishes to the kitchen sink and wash them before going back to where mom is

"Mom, I'll go now call me if you need something, okay?" I said

"I'll be just fine, you, worry about yourself you're going to be late now" she warned so I checked my watch

"Oh right! Bye mom!" I hug her and ran my way to the school

Once I entered the room luckily our teacher was not there yet, so I took my chance to take my seat. Moments later the teacher arrived and the lesson immediately strated

TIME SKIP: Last Subject (Specialization)

After all the other classes at last, my day at school is coming to an end. We are now in our last subject, our specialization and as what I've told ya'll, I specialize in Vocals or singing.

I took a sit at my usual seat or more like permanent seat and there was Sanha sitting next to me eating ice cream. I looked at him as he looked back, but he only smiled

"Hey u-uhm, is that allowed?" I asked him but he just pouted

"Well, it's cold and bad for our throat but it's food and good for treats so, why not?" he defended so I just sigh in response. I took some notes out of my bag and placed them on the table. After that I checked my phone and there were no text nor calls from mom, That's the only things I have to do and for now there's nothing for me to do so I can entertain myself. Since the teacher was still not here I decided to take a short nap, I put my head on the table and slowly I can feel all the tiredness I have and drifted to sleep.

After some time I guess, I felt someone shaking my body so I can wake up, when I opened my eyes I immediately look to my left and saw Sanha.

"Glad you're awake, the teacher's here stand up" he said and I did "He still didn't notice you don't worry" he added and I sigh in relief

"Thanks" I said and he just nod, we greeted the teacher and took seat.

"Okay, so everyone listen!" he yelled as the room started to get noisy, he got everyone's attention because of his sudden scream

"As we all know, in vocal class, we have an activity project every grading right? And 2nd grading period is about to end, so I've decided to give you your activity" she said and we all listened

"Instead of singing alone I want all of you to work by pairs, understood? Once I got back here I want all of you beside your pairs, got it?" she asked and we all nod

Once she left the room I heave a sigh and Sanha notice it "Afraid are we?" he asked and I nod

"Dude why pair up with other students when I can pair up with you, no need to interact with others, plus I know your reasons" he said and a small smile appeared on my face

"Are you sure caus-" he cut my sentence by saying "I'm sure, and besides I'm your friend so no need to worry" he assured me for the second time

"Thank you so much" I said and smiled at him "Always welcome" he said and smiled back

As if on cue, our teacher entered the room once again holding a paper

"Put your name and your partner's name here in the paper, once you've written the names here you can't change it back? Got it? Cause if so I'll have to edit the score sheet again" she warned and we all just nod

She gives the paper to the student and its pair to the very front and was passed on to every student until it reached us, I wrote my name and Sahna's name on it before passing it on someone beside us, after writing stuffs the list of names went back to our teacher and she examine it. She looked at me and I felt really nervous.

"Are you two sure? Cause I'm sure this will be very unfair" she asked and I was confused

"I heard you sing before miss Aerum back at the auditions for the vocal class, and I always hear Sanha sing and you two had the best vocals so far" she said

"The other students doesn't have any reclaims so why not?" Sanha said like an innocent baby who doesn't care about whatever he says

The teacher just sighed and said "Okay, if you all say so" she said and put the paper at the table in front of her

"In this project I will give you your freedom to choose your song, and this will be presented two day from now" she announced

"WHAT!" We all yelled in shock but she remained stiff

"What do you mean what? We are in a rush here people, and besides we won't have classes starting from now up to the performance date so all of you can plan" she said and we all calmed down

"I thought we have to study and at the same time plan the project, Gosh" Sanha said "Me too" I said while calming myself down

"Speaking of planning, should we also plan out the school?" he requested "Sure, but as long as we go home early, you know that my mom was sick right?" I said and he smiled

"Don't worry I understand you" he said and after that we continued to plan on what are we going to do




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